Happy Wife, Happy Life

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Oh my god.... We have already reached 200 reads?! This book isn't even that good! Wow, um, thank you all! And here's a special chapter for you all!


Lucifer lifted his head from the case file, looking at his wife with wonder, "Yes dear?"

Riley smiled, walking over to him and placing a full plate of breakfast in front of him. He ogled the eggs, bacon, toast with jam, and the large cup of his favorite coffee.

He looked up at Riley and smiled brightly, kissing her temple before returning to work, "Thank you my love."

Riley sat down next to him and grabbed some of his files, starting to work on them. She ignored the confused look from her husband.

"Uh, no ma'am, these are," he attempted to take them but Riley was quicker, "mine.."

She cheekily grinned, "I finished mine," she returned to filling out the paperwork, "—— is at school. So we are alone until the bud arrives."

Lucifer smirked mischievously, "Are we now?"

Riley looked back at him with the same smirk, "We are my dear."

Riley gasped as she was hit with a blue shell, "What the hell Lucifer!"

"Quite the opposite," he was hit with a banana, "You little!"

He shut the game off and pinned her to the couch, leaving small and ticklish kisses down Riley's neck.

She giggled and pushed him back a bit, kissing him on the lips fervently. The devil smirk into the kiss and ran his hands up her shirt. Which was actually his, she wore baggy gray sweatpants with his own pajama t-shirt. While he himself wore a casual but professional suit.

She grabbed his face, pulling him closer as he continued to play with the hem of her shirt. She gasped as his hands traveled up from her waist to her chest.

He pulled away just to latch his lips back down to her neck, but this time he passionately let his lips travel down her collarbone up to below her ear.

He huskily whispered in her ear, "You're so beautiful love."

She smiled and pecked him on the lips, "And you are one handsome devil."

He softly smiled and pecked her again, getting off her and heading back to the dining table to finish his "other meal" and finalize the reports.

Riley followed closely behind him, trying to straighten out her shirt in the process. She poured herself her own cup of coffee and went back to finish the cases she stole from her beloved.

The two were happily silent, comfortable in each others presence. There were no worries.

"Lucifer! Stop writing down your sex as 'preferred with Mrs. Morningstar'!"

Okay, maybe there was one..

Devils Luck | Lucifer x Fem!OcWhere stories live. Discover now