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(That's Lila ^^)


"Brother you must calm yourself!"

Lucifer raged, "What the hell did you say to me. THAT IS NOT YOUR MATE DOWN THERE! That is not your wife sitting in her bed because my most trusted just-"

"Lucifer!" Linda interrupted, "You are the only one who can go down there, why haven't you?"

Lucifer paced the room furiously, "This is all part of His plan. He wants me to go save Aileth and then he will lock me in hell like he always does!"

Amenadiel wiped his red and irritated eyes once more, "He wouldn't do this to Ali. Not like this.."

Uriel was as well furious, "I don't know Amenadiel, he's done some things to her that none of us can even comprehend as sane."

Linda was getting frustrated, "So you won't go down there to save your wife because you still choose to rebel against your father? You ASSHOLE!"

Uriel groaned, "Lucifer, we can't do anything else to help. We can't travel to hell, you have to."

Lucifer was continuing to grow more and more homicidal. He was willing to do anything for her, and now he was putting that idea to theory. He has to save her, and he's going to make sure Crowley is punished.

His eyes grew a dangerous red as slits formed in his eyes, "Then be sure to pull me out of hell when I come back."


Aileth stared at the ceiling, ignoring the knocking on her door, the past few days had been- well, hell.

She was sore and mentally broken, she didn't have the motivation to get out of bed anymore. She didn't have the urge to eat, she didn't desire anything anymore. She just wished she could fall asleep forever.

"Mrs. Aileth, you must eat. You haven't eaten in days.." The maid on the other side of the wooden door spoke quietly, not wanting to scare Aileth.

The maid service had made sure to keep the butlers and male members away from Aileth, they still did they job with no hassle from the others but they all collectively agreed it would be best.

The guards did the same, making sure only two male guards would be seated at her door while the rest would be outside her corridor. The female warriors would constantly check in, even going so far as to enter the room.

They were pissed, furious as much as Lucifer one could say. Aileth was always open to their beliefs in gender equality. She brought the issue to Lucifer. Aileths stomach swarmed at the thought of Lucifer. She remembered that conversation well.


"I just think there should be more female guards in the castle."

Lucifer nodded, stacking his papers, "I agree."

Aileth crossed her arms, "I think I should leave you and get married to Lila."

Lucifer nodded, "Sounds great love." He pushed up his glasses and signed papers, not even listening to her.

Aileth snatched the papers from him, "Listen to me you ungrateful man." She said sternly, standing tall she regained her calm persona, "I believe there are not enough female leaders here in hell. All my guards are male as well as the service men working in the main compartments of service. I wish to hire more women."

Lucifer sighed, "I love it when you get all demanding."


Aileth lightly smiled, she wished he had cared enough to check in on her, but she was happy with the family she had here.

Devils Luck | Lucifer x Fem!OcWhere stories live. Discover now