Damn you to Hell...

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Riley clutched at her side, David had hit her in the abdomen with a bat he had found in his closet. The skin already bruising from underneath her outfit.

 The skin already bruising from underneath her outfit

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"I don't understand..." Dan muttered, "He tried so hard to get our attention but then runs when we know it's him. He wanted us to know it was him but he didn't want to know we knew."

Riley sadly looked at David's body, limping slightly as she checked for a pulse, she left out a relieved sigh, "He'll be fine, the gunshot hit his leg. I guess he got knocked out when he hit the floor."

Lucifer steered his attention to Riley's wound, "Is that going to be okay? Maybe we should get it checked."

Riley shook her head no, pulling her shirt down a bit, "I'll be fine. Anyway, we have an ambulance on the way correct? As well as the rest of the SWAT team yeah?"

Dan nodded, gesturing to the remaining SWAT members who had come in to make sure there wasn't anything dangerous before the officers could check for evidence.

Riley, Dan, and Lucifer had sat outside. Waiting for the lieutenant to arrive with better news. The suspect had been taken to the nearby hospital by the ER Authorities.

Riley looked over at the house, shivers being sent down her spine. The house was obviously old, the stone was covered in over greens while the wood on the house had splinters and visible termite holes. This had to be his second location.

Her thoughts were spiraling but a deep voice interrupted her, "Well, what you did was incredibly stupid."

Riley clenched her fists but didn't say anything, knowing that speaking out wasn't going to get either of them anywhere.

"You were reckless and didn't even think about your teammates, you obviously don't care enough about them to even consider they might get hurt." The lieutenant continued, his hands crossed and his face showing frustration and disappointment.

Riley stood up, hissing in a bit of pain, "Listen here, you can downgrade me all you want. I've heard it all before, call me a bitch, call me a whore. I could care less." She lifted her vision, a venomous glare stabbing into his own soul, "But say I don't care about my family, and I'll personally sign a lawsuit."

Peirce's eyes went wide before narrowing slightly, "I see." Was all he said before walking away towards some witnesses.

Riley sat back down with a relaxed sigh, she glanced back over at Peirce.


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