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Riley hesitantly made it into the elevator. Clicking the button to get to the top floor. She closed her eyes and held the metal bars with clenched fists.

Lucifer snorted at her, "Well your never gonna get over your fear if you end up breaking the elevator."

Riley glared at him, "You better watch yourself before I drop kick you to the ground."

(This is not an actual episode, it is closely similar to one but isn't technically one)

Lucifer laughed at the naked body, "Well this lad got laid. Get it? Cause he's laying on the ground?"


Ella watched in awe as Riley ignored him. She looked over the body and sighed.

"Yeah, I get it Mr. Morningstar. But he wasn't, he was thrown. Well, more like choked on that wall and pushed to the side after dying by asphyxiation. Hey Mrs. Lopez?" Riley turned to see her staring at herself.

Ella came out of thought when she cleared her throat, "Sorry! I-Um, yeah! You got it pretty spot on! Poor guys name is Jason Finn and Mrs, Lopez makes me sound old, call me Ella."

Riley smiled at her, "Thank you Ella."

"Well this seems personal so I think it might be a work issue or a family/friend issue. Got anything else?" Riley asked, standing up.

Espinoza came in with some files, "Yeah, apparently he got into a fight with his wife before he died. His brother didn't appreciate that and kicked him out."

Riley took the papers from Dave and smiled at him, "Thank you Mr. Espinoza.."

He smiled back, "No problem, do you want me to bring the wife and brother? And Dan is fine."

"Okay Dan, it's not either of them, but maybe we can get some information from them." Riley theorized.

Dans eyes widened, "How do you know it's not them?"

"The wife may of had a motive but if the brother kicked him out, he most likely stayed there with her to comfort her. Saying he was killed about an hour after leaving his house I'm saying he was in some sort of debt." Riley said expertly.

Dan, Ella, and Lucifer all looked at her in mild shock.

"Wow..." Ella breathed out.

Riley smiled bashfully, "Dan, can you go check in on his work? See if there were any coworkers or customers he had issues with, Ella, I want you to examine around the place a bit more, maybe try and find some fingerprints on the railings? Me and Mr.Morningstar will question the wife and brother."

They all nodded and returned to work.

"So, you're telling me, he went to a costume party. Got drunk and slept with a woman dressed up as a demon and him and some other guy started a fight? Seems like a jealous serial to me." Dan said, looking through some files.

Lucifer rolled his eyes.

Ella ran in, "Guys! I got some news! So you know the party this guy went to? Well there's another one tonight! And my moneys on this guys going to be there."

Riley nodded, "Okay, so it seems our killer is a religious type. Guess we will just have to play devil."

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