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(No intro- just enjoy! And thank you all
for getting me this far!)


His eyes trailed her body like flames puckering at a fire place. She felt heated and bothered by his stare.

Yet, she loved it. She loved when he wouldn't let her talk to anybody else just so he could kiss her passionately and moan into the intense and intimate bond they had been sharing.

She smirked, "Lucifer... don't be so dirty."

The devil smiled, he liked this girl, "Oh but Miss, don't be so modest. I see your eyes."

"I see what's in them..."

Aileth felt tingles through her body, she had just met the devil and already felt the intimate bond being strung between the two.

She hummed seductively, slowly walking to where he was sitting. As she put both of her hands on each knee she squat down in front of him.

"Lucifer.. You feel it? The embers prickling your skin? The immerse pleasure in looking at me?"

She teasingly ran her soft and gentle hands up to his belt, to which she played with the loops, pouting she looked him in the eyes.

"I feel much more darling..."

Lucifer smirked, his heart was pounding. Which was odd, considering he's done this with plenty of other women. What made this one any different?

Aileth looked over Lucifers head and pouted again, standing up and fixing herself before bowing and taking her leave.

Lucifer felt crossed, she had left with no word. No sound, nothing...


Lucifer rolled his eyes and groaned, leaning his head behind the sofa to gaze at his older brother, "Ah- Amenadiel, so good to see you.."

"Lucifer what are you doing here?"

His brother hissed, fucking snake...

Lucifer grabbed a drink from the caterer and smiled at her, but he didn't feel anything for her.

"How bizarre.."


"How bizarre?"

Lucifer nodded, "How bizarre..."

(If you know you know)

Amenadiel sat next to him but far enough away to where he was comfortable, "Answer my question. Why are you here?"

"Not pleased to see me brother?"

Amenadiel looked up and then let out a sigh, "Not when you insist on flirting with Aileth..."

Lucifer almost spat out his drink, coughing he looked at his brother in pure shock, "Aileth?! The one who was made to be one of our wives?? That Aileth?!"

"You didn't think this was just a party no? This is the choosing ceremony, where one of us will be blessed with an Angel for a lover. It is said to be an honor and it helps balance the need for emotions."

Amenadiel finished with a smile, "I feel a connection with her, though I don't know what it is..."

"So you don't know if your horny or if your just in love?"

He gaped, "Lucifer!"

"What! I'm serious!" Lucifer said, very seriously.

Amenadiel denied the waiter from handing him a drink, "Love is not a word prominent between angels here. Only between the Lord and us, his children."

Lucifer sat unimpressed, drinking a bottle of champagne by now. He acted like he knew what his brother was telling him but in truth he never paid any attention to school or the Bible when he was young. He burned all the Bible's he could get his hands on.

I mean, why not? Just a book right? The gospel, oh shit your right... not good..

And yet, he sat there. The evilest of creatures, the terriblest of sins, the most disgusting thing on the planet. At a party for angels and whatever Aileth was. Unaware of the future he was about to be given... what now?

After all this time he spent alone, what now? He wanted her to tease him again, he wanted to take her to Central Park, he wanted to show her the world. But, why? Why did he feel this way?

When his name was bared from the cup he was in shock. The devil, Lucifer Morningstar, was given a second chance at love. A second chance with life. But, why? Why him of all people deserving of such love from Aileth. Why him?

Because, even if you are the cruelest person in the planet, something will come around to lift you. Doesn't mean you are suddenly a good person. Lucifer will never forget what he has done and the things he has said. But he is learning that.

Aileth isn't going anywhere, she isn't going to leave him. That was what he needed, to claim his rightful crown and throne at hell. To gather his best men (and women) to fight in a battle against the one thing that had given him a chance.

She isn't leaving him, but, he may be leaving her.....


"Don't ^cough^ come a-any clo-ser!"


"Amenadiel please!"

"She's mine..."

The reason of season: the reason Lucifer doesn't want Aileth to leave was because heaven and hell had gone to war before they had gone to earth. Over Aileth, because Amenadiel felt as though she belonged to him. But Aileth and Lucifer had already fallen in love

(Cheesy and done at 2 in the morning cause I was bored... sorry for the shitty book... :) happy birthday to me)

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