Guys, gals, and pals! WTAF?!

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Err, wut...

Why?! I mean, thank you guys to much but, why?????

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Why?! I mean, thank you guys to much but, why?????

Out of all the stories you could've read you read this one and I wanna say thank youuuu! Also- yes, I have two stories in the making for this book and so far I am SO CLOSE to finishing the special and the next chapter so stay tuned!

I apologize for not posting in a while I have finals coming up this Thursday and Friday so it's kinda hectic but I will try as hard as I can to get this done! I believe there will be a total of 45 chapters before I end this book.

Maybe I'll make a second one? If you lovely readers would enjoy that lemme know! Thanks again and see you on the other side!

Later losers💛

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