Feliz Navidad (Creepypasta x Reader)

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The art in this chapter is made by sally_williams_art  on Instagram

Requested by: no one

Words: 702

Genre: Fluff

Associated song: Feliz Navidad - José Feliciano

(A/n: Merry (late) Christmas, happy (late) Hanukkah, and happy Kwanzaa! I wanted to make this oneshot the least Christmas oriented as possible, despite the title.)


"I want to wish you a merry Christmas, from the bottom of my heart!"

As the holiday season approaches, the mansion residents get more antsy. The excitement of Christmas being right around the corner is getting to everyone. From what you know, not everyone in the mansion celebrates Christmas. despite this, you still show your love and appreciation for your peers and get everyone in the mansion presents! You would get Slender's brothers and their creeps presents too, but you don't have the money, and they aren't coming over this year. Mostly due to the Covid-19 pandemic. So, you just got presents for your peers.

You stopped by a store in the Under realm and bought solid color metallic wrapping paper and bows. You already have the gifts at home, some you'll need a box for some. You finish up shopping and return to the mansion, you go to your room and find the stash or presents. You bought all the creeps something this year. BEN is getting a cool PS5 controller you fund online that lights up green, Jeff is getting a butterfly knife, Clockwork is getting some cologne, Jane is getting a gorgeous black silken robe, Ej is getting a set of brand new medical tools, Liu is getting another scarf, Lj is getting a bunch of sweets, Sally is getting a dress based off of her favorite Disney princess (Rapunzel), Toby will be getting sharpeners for his twin hatchets, Smile will be getting a raw-hide bone, Masky and Hoodie will also be getting cologne, and Slender will be given the newest novel of his favorite series.

After approximately two hours, you finish wrapping the presents. Now, time to hide the evidence. You take a trash bag, throw away all the scraps and wrappers and shove the perfectly wrapped gifts in your closet. You addressed all of the gifts from you except for Sally's gift. You addressed that one from Santa. You hauled the trash bag of scraps down to throw them away.

Unfortunately, you ran into Liu. "Hey, what's that bag for?" he asks, you panic for a second. "Oh! I cleaned up my room today!" you answer. Liu eyes you suspiciously, before shrugging and walking off. You wiped sweat off of your brow that you hadn't noticed was there before. You threw away the scraps and then make your way back to your room. You had already ate dinner, so you flop down on your bed and pass out.

Little fists pounding at your door scares you awake. You almost fall out of bed. Getting up, you hobble over to your bedroom door. You open your door to reveal a tiny child, "MERRY CHRISTMAS Y/N!" Sally yells excitedly, you chuckle and pat her on her head. "Merry Christmas Sally." You said sleepily. You check your phone, the clock reads seven thirty am. You tell Sally to go wait in the living room as you get ready. Sally nods and jogs down the hall and down the staircase. You return to your room.

After about ten minutes, you come out of your room wearing normal clothes. You make your way down to the living room, with a garbage bag thrown over your shoulder. Once you get down the stairs, Sally's face morphs into confusion. "What's that bag for Y/n?" she asks. You smile and pull out a gift wrapped in metallic pink wrapping paper and a purple bow slapped on top.

Sally sprints over and takes the present from your hand. She tears open the present as her face contorts to one of pure joy. She jumps up and down and squeals out of excitement. She hugs your knees and thanks you up and down for the gift. You hug her back and begin to pass around gifts to the other creeps. They all love the gifts you gave them, in this moment you couldn't be happier. 

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