I'm Yours (Slenderwoman X Female!Reader)

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The art in this chapter is made by me!

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Words: 1,039

Genre: Fluff

Associated song: I'm Yours - Jason Mraz

!Tw! None!


"Well, open up your mind and see like me, open up your plans and damn you're free. Look into your heart and you'll find love, love, love, love."

Flipping over on your bed, you open your eyes to find your beautiful wife laying next to you. Her jet black hair fell over her perfectly. Her muscles aren't as tense as they usually are. She looks so relaxed, you crack a smile at the thought of her relaxed. Your poor spouse has gone through so much to keep her mansion in line, and on top of that, she also has to pay bills and negotiate with her sisters as well. So, you bugged her to take a day off. Slenderwoman finally caved and put her proxies in charge of the mansion today.

You feel her stir, you gently move a piece of her hair out of her face. "Morning honey," you purr, resting your right hand on the side of her face. Slenderwoman chuckles and takes your wrist in her hand. She strokes your wrist with her thumb, "Good morning sweetie," she responds. You scoot closer to her and give her a peck on the cheek.

Slenderwoman pulls you closer and nuzzles her head into your shoulder. "What do you wanna do today honey?" You ask, rubbing her back. "Hmmmm, I heard about a new cafe open in the Underworld called Hell's Finest. I heard they have really good scones, and I wanna try one." She explains, you nod. "When do you want to go?" You ask, "Mmmnn not now," she says, pulling you closer to her.

After an hour of cuddling, Slenderwoman and you decide to get ready to go down to the Underworld. The Underworld is another realm were a lot of deities, demons, eldritch beings, etc, live. The mansion residents go down there often, since they can't go anywhere in the human realm without being recognized. There's a certain room in the mansion where there is a portal to the Underworld. Think of the crawlspace door in Coraline, but a huge oak door. Once you open the door, there's a room made of concrete with dingy lights attached to the ceiling.

There's a ramp that leads you down to a door. The door leads to the backroom of a Slender-family owned bakery, specifically run by Slenderwoman's sister, Splendorwoman. Slenderwoman and you exit the bakery and walk down Chartreuse ave. The bakery you popped out of is one of many businesses in this part of the Underworld, thankfully, this part isn't as busy as the other parts. You and Slenderwoman chat as you make your way down to the cafe.

Once you get there, you hold the door open for your lovely spouse. "Ladies first," you say, winking at her. She chuckles and steps through the door. You step through the door after her and look around. The cafe walls are painted a rich maroon color. They have beautiful medieval French tables and chairs painted jet black. A neon sign in the shape of a rose catches your eye, as well as many red potted plants, Dahlias and Peonies specifically. A popular painting of the fallen angel, Satan sits on the wall across from the neon rose sign. A black coffin-shaped shelf with many nick knacks sits behind the demon working as the cashier.

The cafe seems to be run by all demons. That's probably why it's called Hell's Finest. "Hello, my name is Nyx, what can I get for you today?" The cashier is a Gothic looking demon (pictured above), wearing a dark purple shirt that contrasts their red skin tone. They are wearing a lanyard that had a Non-binary flag pin attached to it along with a Libra pin, a Ravenclaw pin, and a pin that says "We are the weirdos mister" in the shape of a heart.

"I would like a raspberry macaroon, a strawberry scone, and two orders of black coffee, no sugar or anything please." You say to the cashier, they write your order down and place it on the counter behind them. They ring a little service bell next to the slip of paper. Another demon pops their head up and grabs the paper off the counter. You and Slenderwoman sit down at one of the many sets of tables. You pull your chair out for Slenderwoman and she sits down.

"Thank you, Y/n." You blush at her stoic, soft tone. "Anything for you, love." You respond, taking her hand in yours. Her hands are big compared to yours, to be fair she is seven feet tall and an eldritch being. But you love her all the same. The cashier from before sets a silver tray down on Slenderwoman's and your table. It had the macaroon you ordered, the scone, and the two coffees, just the way you like them. You sip and munch on your macaroon and chat with Slenderwoman. You zone out, not because the conversation is stale, but because she's ethereal.

The eldritch woman in front of you is perfect, from her nonexistent face to her black appendages that come out from her back sometimes. Her pitch black hair falls to her shoulders and goes to her lower back. Her business chic style, even if she has a day off, she always looks so professional. She's always so elegant and stoic, you could only DREAM to have that forever calm aura she radiates. The patience she has with her pastas and proxies as well, you could never. You're wife is a goddess.

You come out of your dreamy state when a white hand is waved in front of your face. You automatically snap out of your dreamy state and look at Slenderwoman. "Are you okay Y/n?" she asks, worry and concern laced into her tone. You nod. "Sorry love, I just zoned out on your gorgeousness." you say with a wink. You can see a light pink blush creep onto her non-existent face.

After that, you and Slenderwoman head back to the mansion. You both chill out at the mansion watching movies and eating Chinese takeout in bed.

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