Rebel Girl (Clockwork x Female!Reader)

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The art in this chapter is made by on Instagram

Requested by: No one

Words: 981

Genre: I have no idea

Associated song: Rebel Girl - Bikini Kill

!Tw! Swearing, mentions of murder, and mentions of sexual abuse.

(Since Sexual abuse is a really sensitive topic, I will put a line of "~" before and after the paragraph mentioning the subject. Also if you or someone you know is in a bad situation, call the authorities in your area, or call 1-800-656-4673. It's the national sexual assault hotline.)


"When she talks, I hear the revolution. In her hips, there's revolution. When she walks, the revolution's coming. In her kiss, I taste the revolution!Rebel girl, rebel girl. Rebel girl you are the queen of my world!"

Clockwork is chilling in bed, reading a novel to pass the time. Slender doesn't like using his powers to communicate with the inhabitants of his mansion because he believes it invades their privacy. So they all have phones instead. It took Slender forever to figure out how to make a group chat for everyone. BEN had to help him because his old ass knows absolutely nothing about technology. Anyways, Slender sent a message to the chat, calling everyone downstairs for a meeting. Clockwork sighs and puts a bookmark in her book. She makes her way downstairs to the meeting room, she sits next to Jane. Once everyone is at the meeting, Slender enters the room with a girl that looks to be at least eighteen. She has h/l h/c hair, she's wearing black ripped jeans, a tee shirt with JFK from Clone High and text that says "Himbo Rights". Clockwork already knew this girl has a sense of humor, they might become friends. "Everyone, I'd like you to meet Y/n, she will be joining us as a pasta.

"Sup" yous say, lazily waving your hand. The others greet you and you take a seat next to Clockwork. As Slender is explaining the mansion and the way it works, Clockwork whispers to you. "I like your shirt," you turn to her and flash a grin. "Thanks, I like your boots." You look down at Clockworks Docs with one yellow laced and one purple laced, ladder laced, of course. "Y/n, Clockwork are you listening?" "Yeah boss, we're listening," Clockwork affirms, you nod. "Good. Speaking of you two, Clockwork will help with your pasta training. Training starts tomorrow, she will go over the basics with you first, then you'll work your way up from there." Slender finishes, handing Clockwork a pile of papers with one of his tendrils. "I've made a lose schedule that Y/n must follow to become a pasta, you may change dates or switch exercises around, but the exercises themselves must stay the same." Slender explains, Clockwork nods in understanding.

"With that being said," Slender stands up and pushes in his chair, "meeting dismissed." Everyone including you get up and push in your chairs and leave the room. By the end of the meeting, it is six forty-five pm. You catch up to clockwork and ask her what time you guys have to meet at. "Hmmm, I will be at your room at six am. I'll walk you down to the training room for a week, just so you can get the hang of the mansion layout. Also, make sure you wear a long sleeve shirt of a hoodie." Clockwork answers. You agree and bid her a goodnight.

~Time skip to six am tomorrow~

Even though Clockwork told you to bring a hoodie, you forgot. Once you both enter the training room, you're instantly shivering. You're wearing only a f/c tank top and black yoga pants. Clockwork sighs when she glances at you. "Did you forget a hoodie?" You nod, she takes off her jacket and hands it to you. You look at her, "Are you sure?" She nods and you put on the coat, it smells like vanilla and linen. After you put on the coat, Clockwork gives you a rundown of your first week of training. Your first month is focused on legs, then you go up. To participate in being a pasta, you have to be fast, strong, and stealthy. There's a LOT more to do if you're a proxy. Thankfully, you don't have to worry about that. "Today, you're just gonna do some simple leg exercises, such as lunges, squats hamstring curls, and so on. We'll start with ten lunges, and go up every other day.


As you're doing your lunges, Clockwork tries to strike up a conversation with you. "So, what are you here for?" "It started out at my house. I had left college for winter break, and stayed at my parents house. My parents had a family friend from out of town stay as well. I started seeing figures in the woods behind my house for about five days. I would find sticky notes on my window of just smiley faces. That was until the day that said family friend tried to, for lack of a better term 'use' me at a Christmas party. After that I stayed in my room for a week. The sticky notes got worse. They said "Kill him," "You know you want to" "He doesn't deserve to live", and so much more. So, I did it, I murdered him and hid his body. My parents asked me were he went and I said I had no idea." You explained.


Clockwork unexpectedly engulfs you in a hug. "I'm so sorry that happened to you, nobody deserves to go through that," she says, her embrace getting a little bit tighter. You return the hug and thank her. After that you finish your exercises for the day and chill. When Clockwork hugged you, you felt something. Not a bad thing though. Your heart palpitated and got butterflies. You know you and Clockwork will become the best of friends, or maybe something more. 

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