Rät (Nina the Killer x Reader)

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The art in this chapter is made by me!

Requested by: no one

Words: 727

Genre: Angst

Associated song: Rät - Penelope Scott

!Tw! Swearing, arguing, and cheating.

(A/n: Could you guys send in some requests? I'm running a bit dry on ideas for one shots :P)

"You dumb bitch I loved you, I loved you, I loved you it's true."

        Stepping out of your room, you proceed to walk to Jane's room. You and her planned to hang out today, she text you saying she has bad news. You want to get to her room as fast as humanly possible to hear about it. You and Jane gossip a lot, mostly about mansion residents. Sharing work stories, and weather that person is easy to work with or not. Jane had told you this would be about your relationship with Nina. Nina and you have been attached at the hip since you came to the mansion. Not long after that, you two began dating. Lately, you've noticed her obsession with Jeff has become stronger. Nina has been doing really well keeping her obsession with Jeff to herself, and was making progress towards ditching the obsession in general. 

         However, Jane has caught wind of some gossip from Jeff (Not face to face, Jeff told Clockwork who told Jane). Nina tried to kiss him again. Nina was doing so well, she hasn't even talked to Jeff in months. I guess she's been planning this for months, according to Jane. You burst into tears upon hearing the news, you put so much love into your relationship with her. Only for her to just, fake her love and interest for you. It's not fair. You think she got into a relationship with you to use you to get to Jeff. Or at least, that's what you and Jane came up with. Since you were brought to the mansion, Jeff and you became good friends. 

        You plan to confront her over text, you aren't emotionally or mentally strong enough to face her yet. You start by texting her that you needed to talk. The words that shake anyone to the core.

Nina, we need to talk - Y/n

Nina <3 - What's wrong babe?

Don't fucking 'babe' me. I know what you did - Y/n

Nina <3- What did I do??? 

You trying to kiss Jeff again. Why the fuck would you do that? - Y/n

Nina <3 - Because I love him. And I know he loves me.

Bullshit! Jeff hates your fucking guts and we both know it! He will never love you like I did. - Y/n
We're over-Y/n

     After your conversation you completely broke down. Words cannot describe the pain you feel. Jane sat next to you and never let go of you. She decided to make a makeshift bed on her floor and went with you back to your room to grab clothes and other stuff. She knows you're not going to want to be alone for a couple days. She understands how much you're hurting, and she is here for you.

     After a few days staying with Jane, you decide to go back to your room and get ready for a mission to go on. You check your mission schedule, you have a mission with none other than Nina. Slender was going to pair you with Jeff, but Jeff had injured himself pretty bad on hisblast mission, so he chose Nina instead. You felt like crying again. You really don't want to go on this mission, but money was running dry. You've been buying clothes, jewelry, stuffed animals, etc, online to make yourself feel better. Obviously this isn't a healthy coping mechanism, but nobody in the mansion has a healthy coping mechanism. 

       You were so exhausted you passed out and woke up the next morning to your alarm. You truned off the alarm and got ready. As soon as you got ready, you texted Nina that you would be downstairs so you both can start the mission. Once Nina was downstairs, you both wordlessly got into the car, and proceeded to start driving towards tour destination. It takes about 3 hours to get there. This mission will be long and quiet, you refuse to talk to Nina about anything else that isn't missions or business. Your relationship with Nina fizzled away, and you couldn't care less. 

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