Final Girl (Eyeless Jack x Female!Reader)

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The art in this chapter is made by FikaMO05 on Deviantart

Requested by: no one

Words: 1,026

Genre: I don't really know

Associated song: Final Girl - Graveyardguy (ft. Slayyyter)

!Tw! Swearing, mentions of stalking, stalking, mentions of a period, and minor gore


"You'll learn right now I don't play nice, if you hurt me once, I'll kill you twice. And I won't go first, Drew Barrymore. Cause I'm the last bitch up, the final girl."

       Yawning, you fall back onto your mattress. You snuggle up into your blankets and switch off your lamp. Around two thirty, you awake to shuffling outside your room. Thankfully, you're prepared for this situation, you have an eight inch long hunting knife in the drawer of your dresser. You carefully get up and tip toe to your dresser. You pull the knife from its spot in the dresser, and slip it into the waistband of your pajama pants. You crack open your bedroom door and peer out, you freeze in your place at what you see. An extremely tall person, dressed in black jeans, a black hoodie, and combat boots. They turn around some and you become even more terrified, they're wearing a blue mask with blacked out eye holes. A thick, tar like substance dribbles out of the sockets of the mask and onto your carpet.

     Oh hell no. This asshole is NOT going to break into your house and stain your fifty dollar carpet with some black substance! You bust your door open, "Hey! Just what the hell do you think you're doing?" You yell, the person whips their head in your general direction as more substance drips onto the carpet. You rush over and attempt to shove the person off of your carpet, emphasis on 'attempt'. The person barely moves, and you continue to mumble curses as you try to move him. "Bro get off my carpet this was fifty bucks!" That seemed to work, as the person steps off the carpet, and you fall to the ground having nothing holding you up. You grunt as you stand back up, facing the masked menace. Suddenly, the person pulls a scalpel out of his hoodie, so you pull hunting knife out of the waistband of your pants.

     The intruder jumped at you, you try to move, but you get tackled to the floor. You wriggle around as they straddle you and manage to get your arm unstuck from your side. The stranger raises the scalpel-armed hand into the air, aiming for your chest. Thinking fast, you raise your knife and stab and drag the knife down their mid thigh to their knee. They let out an inhuman yelp and drop the scalpel, you quickly get to your feet. You point the blade in between the masks eye holes. You look down at the wound you made, you don't think this person is human. The rip in their jeans exposes their ash-colored skin, and the wound itself is gushing black blood. The intruder looks up at your terrified face, grabs his scalpel and leaves, as you stand in your living room, stunned.

     You don't bother going back to bed, you brew some coffee and do some undone homework. You just decided to do the rest of the homework after the class you have today. You currently are an attendant of West Point college, studying for a Bachelors of Science Nursing. You have always wanted to become a nurse since you were a mere seven years old. You decided to take that idea and run with it, coming to West point because you have heard they have a great starting classes to go into nursing. There was also a cult a while back that sacrificed another student near campus, but we don't talk about that. The inhuman intruder keeps popping into your mind, making you unable to concentrate. Eventually, you pass out on your almost done homework.

You see them everywhere now, in the windows of the local cafe you frequent, in the same classes as you, hell, even in the bathroom mirror sometimes. He has been stalking you for a while now, entering your house almost every night. Every night ending in one of you getting stabbed.

      Closing the door to your apartment, you immediately make your way towards the kitchen area, you have been craving mac n cheese. It may just be a weird period craving, but you REALLY want some mac n cheese. As you enter the kitchen, you groan. "You again? What do you want?" The masked menace turns to you, black sludge slipping down his mask. "Well, I wanted to harvest your organs. But, you're...something. I can't put my finger on why, I just have a hunch." The voice of the person surprises you. The voice was very deep and dark sounding, with a demonic undertone. You're pretty sure the intruder is a guy, because of his voice. "Uhmm, okay." You mumble, very confused. "You want some mac n cheese?" you ask, the man shakes his head.

     Silence fills the room as you make the mac n cheese, you, stuck in deep thought about what the man is. "Hey, not to be rude or anything, but what exactly are you?" The man chuckles and turns his head to you, "I'm a demon, I was sacrificed at West Point campus to the Slavic god, Chernobog. And now, my only source of nutrition is human organs." You stare at him, terrified and mystified. "Oh, that's...sad. I'm sorry." You apologized, mixing your mac n cheese. "You're fine, It wasn't your fault." You pour your mac n cheese into the strainer in the sink. "My name is Y/n by the way." "Jack," the cannibal answered back. You sit down at the table, across from Jack, silently eating your mac n cheese. Soon enough, Jack left you for the night.

      For months, Jack sneaks into your apartment and talks to you. You both became friends quickly, talking every night and learning more about each other. Sometimes, Jack will help you with your home work, he knows a lot about nursing. You are happy having Jack around.

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