Xanny (Masky x reader)

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Art by Harumfao on Instagram 

Requested by: No one

Genre: kinda angsty, with some fluff at the end ;)

Words: 1,210

Associated song: Xanny - Billie Eilish 

!Trigger warning! There's a bit of blood in this chapter, some swearing, and drug use!

"I'm in their second-hand smoke, still just drinking caned Coke. I don't need a xanny, to feel better"

   Here you are, sitting with your legs put up and your arms around them. Tear streaked cheeks, red bloodshot eyes. You came to this party to have a good time, but your boyfriend met up with his side chick and left you alone.
   Some stoners offered you to play Mario Kart with them in the living room. But you politely declined and instead you're watching them play. You let out a shaky sigh, and stand up.
   "I'll be right back, I'm just gonna go get a drink." A few stoners nod, one of them pipes up. "Could you grab me a Coke please?" You nod, agreeing to his request. You step through the small space behind the couch as to not distract them. You slide by sweaty bodies, making your way to the kitchen. 
   Once you reach the kitchen, you see someone in your peripherals. You turn a bit and see your ''boyfriend'' and his side whore, making out on the counter. You ignore them as much as you can. You take a Coke and a f/s (favorite soda) from the fridge.
   You slowly make your way back to the stoners. Once they come into view, there is someone else sitting with them. He has brown, semi-messy hair and beautiful brown eyes. He is also wearing a cotton black tee shirt with a yellow-ish tan jacket wrapped around his waist. 
    You hand the stoner his Coke "thanks dude," he says, cracking it open. You resume sitting vacantly in your spot on the couch, right next to the stranger. You turn to him, and spot some blood dripping out of his nose. "Excuse me sir, you got some blood right here." You explain to the man, pointing to under your nostril. 
   "Oh, right," he wipes the blood off of his nose "also, you don't gotta call me sir," he sticks out his hand." Please, call me Tim." You hesitate, before taking his offer. "Y/n, good to meet you, Tim." 
   "Hey, Y/n, can I ask you something?" You tilt your head like a confused puppy. "Yeah, shoot at me," You reply. Tim nods "I saw you crying earlier, are you ok?" You feel a knot form in your stomach. "Yeah, I'm ok now, it's just that, my boyfriend brought me here, and now he's with his side chick." You explain, Tim gives you a look of sympathy with a little flash of anger. 
   "Damn, I'm sorry." Tim says comfortingly, placing a hand on your shoulder. "Yeah, I'll talk to him later, probably." Tim nods in response, he then grabs an unused Wii U controller off of the table. "How about a round of Mario Kart to cheer you up?" You giggle and take the controller. 
   "Damnit!" Tim curses in frustration, after you whoop his ass in Mario Kart. You chuckle slightly at his reaction. "Damn, I didn't know I could whoop this much ass at Mario Kart." You comment to yourself, setting the controller down on the coffee table.
   You take a sip of your f/s as Tim gets handed a blunt. You haven't realised that a blunt was being passed around by the stoners. You felt better and less sad about your situation with your ''boyfriend''. Maybe it was just the second hand high finally hitting you.
   Tim taps you on the shoulder. "You wanna hit?" He asks, holding a blunt in between his index finger and thumb. "No thanks, I'm already getting a little second-hand high." Tim nods again and hands the blunt to the stoner who asked you for the Coke. "Thanks man," he responds.
   You continue to play Mario Kart with Tim until the party ends. You and Tim talked throughout the entire thing, so much so that you feel like you've been friends with him forever. You got up off the couch as people were leaving, Tim following your lead. You both get out the front door. You look up at Tim, a shy smile forming on your lips. 
   "I had a lot of fun with you tonight, thank you, Tim." You say as you hug Tim. You rest your head on his chest and wrap your arms around his waist. Tim smiles and sets his head on top of yours, wrapping his arms around your waist. You both stay like that for a solid minute until you hear someone shout your name. 
   "Y/n! Who the hell is that!?" Your semi-drunk ex yells, hobbling up to you and Tim. Oh god, you forgot about him. His side chick at his side, giving you the stink eye. You sigh and prepare for the worst. "Well, since you've been unfaithful in our relationship, I'm going to have to break up with you, I'm sorry." You explain, internally bracing yourself for a fight. 
   "Y/n, babe, you can't just leave me," he smirks letting go of his side chick "I fucking own you." He says as he goes deadpan. You laugh in his face, confidence now surging through your veins. "Own me? Ha! You cant even keep me for five months, how do you own me?" You sneer back at him. 
   "Oh, well dear Y/n, the apartment is in MY name after all! So, you can come back to me or kiss all your valuables goodbye!" He snorts at you. You break a sweat realising he's right. When you guys got together, you bought an apartment and thought it would be a great idea to put the lease in his name. You sigh, all of your confidence vanishing into thin air.
  "Fine. I'll go with you." You look at him with frustrated eyes. "Good" he takes your wrist and grips it hard "try to break up with me again and I'll ruin your fucking world." Your breath gets caught in your throat, realising Tim is standing behind your "boyfriend". "Let her go or I'll fucking end you." Tim practically growls at him. Your "boyfriend" glares at Tim. 
   "Oh yeah? Well then do it, pu-" he stops mid sentence as you see a huge eight inch hunting knife go through your ex's abdomen, then roughly back out. You, gasp in shock, you want to scream, but you can't.
   His side chick however, does so for you. As your ex falls to the ground, his side chick sprints out of view, screaming the entire time. You give a terrified look to Tim. He gently takes you hand, and guides you away from the body.
  "W-where are you t-taking me?" You nervously ask, wanting to pull away but scared as to what will happen if you do. "I'm taking you back to my place. I'll bring you back home after everything from this dies down."
  You nod unsure of what to think. To be fair though, with Tim, you'll be in a better situation, maybe, this won't be so bad after all.

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