Hayloft (Proxies x Child!Reader)

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The art in this chapter is made by x_princeonedge_x on Instagram

Requested by: no one

Words: 985

Genre: Angst to fluff

Associated song: Hayloft - Mother Mother

!Tw! Swearing, kidnapping, gore, and murder.

(A/n: You guys don't know how excited I am to reach 100 pages! I have something special planned for the Wednesday after I reach 100 pages, so stay on the lookout for that! Also, the next oneshot will be a Thanksgiving special!)


"With his long tall gun Pop went a-creeping, to blow the hay loft dead head straight off. My daddy's got a gun, my daddy's got a gun, my daddy's got a gun, you better run."

You've been in the Slender mansion for about three years now, and you treat everyone like family. But there is one group in particular that you trust the most. Toby, Masky, and Hoodie were the one to find you and bring you into the mansion, they're basically your dads. You sometimes go out into the woods to walk around when your dads leave. Since you're only the ripe age of eight, you can't participate in missions or training until you're at least thirteen. Even though Sally is the same age as you, she doesn't do missions. Since your dads are on a mission, you go out into the woods, no weapons this time. As you walk through the woods, you see something out of the corner of your eye. You shrug it off as an animal.

You walk for another thirty minutes and see a figure. It's not any of the mansion residents, the man has a black beard, and black hair. He's dressed in a black hoodie, jeans, and a pair of Adidas shoes. He is pale with piercing blue eyes and a silver ear piercing. "Are you lost, kid?" His voice is gruff and husky, you defiantly don't know this guy. "No sir, I'm just taking a walk." You answer innocently. Before you had the chance to blink, the man grabs you and runs. You try to scream, but he pulls a rag out of his hoodie pocket and presses it to your mouth. You pass out.

When you wake up, you find yourself in the room of a rotting wooden cabin. The curtains are torn, the carpet looks scraggly, the room smells of mothballs and death. You are sat in a metal chair in the middle of the room, you worm around, trying to get out of your restraints. You stop when you hear heavy footsteps heading towards the room you're in. The door opens to reveal the same man who kidnapped you, he casually strolls over to you. You flinch back as the man squats down to your eye level.

The man carefully pulls the duct tape off of your mouth, as soon as its off, you begin to scream. The man quickly covers your mouth with his hand. "Listen kid, I dragged you hear because I need to know about Slender man. The less you tell me, the longer you have to stay here." You stop screaming, and the man removes his hand from your mouth. "Sir I don't know what you're talking about." You lied, you know your dad's work is top secret, nobody outside of the mansion can know. You internally sigh, you know you're going to be here for a while.

Once the proxies get home from their mission, you're nowhere to be found. Toby and Masky start to get worried, Hoodie calms them down. "They might be walking around the woods, they'll be back in a bit." So they wait, thirty minutes to an hour, then an hour to an hour and a half. They get fed up with waiting, so they consult BEN. BEN placed many cameras in the woods surrounding the mansion to catch people who aren't residents, sneaking around. They gather in BEN's room as he switches through the camera's throughout the day.

They see you and a man standing at the Alpha tree camera. The trees the cameras are placed on all have a Greek letter burnt into them, such as Alpha, Omega, Delta, and so on. They see the man take you and run off, they later see him at a rotting cabin that is near the outskirts of the woods on the Lambda tree camera. The proxies immediately run out of BEN's room and out of the mansion, heading north. Once they reach the rotten wooden cabin, they have their weapons in hand.

The man continues to ask questions that you don't answer, he soon gets fed up and raises his hand to hit you. Just when he was about to bring his hand down, there were three sharp knocks on the front door. You see panic rise in the mans eyes. He tries to hid you in the closet, but instead you let out a blood curdling scream. You hear the front door being broke in, and multiple footsteps heading in your direction. You smile, knowing your dads have come to rescue you.

The door to the room slams open and the proxies rush over to you and the man. Toby takes you in his arms and makes his way out of the cabin, leaving Hoodie and Masky. "What about Hoodie and Masky?" You ask, looking up into his eyes. He smiles down at you, "They'll be done soon, I don't want you to see that," Toby answers ominously. You chose not to ask anymore questions.

After about an hour, Hoodie and Masky return to the mansion, they sneak past you while Toby was reading you a book. They shower, change clothes, and come back. Once you see them, you sprint towards them and give them a massive bear hug. "Welcome home dads! What took you guys so long?" You ask, Hoodie and Masky give each other a sly look. "Well kiddo, let's just say that you won't see that man around here ever again."

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