I Threw Glass at My Friend's Eyes and Now I'm on Probation(HomicidalLiu x F!Read

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Requested by: no one

Words: 1,116

Genre: Kinda angsty

Associated song: I Threw Glass at My Friend's Eyes and Now I'm on Probation - Destroy Boys

!Tw! Swearing, sexual assault, and harassment

(A/n, Sexual assault is a really sensitive topic, I will put a ~ before and after the paragraph(s) containing the material. Also, Y/n is 18 in this story and Steve is 34.)


"This is disgusting, like seriously dude? What do you think you're doing? You're like way older than me and you're gross, and I don't wanna do that."

The gentle tapping of your fingers on your phone screen was the only sound in your room, you got a text from your family friend and father-figure, Steve. Steve wanted to take you to the mall today as a treat for passing your big math exam. You obviously said yes, who wouldn't take an opportunity to go shopping and get food at the mall? You have to change your outfit though, you rather not go to the mall in pajama pants and a tank top. You get out of your messy bed and grab a change of clothes. You pad to the bathroom and turn on the faucet, you stick your hand out under the faucet, you real your hand back and let out a small squeak. "Too cold." you mutter and change the water temperature so it's a bit warmer. You undress yourself and step into the shower.

You step out of the shower and wrap yourself in a towel. You proceed to brush your teeth, brush and style your hair, and put on some eyeliner, mascara and lip gloss. You then get dressed in ripped black skinny jeans, a pink tube top and a pair of black hi-top vans. you check out in the mirror. "Damn, I look good today," you say, putting your hands on your hips. Strutting out of the bathroom, you grab your purse and put your phone, your wallet, a pocket knife (just in case) and lip gloss. You're scrolling through your phone, waiting for Steve to pick you up. You hear Steve's car pull into your driveway you jump up in excitement. You hop into the front seat of Steve's Corolla and buckle yourself in, "Hello Y/n, I see you're excited." You giggle at Steve's observation and nod.

Once you and Steve arrive at the mall, he asks you where you wanted to go first. "The food court! I'm so hungry," you exclaim happily. You and Steve make your way to the food court, you look around at all of the choices of restaurants. You eye down y/f/r (your favorite restaurant) and then drag Steve towards it. You both order food and go to sit down. As you munch on your food, you can't help but feel like you're being watched. You keep looking over your shoulder and your pretty jumpy. Steve notices and asks whats wrong, you just shake him off and tell him you're fine. After you both are done with your food, you begin to walk away from the food court because you want to go shopping, but Steve grabs your shoulder. "I know a short cut to get to the store you want to go to."


You follow Steve to a door that leads to a secret staircase. You don't notice that once you're both in the staircase area, Steve locks the door behind him. Steve ushers you up the stairs, but when you get to the top, there's no door. You turn around to question Steve's, but he forces you against the wall. "Steve? What the hell are you doing?" He doesn't answer and instead he kisses you on the lips. You squirm under his grasp and try to shove him off. He grabs the bottom of your top and tries to pull it off. You feel tears prick at your eyes, you push it back down. Screaming, you manage to push Steve away from you, Steve stumbles back and bumps into someone.


The man has brown hair that goes down to his jaw line, piercing green eyes, and stiches all over his face. The guy is a solid foot taller than Steve. You see him pull a gun out of his coat pocket and put it against Steve's head. "Get the FUCK away from her," the man snarls, Steve moves away from him and runs down the stairs. He looks back at you, he starts to walk towards you. You flinch back, and he stops. He instead lends his hand towards your shaking form. You slowly and gently take his hand, he helps you off the wall. "T-thank you," you almost whisper, he nods in response and takes you down and out the stair room. You though he was going to just lead you out of the stair room, but he's taking you somewhere else.

"Where are you taking me?" He perks up, "I'm taking you to go and report him." You feel your blood run cold. "Wait, no!" You stop walking and he looks at you confused. "I don't want to ruin the relationship he has with my family," you continue. He shakes his head at your explanation, "We're going to report him weather you like it or not. He assaulted you, and he's not going to get away with it." His voice is unnaturally deep, especially for someone who looked to be in their early twenties. You stopped trying to argue with him, because you know he's right. "Hey, what's your name by the way?" "My name is Sully, what's yours?" "My name is Y/n, nice to meet you, Sully."

When you and Sully found a cop walking around, Sully's voice changed. His voice was deep when he was talking to you, but became less deep when talking to the cop. After Sully was done talking to the cop, you look up at him. "How did you do that with your voice?" You ask, he gives you a questioning look. "Like, when you were talking to the cop, your voice became higher." Sully nods in understanding, he then explains that his name is actually Liu, and he has Dissociative Identity Disorder or DID. Sully is the cause of that, and in stressful situations, Sully takes over. "Oh, okay. Sorry if that question was personal, I was just a bit confused," you answer, "No, it wasn't personal, you're fine." Liu drives you home, before you get home, he gives you a sticky note that has his number on it, and he tells you to call him again if something happens with Steve again. You give him a tight hug and thank him again.

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