Another Way Out (Hoodie x Reader)

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The art in this chapter is made by the_living_sorting_hat on Instagram

Requested by: No one

Words: 651

Genre: Kinda angst, but not really

Associated song: Another Way Out - Hollywood Undead

!Tw! Stalking

(A/n: Sorry this one is short, school is a pain in the butt.)


"You better run, better run, better run, yeah I'm coming after you. When you're sleeping at night, yeah there's nothing you can do. There's no place you can hide 'cause I'm coming after you."

You glance down at your watch from your spot on the register, six o'clock, the end of your shift. You sigh happily and start to close out your register. You work at a local coffee shop, about a fifteen minute walk from your apartment building. You untie your apron and walk into the break room. Hanging up your apron, you bid your coworker, Alan, a goodbye. You met Alan your first day, he's been working for this place for about three years now. Alan is about five foot nine (one hundred seventy five centimeters) and tan. He has dark brown hair that is combed over and brown doe-like eyes. A very attractive man. "See you tomorrow, Alan." "See you tomorrow, N/n." Slipping out the front door, you start in the direction of your apartment.

In the middle of the walk back to your apartment, you hear rustling behind you. You slow down and glance over your shoulder. You see a man, about six feet (about one hundred eighty two centimeters) tall. Wearing Timberland's, blue jeans, a pale yellow hoodie, and a ski mask with a red frowny face sewed into the mask. You instinctively pick up your pace, you glance over you shoulder again, the man is casually walking behind you. You give the man the benefit of the doubt. 'Maybe he lives near me,' you innocently think. Just to be absolutely sure, you pass your apartments, and stop at a near by gas station. You needed to go anyway to pick up some cat food for your sweet fur baby, Milo. The hooded man followed you at a distance, through the isles and out of the gas station.

Okay, now you know this guy is following you. You try to think of a plan to shake this guy. You walk around until you arrive at your local shopping center, you enter a Walmart and begin to speed walk around. You eventually sprint out of the store after making three rounds, you look behind you as you sprint out of the shopping center. The hooded man was nowhere to be found, you smile at yourself for being an absolute genius. You slow to a walking pace and walk to your apartment building. You open the door to your apartment, sighing contently. You here a meow and feel something fuzzy rubbing on your leg. You look down to see your beloved cat, Milo, rubbing himself all over your legs. "Yes baby, I know you're hungry," you respond. You fill up his food and water bowls then decide to take a warm shower.

Grabbing a towel, you step out of your relaxing shower, you shiver at the cold air outside of your steamy bathroom. You grab a pair of sweatpants and a baggy tee shirt and return to your bathroom. You dress yourself and brush your hair so it won't be matted when you wake up tomorrow. You return to your kitchen to find something for dinner. You're blood runs cold as you see a sticky note placed on your fridge. You know for a fact that the sticky note wasn't there when you came home. You shakily step towards the sticky note to see what it says. 'I found you' with a smiley face is written in messy writing. Before you could process this information, you get hit in the back of the head and your vision fades to black.

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