Teenage Dirtbag (BEN Drowned x Reader)

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The art in this chapter is made by ijustwannahavefunn on Instagram 

Requested by: -stfukito

Words: 817

Genre: Angst

Associated song: Teenage Dirtbag - Wheatus

!Tw! Swearing

(A/n: I'm changing the lyrics a tiny bit bc the reader is gender neutral, also shameless self promo one of my headcanons is in this chapter, click here to read the headcanons book! Also tysm for 11.1k reads ily all!) 

"Because they don't know who I am, and they don't give a damn about me. 'Cause I'm just a teenage dirtbag baby."

     BEN starts the day by rolling out of bed, begrudgingly taking a shower, brushing his teeth, doing his hair, and getting dressed. After that, he usually goes to the kitchen and makes a bowl of cereal. Just a normal day. However, he has been mulling over how he should confess to his crush Y/n. BEN is 94% sure you like him back, so he wants to confess his feelings before you move on from him.

     Tonight is the weekly slumber party you and BEN have. He decides to confess to you during the slumber party. This could go terribly wrong, or awesome. When BEN is done with his cereal, he begins to pick up his room. A metric shit ton of clothes and garbage lays on BEN's floor, his bed isn't made, and his garbage can is overflowing, as well as his laundry bin. BEN pops in some earbuds, and gets to work.

      Starting with the hardest part, BEN decides to start with his floor first. After that, he mades his bed, took out his trash, and did his laundry. After that, he lights some incense and just tidies up his figurines and consoles. He brings his laundry back from the wash and hangs it up in his closet. BEN flops in his bed, exhausted from cleaning his depression room. He changes his LED lights from white to the usual green. He is ready for the sleepover tonight, physically, mentally and emotionally. 

      As the time ticks down, you are also getting prepared for the slumber party. Showering and packing essentials to bring to yhe party. You usually hang out with all of The Agents Of Chaos (Jeff, BEN, Toby, and you) but Jeff and Toby are busy. That's odd...considering the mission schedule said Jeff was off todayband Toby had a ninor morning mission. You shrug it off, maybe they had other plans scheduled tonight. As you toss your phone charger in your f/c drawstring bag, you're ready to leave to BEN's room. 

       You walk down the winding hallways of the mansion until you reach BEN's room. You knock on the scratched up wooden door. "Come in" you hear BEN say from the other side. You enter his room and look around in surprise. "Wow BEN, your room looks great! Did you clean it today?" You ask, gazing at the usually clean and tidy room. "Yeah, I figured I should clean since I'm having a guest over." Another thing that strikes you as odd. He never cleaned up for any of your previous slumber parties. 

      Shrugging it off once again, you set your bag down and sit criss cross on BEN's floor. "So, what's gonna be the first thing we do?" "First, we're gonna play some hardcore Minecraft, then we're gonna watch all of the Nightmare On Elm Street movies, after that...I don't know yet, I haven't gotten that far." BEN chuckles.

      You nod and start unpacking your things, BEN floats down to the mini fridge next to his T.v stand and grabs you a f/f (favorite flavor) Monster and he grabs himself an Ultra Fiesta Monster. You crack open the Monster and take the controller BEN gave to you. Minecraft went well, you both ended up beating the Ender dragon and the Wither. You both stopped playing after reaching the six hour play time mark. 

      After that, you helped BEN make a pillow fort then start the first Nightmare On Elm Street movie. Halfway through the first movie, you notice BEN starring at you. You turn to him, and he cups your cheek and tries to kiss you. You immediately pull away and ask him what he was doing. "Oh, sorry its just, I really like you, Y/n..." BEN responds, your heart drops to your feet. "I'm really sorry BEN...I...I have to go." You say getting up off of the soft blanket and gathering your things.

      "Wait! Y/n, I-" "I'm sorry BEN, I'll talk to you later." You reassure him as you usher yourself out of his room and back to yours. Once you arrive at your room, you close the door and flop face first on your bed, groaning into your blanket. To exhausted to actually unpack your bag, you take out the phone charger and stick that into your wall. After plugging in your phone, you pass out. 

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