I Lived (Hoodie x Female!Suicidal!Reader x Masky)

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There is no chapter art this week.

Requested by: AnimeDweeb (on Quotev)

Words: 818

Genre: Fluff

Associated song: I Lived - One Republic

!Tw! Suicidal thoughts, mentions of self harm, and mentions of depression and anxiety.

(A/n: If you or a loved one is experiencing suicidal thoughts or tenancies, call or text 800-273-8255. It isn't too late to get help. Suicide is a permanent problem solver for a temporary issue, I know everyone says this, but it absolutely will get better. Please stay and don't take that chance. I love you all.)

(A/n (pt.2): Happy 100 pages everyone! I have now published a book (linked here: https://my.w.tt/03U6CilSbcb) that is going to be creepypasta head canons of mine! if you're interested, check it out! However, I will not be taking head canon requests because that's what this book is for. The head canon book will update every Wednesday!) 

(A/n (pt. 3): I also just updated the Rules! So if you're looking to request, please go check them out!)

"I , I did it all. I owned every second that this world could give. I saw so many places, the things that I did. Yeah with every broken bone, I swear I lived."

        For a long time, you've been in a very, very dark head space. Nobody really knows about it because you don't want to bog anyone down with your problems. Many of your friends told you that you're not bogging them down, but you just can't believe them. Your mind is so clouded with self doubt and sadness, you feel like you can't go on anymore. Your friends are worried about you, especially Hoodie and Masky. They've both been checking up on you a lot lately, you thank them for it, but you always say you're fine. 

         Hoodie and Masky have always been there for you, they've helped you with your intrusive thoughts, they've helped you clean your self harm cuts, they're even in the process of getting you professional help for your suicidal thoughts and tenancies. You would give them the world if you could, but sadly, that isn't possible. Instead, you've decided to tell them you want to be in a relationship. You've been crushing on them ever since the first time you vented to them about your suicidal thoughts. 

        Anyways, your plan for telling them is bring them to your favorite stargazing spot, and tell them there. Thankfully, nobody else that you know of knows about the spot. And, there's supposed to be a meteor shower tonight as well. You checked the missions schedule and they're not scheduled for any missions today, great! At about four pm, you gather some snacks, blankets, and water bottles and threw them in a bag. 

        Now here's the hard part, asking them to go with you. You shyly approach Hoodie's room first, and knock on the door. You hear a muffled 'come in' through the door. You open the door and step into his room, awkwardly adjusting the bag on your shoulders. "Hey Y/n, what do you need?" Hoodie asks in his very calm, stoic sounding voice. "Oh! I-uh just wanted to ask if you wanted to come stargaze with me? There's supposed  to be a meteor shower tonight and I wanted to invite you and Masky," you explain anxiously. Hoodie thinks for a second then agrees to come with you. 

        You and Hoodie stand in front of Maskys door, Hoodie knocks on the door. You hear some shuffling behind his door. The door opens revealing a disheveled looking Masky. "Hey Hoodie, Y/n, whats up?" Masky asks, leaning on his door. "Y/n wanted to ask if we would go stargazing with her." Masky immediately agrees to go with you and Hoodie. So the three of you make your way downstairs and out of the mansion. You walk over to your black pickup truck. You hop in the front seat, Masky in the passenger seat, and Hoodie in the back.  

        ~Time skip~

      You park your truck backwards, facing the cliffs edge. You, Hoodie, and Masky climb into the bed of the pickup truck, making a little nest of blankets. The three of you were chatting, until the topic of relationships came up. 'This is your chance! Say something!' You hyped yourself up for a minute before saying anything. "Masky, Hoodie, I have something to tell you guys." Hoodie and Masky immediately stop talking and turn to face you. " I really like the both of you, and I was wondering if you both would want to be in a relationship with me?" You said.

        Hoodie and Masky are shocked, but also extremely happy. "We would love to be in a relationship with you, Y/n." Your face stretches into a grin, you give them both passionate kisses. For the rest of the night, you watched the meteor shower with your boyfriends.

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