We Fell in Love in October (BEN Drowned x Demon!Reader)

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The art in this chapter is made by ahokichan on Instagram 

Requested by: No one

Words: 690

Genre: Pretty fluffy

Associated song: We Fell in Love in October - Girl in Red

!Tw! Swearing, gore, playing with a Ouija board, and demon summoning, 

"We fell in love in October, and that's why I love fall. Looking at the stars, admiring from a far."

        BEN sighs as he flops on his bed, staring at his green LED lights. Boredom has struck again. Trying to think of something to do, he remembers something. He has a Ouija board under his bed, he could possibly summon something. But he can't summon a demon in the mansion, Slender will kick his little elf ass. So, he decides to wait until his mission later so whatever he summon won't come back to haunt him. From what he knows about the mission, he has to kill a husband and a wife. The wife is a sex worker, has an Only Fans and is a stripper, while the husband is a lawyer. The husband recently saw Ej walking back into the woods after a mission, and got to curious. The husband decided to research and found out about Slender man. Originally, Jeff was going to do the mission, but Slender decided against it because he wants BEN to do more missions. 

        BEN wipes some sweat off of his brow, blood smudging his forehead. He makes his way to the bathroom to wash up before he plays around with the Ouija board. Scrubbing his hands of the family's blood, he get's more and more excited by the minute to see what happens. After washing his hands, he happily skips down the hall, back into the bedroom where the Ouija board lays dormant on the king sized bed.  BEN carefully un-boxes the board and gently sets it on the bed.

      BEN rubs his hands together in a maniacal manner as he takes the planchette and moves it around the board to warm it up. After that, BEN takes a deep breath and begins. "Is anyone here tonight?" A few seconds pass, then. The planchette moves up to the left side of the board, to the yes symbol.  BEN gasps in excitement and wonder, he takes a minute to come up with another question. "What is your name?" The planet moves around the board at a quick pace. "Y/n? That's a nice name. My name is BEN." 

     The planchette begins to move on its own, carrying BEN's fingers with it. The planchette spelled out 'thank you, you have a nice name as well.' BEN flushes, "awe, thank you." Thinking for a moment more, BEN comes up with another question. "If you don't mind telling me, how did you die?" The planchette stays in place for a moment before swaying about the board. The planchette spelled out 'I was born in Hell as a demon, I never died.' "Ohhhhh, okay," BEN says. "What is it like in Hell?" BEN questions curiously.

     The planchette spells out 'It's pretty hot and there's lava everywhere, but other than that it's fun'.BEN chuckles at the response, then comes up with another question. "What do you look like?" The planchette spells out 'why don't I just show you?' The lights turn out and the board begins to shake. A being rises up out of the board, and plops themselves on the bed. The demon has h/c h/l hair, red skin, e/c eyes with a slit, cat-like pupil. They have red, sleek black horns sticking out of their head, a pair of bat like wings and a red tail with a spike on the end. The wings are red on the bone part, and black on the skin part. 

      BEN stares in awe at the demon that sits before him. Ben and the demon talk for a while before BEN has to go back to the mansion, before the others get suspicious. BEN and Y/n talk up until October, where BEN confesses his feelings for Y/n. Y/n and BEN both become a couple and the rest is history.

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