Breezeblocks (Eyeless Jack x Female!Reader)

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The art in this chapter is made by asmodeusarts on Instagram 

Requested by: Miranda Winterbourne

Words: 854

Genre:Angst to fluff

Associated song: Breezeblocks - alt-J

!Tw! Mentions of a cult, mentions of murder, and breaking and entering

"Please don't go, I'll eat you whole. I love you so, I love you so, I love you so."

        In college, you had met a kid named Jack. You saw Jack around the campus of your college and he was majoring in the same thing you were. You both officially met at a grimy college party, since then, you two were attached at the hip. Anytime one of you was free, you'd hang out. No matter if you were just studying together, or going to an annual carnival that comes around. You had grown to take a liking to Jack, as a friend, and more. Before you could confess, however, something horrid happened.
        There was a murder at your college, the people that were murdered turned out to be cult members. The murderer was never found, you immediately assumed Jack was killed in the massacre. You knew Jack wasn't capable of massacring that many people, right? The next day you up and moved back in with your parents for a while. You started to attend another college within the area. 

        That brings you to today. You just got finished with one of your night classes and headed back to your parents house. Tossing your back pack next to your bed, you started to change into your pajamas. As soon as you hit your bed, you're out cold. At some point in the night, a masked man with a plan sneaks into your room. He comes in through your window, seeing that you're fast asleep, he presumes his plan.

        The man creeps up to you, and uncovers you, thankfully, you're laying on your back. The job will be easier for him. Before he cuts you open to steal your kidneys, he notices a picture on your night stand. It's of him and his old friend, Y/n. He takes a closer look at you and realizes he almost cut up his best friend from college. He contemplates waking you, to catch up. But he's also a demonic, eyeless murderer that just snuck into her house to steal her kidneys. So, Jack dejectedly heads over to the window.

        He opens the window to climb out, but he hears you say something. "Please don't go." Jack backs away from the window and makes his way over to you. "I miss you, please come back." you mumble again in your sleep. Jack takes your shoulder and gently shakes you. "Y/n?" You open your eyes, as soon as you landed your eyes on Jack, he realized waking you was a terrible idea. 

        "Wait! who are you?" You ask sleepily, Jack stops in his tracks. "It doesn't matter who I am, go back to bed." jack answers in an attempt for her to forget the entire situation. "Wait, Jack?" You say in shock. He doesn't have the strength to say anything else. "Jack?" you call out again. This time, he nods. You shoot out of bed and nearly tackle Jack in a hug. He stumbles back against your bedroom wall, he feels a wetness in the area where your head is. Jack gently rubs comforting circles into your back. 

        After a few minutes of hugging, you pull away and lead Jack over to your bed to sit down. "Where have you been all these years Jack?" You ask, Jack hesitates before telling the truth. "I was in the college massacre, I was going to be sacrificed. I can't remember what happened during the sacrifice, but I remember waking up surrounded by dead bodies, and my vision was incredibly dark. I stood up, I wobbled a bit, because I had somehow gotten taller. I had to get away from the ritual place before I was caught by the police." He paused, taking a deep breath in to continue.

        "Then, I stumbled across a tall figure, he recognized my fear and despair. So he took me in as one of his own. That's where I got this mask and clothes." Jack finishes, motioning to his outfit. You nod in understanding, immediately following up with another question. "Can I see your face?" You ask. Jack hesitates before ultimately unclipping his mask and revealing his new face to you. 

      You stare at him, wide-eyed. Jack feels his face getting hot out of embarrassment. You reach your hand out and Jack flinches away from you. "I'm a monster, aren't I?" He states simply, a singular black tear rolls down his ashy face. You cup his cheek and wipe away his tears. "Jack, I don't care about what you look like. That doesn't make me love you any less." You finish, giving him a peck on his forehead. Jack pulls away and brings you into a passionate kiss. The kiss melts away and you pull him into a hug. "Please don't leave me ever again Jack." You whisper in his ear, Jack shook his head. "I won't, I promise." 

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