Don't Threaten Me With A Good Time (Ticci Toby x Shy!Female!Werewolf!Reader)

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The art in this chapter is made by ark._.bile on Instagram 

Requested by: Rangergirl1996

Words: 749

Genre: Fluff

Associated song: Don't Threaten Me With A Good Time - Panic! At The Disco

!Tw! Tics

(A/n: Happy new year!)

 "Raise hell and turn it up. Saying "If you go on, you might pass out in a drain pipe". Oh yeah, Don't threaten me with a good time"

        You just awoken from a nice sleep to a barrage of text messages from Toby. They were all about how excited he is that his birthday is tomorrow. You feel your face pale and your ears turn down. You had completely forgotten to get a present for Toby in advance. You can't not get him something, he's your best friend! You jump out of bed and begin to get ready. After showering, you throw on a pair of black jeans and a cute maroon sweater. You threw on your favorite pair of shoes and headed down to the under realm. 

        As you're strolling through the Undre realm, you pass a toy store. In the window, you spy a cool looking lego set. You know Toby ADORES legos, so you walk into the toy store. The toy store looks like heaven for a child, toy airplanes tied to the ceiling with string, a candy isle, isles upon isles of toys. Everything a child could ever want. You timidly walk up to the cashier who is a pleasant looking old fish lady.

        "H-hello miss, I was wondering how much that lego set in the window c-cost?" You ask, the lady types something on her computer and looks up at you again. "That would be sixty five dollars deary." She responds, you take out your wallet and give her the money. She takes the money and goes into a backroom next to the register. She returns shortly with the same box in the display window, she puts it in a bag and hands it to you.

     "T-thank you miss." You say, walking out of the store. You feel your tail swish excitedly, out of excitement for knowing Toby will like this gift. You make your way to another shop to grab some wrapping paper. 

~Time skip~

    You finish shopping and return home with the gift and wrapping paper. You hurry to your room to wrap and put away the gift until tomorrow. However, luck wasn't on your side. On your way to your room, you ran into the one person you wished not to see. Toby. You curse under your breath as you try to hide the lego set. Thankfully, he doesn't see it and just waves to you. You wave back awkwardly. That was a close call. 

     You get to your room without any further interruptions and wrap the gift in really cool yellow and black wrapping paper. You shove the gift under your bed and continue with your day. You went downstairs for dinner and played some Minecraft with BEN before you decided to finally hit the hay. 

     Next morning, you wake up and rub your eyes of sleep. You do your morning routine of showering and getting dressed before heading down to the living room. As you're making your way down to the living room, a certain brunette stops you excitedly. "H-hi Y/n!" Toby yells excitedly. "Hey Toby. Happy birthday!" You say, you can see Toby get more excited. "T-thank, suck my cock- you Y/n!" You smile at the boy, remembering you haveva present waiting for him. "Toby, come with me really quick please." You ask, Toby nods and starts to follow you. 

     Turning the knob to your door, you feel a spike of anxiety rush through you. You feel like he won't like the gift you give him. You shove that thought aside and enter your room. "Okay, close your eyes and open them when I say one." You say, Toby obliges and covers his eyes with his hands. "Okay, three. Two...One!" Toby removes his hands from his eyes. His face changes from being excited to being ecstatic. He takes the gift from you and he tears it open. He gasps and hugs the lego set close to him.

      "I-I hope you like it." You murmur. Toby sets down the gift and wraps ypu in a hug. "O-of course I l-like it Y/n!" He says, you blush. "I'm very glad you like it, Toby." You say hugging him back. 

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