Airplane Mode (Ticci Toby x Reader)

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The art in this chapter is made by lynn.arty on Instagram 
Requested by: no one 

Words: 1,172

Genre: Fluff

Associated song: Airplane Mode - Limbo
!Tw! Swearing, mentions of blood, and tics

(A/n: I know that Toby's creator said he does not want Toby to be affiliated with Creepypasta anymore, he can talk to me, and I will stop writing for Toby, since Toby is a huge comfort character for many people, and I don't agree with his creators actions. Also, to anyone who has Tourettes, I'm sorry, I have no idea how to write in tics, and I don't mean to be offensive.)

"Cause I've been dreaming about you, ooh. I've been wishing that I was next to you, ooh. I've been dreaming of us, ooh."

        "Goodnight babe, I love you," you say in a disappointed tone. You usually fall asleep on call with your boyfriend, but tonight he has work. Toby is very busy, especially with his kind of work. He says he's a CNA, and he has to go to work when ever, which makes contact hard. But you and him make it work. "I l-love you too ba-baby, I'll try to call when ever I fuck can," he reassures, you smile and mumble a soft 'okay' into the receiver. Shoving your face into your pillow, you begin to worry, what if this doesn't work out? What if he isn't loyal? All the thoughts swimming through your mind is disorienting. You get up and stagger to your bathroom to freshen up, and get these thoughts out of your head. 
        Toby sighs as he hangs up on you, feeling a pang of guilt. He didn't necessarily lie to you, he does have to work tonight. However, he isn't a CNA, he's the opposite actually. But he doesn't have to work until later, which buys him time. Time to see the prices of plane tickets from where he is now to you. The lowest tickets cost about one hundred dollars, the highest in the mid-three hundreds. He sighs, the last mission didn't go so well, in terms of items stolen. Toby currently has about five hundred bucks, so the plane tickets to wand from your hometown is about two hundred, three hundred dollars. But, he does have a mission tonight, and if that goes well, he could have more money. 
        Patting your face with a towel, you sigh. The thoughts didn't go away, but you didn't think they would anyway. Sighing, you trudge back to your room. You glance at your phone to check the time '7:39, god this day can't go any slower,' you internally groan. You decide to call it an early night, and get ready for bed. You grab some pajamas and make your way back to the bathroom. You set down your pj's and strip, you turn on the faucet and adjust the water temperature. Wrapping a towel around your body, you step out of the shower, you dry yourself off and get dressed. You brush your teeth and wander back to your room. You turned off the lights and flopped down on your bed, then you drifted off to sleep. 
        Toby sighs as he drops his twin hatchets at his door, blood sliding onto the floor from the hatchet's handles. He changes clothes then flops back onto his bed. He pulls out his phone and continues to look at ticket prices. This mission was a good one, him making three hundred more dollars. Toby decides to get the cheapest tickets, so he can make your week the best. His flight will be on the twenty fourth of July, it is the eighteenth today. He has already talked to his boss about taking that week off, he already has a plan on how to find you. You both know what the other looks like, due to countless ours face timing, and he knows where you live. He's getting so excited to see you, he can't wait until the twenty fourth. 

~Time skip~

      As soon as Toby hears his six am alarm, he's up and out of bed. His flight is at eight am, so he has to get ready fast.By seven am, he is showered, dressed, and ready. Hoodie agreed to drive Toby to the airport, Toby is quaking out of pure excitement. He can't wait to surprise you, he knows you have been really stressed with work and wanted to help you, and stay with you for a week. Hoodie pulls into a parking spot, and they both get out of the car. "Thanks for d-driving me Hood-Hoodie," Toby says, giving him a hug, Hoodie returns the hug and tells Toby to be safe and have a nice flight. Toby sits down at his assigned seat after putting his luggage in the compartment above him. He pulls out his phone from his carry on bag and sees he has a text from you.
        You woke up and already took shower, brushed your teeth, and got dressed. You told Toby a while ago that you have this week off as a mini vacation.You shoot Toby a text, hoping he's up. To your surprise, he texts you back. You guys text for a while before Toby has to go something. You decide to clean your house, because it has been a while since you have been able to clean it. 
        Toby had to go because he wanted to get some sleep, since he didn't get much the night beforehand. He has about three hours until he can finally see you. Usually, he wouldn't be able to fall asleep, but he passed out about fifteen minutes after he got done texting you. Toby awoke to a stewardess gently shaking his shoulder, he thanks the stewardess and books it off of the airplane. Toby caught a bus to a stop near your house, he knows you take the bus almost everyday to work. The bus stop is about a five minute walk from your house, Toby is ecstatic. His tics getting worse because of the excitement. People start to stare, but he couldn't care less about them.
        You sigh, wiping sweat off of your brow. It took you three hours, but you picked up your laundry, washed it, put it way, cleaned your room, cleaned your kitchen, cleaned your living room, cleaned your dining room, and both of your bathrooms. You are impressed with yourself, you feel like a weight has been lifted off of your shoulders. You make your way back to the living room to sit down, you hear a knock on the door. You walk over to the door and open it, you gasp, seeing Toby standing there with his arm wide open. You jumped into his arms and he swung you around as you both laughed hysterically. After the laughter died down, you put your foreheads together and share a passionate kiss. "I love you Toby." Toby's smile couldn't get any wider, "I-I love you to-too Y/n."

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