Dissolve (Ticci Toby x Reader)

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Art by Pahatao on Instagram 

Requested by: No one

Genre: fluff

Words: 1,469

Associated song: Dissolve -Absofacto

!Trigger warning! Theres a bit of blood in this chapter!

"I just want you to watch me dissolve, slowly, in a pool full of your love"


     You're chilling on the couch, watching f/m, waiting for your boyfriend to come home. It's been a few hours since he went out. He didn't tell you for what, but it must've been important, because he brought his hatchet with him.
    'Probably an order from his boss.' You thought. You hope he's home soon, it's almost  5:30 (17:30). You glance to the messy kitchen that hasen't been cleaned in about four days. You sigh, and grab your phone and headphones.
    You start to pick up the kitchen and put things away to clean it. As you put things away, you feel like you're missing something, like an important date. You shrug it off and continue cleaning.

×Time Skip because cleaning a kitchen isn't fun to describe or read about×

   You toss the gross-looking paper towel in the trash. You cleaned all the dishes, some are in the dishwasher. You also cleaned the counters and the stove top. You look around for something in your fridge to eat. You find some eggs and milk. You know exactly what to make. 
   You grab the pancake/waffle mix and the waffle maker. You also grab some thawed bacon and eggs. You take two pans from your cupboard, one for the bacon and one for the eggs. You turn around and grab an important ingredient you missed from the fridge. Butter. 
   You take a spatula and scoop some butter out of the carton and slap it into the pan. You turn on the stove and set the temperature to medium. Waiting for the butter to melt, you swipe the bacon off the counter.  Slicing the package open carefully, you take some of the thick meat out and slap it into the pan. 
   Watching the bacon sizzle in the pan makes your mouth water. You wipe your saliva away, and notice the butter is melted. You take an egg from the carton and crack it carefully into the buttered-up pan. You make sure there are no shells in the pan. Taking the pancake/waffle mix, you look at the directions on the back of the box. 
   "Two cups of mix, one cup of water, and two eggs." You read aloud to yourself. You snag an egg from it's carton and reach into the cupboard for a measuring cup and a mixing bowl.
   You pour some pancake/waffle mix into the measuring cup. When you have about a cup, you pour the mix into the bowl. It plops into the bowl, you take the cup and fill it to the one cup mark.
     You pour the water into the bowl with the mix, you also crack the egg into the bowl. Taking a whisk from a drawer next to the drawer with the knifes in it. Before you start mixing, you take the egg and flip it over, you do the same with the bacon. You start mixing the contents of the bowl.
   Once your done mixing, you take a ladle from the same drawer and scoop some mix out of the bowl. With precision, you pour the mix into the hot waffle maker and close it. You take a plate out and load the cooked egg and bacon onto it. You slap more butter in the egg pan and take more bacon for the bacon pan. 
   You watch the bacon and eggs sizzle in their pans before flipping the waffle maker and opening it. You carefully take a butter knife and slide the knife under the waffle so you can take it out. It finally comes out and you flop it onto Toby's plate. You grab a fork and put his plate in the microwave. 
  You still wonder why Toby isn't back yet. He's been acting weird today. You asked him what was wrong this morning, but he brushed you off, then left. He's been gone for about six hours. You let out a slightly exasperated huff and flip your egg. 
   'Was it something I did?' You think to yourself 'no, it couldn't have been, or, at least I don't think I did anything.' You sigh and flip your bacon. You take another ladle full of mix and pour it into the waffle maker. Your e/c orbs drift towards the front door. 'When will he be back...will he ever come back?'
   You decide not to think about the outcomes of this situation for now, and focus on cooking. You decide to spice things up a bit and pit some strawberries on both waffles. You take out some strawberries and a strainer. You place the strainer in the clean sink and put four strawberries in it.
   You wash the strawberries and put them in a paper tower and pat them dry. You take a knife from it's drawer and slice the leaves off the strawberries. You then slice the strawberries long-ways. You open the microwave door and arrange the strawberry slices in a circle on Toby's waffle. Once you finish, you close the microwave door. 
   You take a plate and place your eggs, bacon and waffle on it. You arrange the strawberries the same way you did for Toby. You place your plate aside on the counter, you wash the pans, knifes, whisk, bowl and waffle maker. After that, you sit down to eat your food. 
   In the middle of your meal, you glance at the stove clock. The electric clock read 6:49 (18:49) in green, blocky numbers. You sigh and pick at your egg. "Where could he possibly be?" You grumble to yourself. 
   As if on cue, your shaggy-haired, brunette boyfriend walked through the front door. You immediately got up to welcome Toby. You stopped, realizing he's covered in blood. He's also ticcing way more than he usually is, which means he's stressed. 
  "Hey Toby-" you stop talking and look into his hazel eyes. He's on the verge of tears. Toby engulfed you in a tight hug. You feel him shaking and feel your neck get kind of wet. You put a hand on his shakey and twitching back and rub in comforting circles. "Baby, what's wrong?"  
   "I-it's her b-b-birthday to-today..." your blood runs cold at his words. That's what you wanted to remember, its Lyra's birthday today... Toby's sister that died in a car crash. "Oh, hunny I'm so sorry." You whisper, hugging him tighter. 
   After a while of standing in your living room, hugging, you pull away. "C'mon babe, lets get you cleaned up." You took off his hoddie and he went to go change his pants and take off his boots. You also took his googles and mouth guard. 
   You took his hoddie and put some peroxide on the bloody spots and let it sit. You scrubbed the blood off his mouth guard, being careful to not damage them. You set his mouth guard and goggles to dry as you put his hoddie into the washing machine. 
   Toby came out of your guys' room in a pair of casual grey sweatpants. You look at him and give him a sweet smile. He weakly smiles back at you. Your smiles always brighten up his day. You cup his damp cheek in your hand and place a gentle kiss on his lips. 
   "You hungry? I made you dinner. Its in the microwave." He nods and goes over and opens the microwave door. He almost tears up again. "God, I lo-love"tic"you s-s-so muc-much." Toby almost whispers as he stares at the plate of food in front of him. You sheepishly smile back. "I love you too sweetheart." You say back. 
   After Toby gets done eating, he joins you on the couch. You know he wants to cuddle, he's giving you the puppy eyes. You giggle a little bit and lay down with your head against the arm of the couch. You open your legs and pat your chest, he scoots towards you and crawls up to your chest.
   He lays his head on your chest and wraps his arms around your waist. You place one of your hands on his back and one in his hair. You begin playing with his hair and scratching his scalp a bit. You lay your leg down flat on the edge of the couch and still have one bent. Before the episode of The Golden Girls even ends, he is asleep on your chest.
   'I guess I'm sleeping on the couch tonight' you think to yourself. Before you know it you've already dozed off.

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