Broken (Suicide Mouse x Reader)

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No art this chapter guys.

Requested by: Priyanka (Priya) on Wattpad

Words: 684

Genre: Fluff and angst

Associated song: Broken - Lund

!Tw! mentions of bad mental health, depression, and mentions of self harm


"Will you take my soul in the midnight rain? While I'm falling apart, while I'm going insane."

"Bye guys, I'll see you later!" You chirp back at your friends, disappearing into your house. You immediately walk to your room and close yourself in. Sliding down your door, you entangle your hands in your (h/c) locks. You've been dealing with depression for years now, you think if you act sweet and bubbly that it will go away. You quickly find out that it doesn't work like that. Burying your head in your knees and crying is the best way to deal with your episodes. You used to self harm, but stopped when you met your boyfriend, Suicide Mouse, or SM for short. He persuaded you that self harming wasn't the right thing to do, it took you a while to fully stop, but you stopped nonetheless.

Crying on the floor of your room, listening to the sad playlist you made for such occasion. You lay your head back on your door, tears rolling down your face. You feel someone knock on your door and you take off your headphones. "-ou okay Y/n?" You hear someone ask on the other side of your room door. SM must have gotten home early today, you panic a bit, worrying about him seeing you in this state. Taking a deep breath, you get up off the floor and open your door and reveal yourself to your boyfriend. Seeing his face change to one of concern to sympathy made you feel somewhat better about your situation. To know that someone cares about you and is concerned about seeing you this way makes you feel a bit fuzzy inside.

"What happened babe?" Sm questions, you look down feeling like there's a dam behind your eyelids, a dam that's about to break. If you try to speak, you know you will start sobbing again. "C'mon baby, you know you can talk to me about anything, I love you," he prods. Hearing those three powerful words, the dam behind your e/c eyes finally breaks. As you sob, Sm becomes confused. Was it something he said? He pushes those thoughts away and pulls your shaking body into a tight embrace. Sm rubs your back and whispers sweet nothings into your ears as you continue to sob out your problems. Your cries dissolved in to hiccups and sniffles, Sm slowly pulled away from your grasp.

"Are you okay now?" Sm inquires, you take a few deep breaths to calm yourself down. "Yeah, I just needed to cry my emotions out, that's all," you reassure with a weak smile. That isn't the truth, but not a lie either. Sm gives you a suspicious glance, you start to sweat a little bit. You're not a good liar, and you know Sm can tell when your lying. "Y/n, please tell me the truth," Sm says, you sigh. "I was out with friends today while you were gone. In the middle of hanging out with them, I felt like they didn't like me, they were just hanging out with me because they pity me. I couldn't get the thought out of my head," You sniffle. Sm snuggles you harder, he knows how hard it is.

After an hour of snuggling, Sm gets up. You rub your eyes a bit, "Where are you going?" Sm turns around, "I'm going to grab us some blankets and order some pizza. You smile and nod, as he walks out of your room. After a few minutes, he comes back with a few blankets and pillows. He tosses them onto you playfully. "Ack-" you squeak as the blankets land on top of you. You giggle and find your way out of the mound of blankets. Sm helps you fix the blankets and pillows, and you both order the pizza. When the pizza arrives, you and Sm lay down and watch Coraline, your favorite. You couldn't be more happy.

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