Bust your kneecaps (Creepypasta x Reader

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The art in this chapter is made by Bambagelz on Instagram 

Requested by: no one

Words: 1,326

Genre: Pretty angsty

Associated song: Bust your Kneecaps - Pomplamoose

!Tw! Gore, yandere-ish actions, and mentions of murder/murder

(P.S, Y/n and Remi are in the artbook I recently published. Go read for more info on Remi and what her and Y/n look like.)


"You call it 'crime', we call it smart family business. And the family is famous!"

        "I'll see you when you come home Mimi," "Okay, I love you!" You smile at her sentiment. "I love you too hon, bye." You hang up the phone. Your girlfriend, Remi, called to tell you that her shift ends early today. You are ecstatic to see your wonderful girlfriend after work. You, however, still have to do a mission that slender gave you. He gave you a file with the guys picture in it and an analysis of him. He seems to be the type of person to punch holes in walls, and drink more than a healthy amount of Monster energy drinks. His name is Kyle, very fitting. The files also state that he has a truck, of course, and it has some issues. So, he goes to a lot of auto shops, you figure that's the best way of finding him.

        You trudge through the east side of the woods to get to a small plaza. Said plaza has an auto shop that he frequents often. You have no idea how long you'll have to wait, but you put up with it because Slender gives harsh punishments to those who don't follow his rules. You rather not be that unlucky son of a bitch who has to face his wrath this time. You usually listen to music while traveling, but you forgot your headphones at the mansion. Instead, you plan how to kill your victim, you're thinking about dragging him into an alleyway and slitting his throat. You think that might be a bit hard, considering you're in broad daylight.

        'I think I'll just slit his throat and throw him into a dumpster,' you shrug to yourself. You arrive at the auto shop and decide to lurk around for a bit to try and find him. You spend ten minutes searching the shop for him, you decide to give up and wait outside. Exiting the store, you see a bright red pick up truck pull into the parking lot, your target in the driver's seat. You slip into an alleyway. Kyle gets out of his truck and starts to saunter over to the auto shop entrance. Just before Kyle comes into the window's view, you snag him by the hood of his hoodie and drag him into the alleyway.

        He tries to scream, but your hand muffles the sound well. You pull your machete out from the holster clipped to your left thigh and drive it through his throat, dropping the body, you slide your now bloody machete back into the holster. Kyle lets out a pained gurgle then goes limp, perfect. You glance around for a dumpster, just your luck, there's one deeper in the alleyway. Hoisting Kyle's corpse over your shoulder, you trudge over to the dumpster and open the lid. You carelessly toss Kyle's body into the dumpster and close the lid. You panic for a second, thinking the police will be able to track you based on your finger prints. Then you realize, you're a creepypasta, you are physically incapable of leaving prints.

        Once you were brought to the mansion, Slender was able to alter your fingers to not leave prints. You have no idea how he does it, but, he's an eldritch being who is hundreds of years older than you. He also made the proxies incapable of death, they can still feel the pain of death (except for Toby) and technically die. But they come back fully healed an hour or more later (depending on how severe the damage is, it takes longer to regenerate). Anyway, you slip back into the woods and proceed to walk over to the north side of the woods. Why? Because that's where Remi's house is. 

        Since Remi is getting out early, you have no time to take a shower and change, so, you're covered in blood. You don't think Remi will mind though, you told her what you do for a living. Or, at least you think you did. A smile begins to form on your face as you fantasize about cuddling her, after a shower and wardrobe change, of course. Oh! You almost forgot! You need to touch base with Masky so he could tell Slender that you're finished with your mission. You pull your phone out of your back pocket and proceed to give Masky the heads up. You usually don't rely on the proxies to forward info to Slender, but you're going to stay the night at Remi's house.

Hey Masky, I finished my mission and I'm heading to Remi's house for the night. Could you let Slender know?


Thank you!

You're welcome

        You finally arrive at Remi's house, you let yourself in, you know Remi won't mind. You plop down on her couch and turn on the t.v. You check the time on your phone, two fifty-seven pm, Remi gets out at three today instead of five. You smile, only three more minutes until you can see your lovely girlfriend. You decide to hide somewhere and pop out when she comes home. But, where will you hide? You look around, the kitchen? No. The living room? No. The bathroom? Yes! You slip into the bathroom and tuck yourself behind Remi's shower curtain. 

        Hearing the click of the closed bathroom door, you jump out and yell 'boo!' at your unexpecting girlfriend. She screeches and falls back against the bathroom wall. "Hahahahahah, you should've seen your face!" You snort out, doubled over clutching your stomach. You don't hear Remi laugh though, which is odd, considering she's a good sport when you jumpscare her. Yoy look at her confused, then you remember that you're covered in blood. 

        "Oh, hahaha, I forgot about that." You wave off the fact that you're covered in blood. "Y/n, w-what have you done?!" Remi yells, backing herself further into the wall. You cock your head, "I did a mission for Slender today." Remi still stares you down with wode eyes and shaking pupils. "You kill for a living!? Why haven't you told me?!" You flinch at her tone, "I'm sorry babe, I guess I didn't tell you, but, it's okay, because you know now." You gently take one of her hands, "anyway, c'mere and give your chica a hug." You say trying to gently pull her in, but she rips her hand away. "NO, YOU'RE A MONSTER." You pull back a bit, suprised at her behavior. 

        You hang your head and chuckle, she gives you a confused stare. "Oh Gumdrop..." you look back up at her with a red glint in your eyes, "you don't have a choice." You say sweetly as you step towards Remi. She falls to the grount and curls herself into a fetal position. You crouch down infront of her anf force her chin up so she can look at you. "P-please." Remi croaks as you cup her cheek, wiping a stray tear away with your thumb.  

    "You know...if you ever leave me, I will send my family to stalk you, kidnap you, bring you back to me, and then we'll have so much fun!" You say, tracing your index finger down her jawline, you take both you thumb and index finger and grip her cheeks tightly. "Do you understand?" You ask, now holding Remi's face tightly. Remi nods quickly and leans into you for a hug. She lets a tear slip slowly down her face and onto the tiled bathroom floor.

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