I wanna be your girlfriend (BEN Drowned x Female!Reader)

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Art by Ju_qo on Instagram 

Requested by: No one

Words: 2,611

Associated song: I wanna be your girlfriend - Girl in Red

!Tw! Swearing and mentions/a picture of facial scaring, that's about it.

"I don't wanna be your friend, I wanna be your bitch. And I wanna touch you but not like this."

   "Yo fuckers, I'm going down to the convince store, you want any thing?" You ask to the three pastas lounging on the couch. The other two pastas shake their heads, but the third one makes himself known. "Could you get me a blue raspberry slushie please?" He asks slinking his head upside down over the back couch, his golden locks flowing straight down. You chuckle at the childish nature of the virus. "Sure thing, BEN." You exit the mansion and begin walking.

   As you're walking out of the forest, you itch your face slightly, your breath hitches at the painful sensation. When you first got to the mansion, a certain monochrome fuck decided to pick a fight with your unstable, shaken up ass. He left you with four long scars down your face. Thankfully, he didn't damage your eye at all. 

   You don't bother wearing a mask to hide your face. You simply don't have the energy to give a fuck. You understand why people stare, it's odd and unusual to have that type of scaring. You don't mind, curiosity gets the best of us sometimes.

   Anyways, you reach the convince store and pad inside. Inside was a wonderland of junk. Everything from Twinkies to state made craft beer. Your eyes wander around before spotting the slushie machine. There are four selections of slushie to choose from. There's Coke, blue raspberry, cherry, and green apple. You go to grab a cup, but then realize BEN had never mentioned a size. Quickly, you pull out your phone and text BEN.

Yo BEN, what size do you want?

    You decide to get your own slushie too. You pull out a medium cup and cover, then choose your flavor. You gently push back the lever and watch the mix of flavor syrup and crushed ice enter your cup. You take a red straw and poke it into the slushie. You almost forget about BEN's slushie until you feel your phone buzz in your non dominant hand. 

Lil' Green Bitch
Uhhhhh, get me a medium plz 


   You take another medium cup and fill it with the blue slushie. You grab another straw for BEN and stick it in the back pocket of your jeans along with your phone. You walk up to the  depressed looking teenage cashier and put both drinks on the counter. You pull out your wallet before hand, so it isn't as awkward trying to pay. The cashier looks up the price for the slushies, since there is no barcode.

    "Your total is $3.25 miss." The cashier sighs out. You open your wallet and pull out exact change. You hand the cashier your money and slide your wallet back into your pocket. "Have a good day." "You too sir." You reply, grabbing the slushies and leaving. You start your walk back to the mansion. 

    "I'm back bitches." You announce, opening the front door. You look around for your favorite green midget, but he's nowhere to be seen. "Have any of you seen BEN?" You ask the two other pastas, who are still on the couch. You close the door with your foot and walk over to the couch. "I think he went to his room." Jeff rasps, you nod and thank him. 

   You know where BEN's room is by memory because you and BEN have weekly sleepovers. Speaking of which, you're having one tonight in BEN's room. Your heart flutters at the thought of such a thing. You and BEN are best friends, you hit it off when you two first met. You started developing feelings for the glitch, you've crushed on him for almost a year now. You always keep your cool around him though, as to not raise any suspicion. 

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