Training Wheels (Jeff the Killer x Female!Reader)

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The art in this chapter is made by  on Instagram

Requested by: @Multifandoms27

Pages: 2.4

Words: 822

Genre: Angst to fluff

Associated song: Training Wheels - Melanie Martinez

!Tw! Swearing, and arguing


"Love everything you do. When you call me fucking dumb for the stupid shit I do. I wanna ride my bike with you, fully undressed no training wheels left for you. I'll pull them off for you."

Thinking back on when you and your partner first met, you knew dating a serial killer wouldn't be easy. But you still wanted to pursue a relationship with him anyways. You don't want to say you regret getting in a relationship with him but...things for you and Jeff are taking a turn for the worst. You two have been arguing a lot more recently, you're mad at him because he's been doing a lot more dumb shit lately. You don't mind the dumb shit, but you do mind him almost getting arrested in the Human realm for stealing Trump 2020 signs. Sure, you hate Trump as much as the next guy, but you told Jeff he has to be more careful when doing these things. You rather not have your boyfriend be executed for a slip-up.

Jeff, however, doesn't understand why you're worried. You see, Jeff has major trust issues and low self esteem, so he can't see why you'd be sad if he did die. He still thinks you don't care about him. This mix of emotions and thoughts spurs a lot of arguments between the two of you. You both just want a happy relationship, but both of you are kind of bad at communicating your feelings to one another. You thought about couples counseling in the Under realm. You decided against it, you'll try your damnedest to make this relationship work again.

"Jeff, we need to talk." you say, walking into your living room where Jeff was sitting on the couch. He whips his head towards you. Okay...maybe you came off a bit too strong. You make your way to the couch and sit next to Jeff. Jeff's eyes trail you from the spot where you were standing to the couch. You sigh, and continue the conversation. "I wanted to talk to you about your recent actions." Jeff rolls his eyes, you see this, but decide to ignore it. "I condone your actions, but you have to be more careful. I don't want you to get arrested." You explain, his eyebrows knit together, you can't tell weather its out of frustration or confusion. Maybe both.

"I...don't believe you." Jeff says, he hasn't said anything like this before. You raise your brows a bit out of shock. "What do you mean by that?" You ask, Jeff becomes a bit hesitant. "I don't believe you care weather or not I get arrested or even killed." He admits. You lean forward to not only show you're listening, but to look at his body language. You start to sense his aura of regret and shame. You knew Jeff had some issues, but you never knew they were *this* bad.

"Jeff...honey...of course I'd care if you went to prison and/or died. I love you, and I don't want you to leave me." You reassure, cupping his cheeks and turning him to face you so you know he's listening. Jeff looks up at you, and takes your wrists in his hands. He kisses the palms of both of your hands. You rub his cheek with your thumb. "I hope this clears things up. I really do care about you. I don't want you to get caught. So just, be more careful next time okay love?" You explain, you feel Jeff nod into your hands.

"Now, what do you want for dinner?" You ask, its about five pm. Jeff mutters 'Chinese food' into your hands. You chuckle and go grab a menu from your favorite takeout place. You call and order the food. Once you're done, you sit back down on the couch. Jeff sprawls himself across you, his head resting on your stomach and his hand rubbing circles on your right thigh. You chuckle and tangle your hand in his hair, while scrolling through Netflix, trying to find something to watch.

An hour passes by, and you and Jeff are eating your Chinese food, watching Bojack Horseman. Another hour passes by, and Jeff was on the verge of conking out. Just before he falls asleep Jeff whispers 'I love you so much, I'm so glad we talked this out' to you. You barely hear him, "I love you too Jeff, I am also so happy that we talked it out. I really don't want to lose you."

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