Waterfalls Coming Out your Mouth (Splendorman x Bullied!reader)

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The art in this chapter is made by kayacreepy on Instagram 

Requested by: no one 

Words: 597

Genre: Angst (there's going to be more fluff soon I promise-)

Associated song: Waterfalls Coming Out your Mouth - Glass Animals

!Tw! Swearing, suicidal tendencies, bullying, blood, and gore. 

(A/n: If you're sensitive to the subject of suicide, I suggest skipping this oneshot entirely since the main subject is about suicide. If you or a loved one is experiencing suicidal thoughts or tenancies, call or text 800-273-8255. It isn't too late to get help. Suicide is a permanent problem solver for a temporary issue, I know everyone says this, but it absolutely will get better. Please stay and don't take that chance. I love you all.)

"Waterfalls coming out your mouth, what the hell are we doing now? Waterfalls tearing you apart, what the hell are we doing now?"

    The red liquid drips off of your arms into the drain of the porcelain sink. The cold water cleans the little red slits on your s/t arms. After washing them, you pat your arms with a towel and grab the bandages from your cabnet underneath the sink. You proceed to wrap your arms up then pull your sleeves over your cut up arms. You've been doing this since you moved into the mansion, you became suicidal because of the residents bullying you. You have no idea why they do this to you, but they do. 

     Trudging back to your room, you collapse on your bed. You wish you had someone to tell about this...wait! You shoot up from your bed. The owner of the mansion is super caring and nice, maybe you should tell him! You make your way out of bed and down the hall. You forget which way his office is. You decide to just go straight and hope for the best. Unfortunately, you had ran into Nina. Nina is ine of your wrost bullies. 

       "Get out of my fucking way, shrimp." Nina scoffs at you and shoves you into the hallway wall. She shoved you into the wall, hard. Tears pricked your eyes from the pain. "Awwwww, what are you going to do? Cry about it like a fucking baby?" Nina laughs in your face. Tears begin flowing down your cheeks. As soon as you start crying, Nina loses interest. "Ugh, you're such a fucking baby." She sneers before walking away. You start sobbing and decude to keep going straight. You find his office and knock on the huge doors.

     "Come in!" You hear a cheerful voice shout from the other side. You
hesitantly open the doors to reveal the white man in the colorful suit. "Hello dear- oh." He sees your tear stained cheeks and swollen eyes. "What happened, dear?" He asks you. You swallow the lump in your throat and begin to speak. "I-I was walking to you office and Nina came up and shoved me into the wall really hard. She called me a 'shrimp' and a 'baby'. This isnt even the first time.tjis has happened either." You sniff. Splendorman has a concerned look on his face. 

     "Thank you for letting me know, dear," he says, "stay here, I need to talk to all of them." You donwhat he says and stay put until after the meeting. Since then, you've noticed a lot of the creeps haven't been mean to you, some of them are even nice to you now. 

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