Basket Case (Toby x Murderess! Female! Reader)

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The art in this chapter was made by on Instagram 

Requested by: Ch0pi on Tumblr

Words: 838

Genre: Angst

Associated song: Basket Case - Green Day

!Tw! Swearing, mentions of murder, murder, tics, and abuse


"Sometimes I give myself the creeps, sometimes my mind plays ticks on me. It all keeps adding up."

        Yawning, Toby turns off his alarm. He gets out of bed and makes his way to his closet, opening the doors and evaluating his options. He decides to go with a pair of jeans, a somewhat withered Nirvana shirt, and his classic stripped hoodie. He gets dress and trudges over to the bathroom. Toby strips and gets in the shower, stepping out of the shower, he wraps a towel around his form. Toby finishes his morning routine and heads downstairs. Today is a Saturday, so no school. "Good morning Toby," his sister, Lyra, calls from the dinning room. "G-good morn-asshole-ing Lyra," Toby responds. He makes his way to the kitchen to make some breakfast. He pours some cereal and milk into a bowl, then sits down next to Lyra and his mom. A slammed door causes Toby to jump in his seat. He looks up to see his father, exiting his parent's bedroom. He feels impending doom creep into his head, a shaky sigh leaves his mouth. 

        "Is everything okay Toby?" his mom asks, concern shining through her brown eyes. Toby just silently nods and continues to eat his cereal. "- A body was found in the alleyway of Jim's Corner Store between Main St. and Acorn ave.-" The News brings Toby out of his spaced out state. That's the fifth murder this week, the infamous murderess has been dubbed 'Lady Night', since all of her murders have been at night time. Toby's mom has been worried sick about this murderess and makes sure all the windows and doors are locked before they go to bed. She also makes sure they all have some form of weaponry on them when they head out late. "That's it, no more heading out at night," Toby's mom stated, Toby tensed at her statement. He usually sneaks out at night, because that's the only way he can get away from his family. "But mom! I'm going out with friends tonight!" Lyra stresses, her mom shakes her head. "Not anymore Lyra, I don't want to lose you," "How about of my friend comes and picks me up? We won't leave the house, we're having movie night," Lyra bargains.

        Her mom thinks for a second, then sighs. "Fine Lyra, just be careful and bring your knife." "Yes! Thank you mom!" Lyra says, fist bumping the air. The feeling of impending doom comes back. Lyra is his only escape from his fathers abuse, she helps him with breakdowns, tic attacks, and panic attacks. Toby's shoulders slump, and he gets up to put his empty bowl in the sink. Toby trudges up to his room to find something to do. Toby aimlessly wanders around his room, trying to find something to hold off the boredom. Digging through his closet, Toby finds the entire Harry Potter series. Toby grabs the books and plops down on his bed, getting comfortable. Flipping open the first page of the first book, and start reading. 

~Time Skip~

      The screaming wakes Toby up, his parents are going at it again. He sighs and puts his books back in the closet, then checks the time. 7:30?! Toby was reading for four hours then slept for three? The screaming got more intense, so Toby decided to take a walk. He knows his mom said no, but he can't take it anymore. He grabs his knife and hops out of his window onto the garage roof. The slides off the roof and onto the ground. Toby aimlessly wanders down the street, listening to music. Reaching Jim's corner store, he gets dragged into the alleyway, the same alleyway that the body was found in this morning. Before he could call for help, a hand slaps over his mouth and a knife is pressed against his throat. 

        Toby tries to scream again, the woman tenses a bit. "Toby?" A voice questioned. That voice is very familiar to Toby, it reminds him of e/c eyes, h/c h/l hair, s/t skin/ her unique sense of style, the necklace he gave her for her birthday that she always wore. "Y/n?" he asks, his voice muffled and shaky. Suddenly, A pair of arms wrap around him and pull him into a tight hug. "I missed you so much," Y/n shakily admitted. "I m-missed fuck you you too," Toby says. Toby and Y/n stay there for a while before having Y/n sneak into Toby's room. Y/n fills Toby in about why she became a murderer, and Toby fills Y/n in about how his life has been since she left. Since then, Y/n visits Toby daily and they eventually fall in love with one another.

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