Playdate (Jeff the Killer x Male!Reader)

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The art in this chapter is made by alloowen on Instagram 

Requested by: no one

Words: 1,122

Genre: Some angst, but pretty fluffy

Associated song: Playdate - Melanie Martinez

!Tw! Swearing and arguing

(A/n: I was wondering if you guys would want a Creepypasta hcs book once this one is finished. Not to worry, This one won't be done for a while, I just wanna get your guys' opinions <3 The poll will be at the end of this chapter, just comment something random for whatever answer you want.)

"You know I give a fuck about you everyday, I guess it's time that I tell you the truth. If you share your toys will you let me stay? I don't wanna leave this playdate with you."

        You keep trying to get this punk ass bitch off of your mind, it's becoming annoying how much you think about him on a day-to-day basis. You've tried everything to get this rat bastard off of your mind, drawing, movie marathons, musicals, writing, everything! Who is this mysterious bastard you ask? Well, it's Jeff the killer. Yup, him. He breaks into your house every week, and you're falling for him. He usually breaks into your house and crashes there, he's a terrible person, and yet you keep thinking about him. You know he's supposed to come over tomorrow, because he gave you a heads up in the form of a note on your window.

        At least he gave you a heads up this time, the last time he broke in, you almost shot him. Anyways, you want to talk to him about maybe, I don't know, breaking into someone else's house for a change. Even though you want him, you decide it's better to get him out of your life so you're not tempted by him anymore. You hate to do it, but you have some morals, and those morals are screaming at you to make him leave. You have to emotionally prepare for tomorrow, because this won't be easy.


       Jeff may or may not have just murdered a couple and stole their flowers to give to you tomorrow. Tomorrow is a big day for him. Why? Because he's going to confess his feelings for you. This is a little out of character for Jeff, but he hasn't felt this kind of love for another person for a long time. Let alone someone who is the same gender, the last time that happened was in middle school. Anyway, Jeff returns to the mansion, he puts the flowers in a vase next to a window in his room. Jeff steps out of his room and fails to notice the floating elf glitch right next to his door.

        "Hey Jeff, what's with the flowers?" "FUCKING CHRIST," Jeff jumps in surprise to hear BEN next to him. BEN snorts and Jeff shoots him a glare, Jeff then smile and simply says "nonnya". BEN tilts his head in confusion, Jeff finishes with "Nonnya business." BEN huffs and continues to pester him. "Nah dude, seriously though, what's with the flowers? They go against your entire," BEN looks Jeff up and down then motions to him with his hand, "demeanor." Jeff sighs, knowing he's going to have to tell BEN or else he will be annoyed by him for the rest of the week or even month. 

        "Well, they're for a hot guy who I befriended after trying to kill him." Jeff explains begrudgingly, a shit-eating grin forms on BEN's face. "Ooooooh~ Jeffy likes someone!" BEN practically yells as Jeff slaps a hand over BENs mouth. Jeff feels a wet sensation across the palm of his hand. He immediately takes his hand off of BENs mouth, "Ew dude, how the fuck do you have saliva?" Jeff questions, wiping his hand vigorously on his black jeans. BEN only smiles and shrugs, Jeff sighs and starts to walk to the kitchen, BEN follows. "What do you want?" "I was gonna ask if you wanted to have a video game playing session." Jeff thinks for a moment then nods. It'll do him good, and will probably force you out of his head finally.


        You toss and turn in bed, trying to at least get some sleep tonight, you finally get up. What's the point of staying in bed when there is so much to be done? You trudge over to the kitchen and start making some coffee, as you sit and wait for the coffee to brew, you worry about telling Jeff to leave. You sigh and lean your arm on the counter, what if he tries to kill you? What if he hurts you? What if you hurt him? As these intrusive thoughts run through your head, you hear a knock on your window. You whip your head around to see Jeff perched outside your window, waving at you. You open the window and Jeff climbs through, he seems to have something hidden behind his back. Brushing it off, you prepare to tell Jeff.

        "So, Y/n, I came early because I need to tell you something important. I haven't been able to get you off of my mind lately, and I wanted to ask," Jeff pulls out a gorgeous bouquet of f/c and red roses, "would you be my boyfriend?" Jeff finishes, looking at you with hope in his eyes. Your heart drops, you feel terrible. "Jeff, I'm so sorry, I can't take those, I can't have you coming here anymore. I hope you understand." Jeff's hopeful look drops into a sorrowful one, he smiles sadly and nods. He goes to hop back out the window, your jaw drops, realizing what you've done.

        "Jeff, wait." Jeff turns around and gazes at you longingly, you meet his eyes and motion for him to come to you. Jeff carefully pads over to you, you gently side your hand onto his face to cup his cheek. He leans into your touch, and you lean your lips onto his. Both of your lips move in perfect synch. You both pull away for air, before you could keep going, you have to say something. "I'm sorry Jeff, I really want to be with you. I thought I could sweep my feelings under the rug, because you're a murderer, but now I realize," you lean in about in inch away from his chapped lips, "I don't give a fuck what you do, I'll love you anyway." You place another sweet kiss on his lips.

I was thinking about making a creepypasta headcanons book after I finish the oneshot book. Do not worry, the oneshot book is far from over, but I just want to know if you would like to see it happen.



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