Heather (Ticci Toby x Reader)

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The art in this chapter is made by twazyras on Instagram 

Requested by: no one

Words: 691

Genre: Angst

Associated Song: Heather - Conan Gray 

(A/n: Sorry If the grammar is off, I'm writing in my phone bc I accidentally broke my laptop :(. Also happy Valentine's day loves, have a great one and stay safe!!)


"Why would you ever kiss me, I'm not even half as pretty. You gave her your sweater, it's just polyester. But you liked her better, I wish I was Heather." 

       Just another normal day for you in the Slender mansion. Get up, shower, brush your teeth, get ready for the day, etc. But, today is different. Valentines day is coming up, and you want to confess to your crush, Toby. He's cute, funny, smart, handsome, everything you could ask for. Granted, you're kinda nervous because you know Clockwork also has a crush on Toby. You're going to try to date him though, you're not gonna stop because somebody else also had an interest in him. 

       You have a plan to ask him out on Valentine's day, you have his favorite type of candy, Sour Patch Kids, and you have this cute stuffed black bear holding a pastel orange heart that says 'will you be mine?' sewn onto the heart. You plan on leaving the candy and bear on his bed with a cute card you made asking him to be your boyfriend. 

    Today's the day! You wake up and look at the mission schedule. Toby has a mission from 9 am to 2 pm (14:00). Perfect! You see that it's 10 am, so you grab the stuff and make your way to his room. You make it to his room with no interruptions. You put the bear on his pillow along with the candy. You slip the card in between the bear and the heart. You quickly leave and return to your room. 
     A few hours later, you get a text from Toby. Your heart beats out of your chest. Your heart drops to your stomach after reading the text. 

Toby - Hey Y/n, can u meet my in my room? We need to talk.

Oki, be right there ^^ - Y/n

     You shakily make your way over to Toby's room. You feel so dizzy and nervous. But you feel so excited as well. You reach Toby's room and gently knock on his door. "Come in." Toby says from the other side of his door. Entering the room, you see Toby holding the card, while the stuffed bear and candy sat in his lap. "Sooooo, what do you think?" You ask, hoping for a good answer. Your hope leaves as soon as it came when Toby looks at you.

      "Y/n, I love and appreciate these gifts but...I can't go out with you. I'm already going out with Clockwork." He finishes. You feel tears welling up in your eyes, you force them to stay in your eyes. "Oh, that great! I hope you and Clockwork have a happy Valentine's day!" You feign excitement for them and then leave. As soon as you make it to your room, you take a piping hot shower, put on some sad music and sob.

      An hour and a half passes until your phone vibrates from a text message. You wipe your hand dry and read the text you got. It was a text from Jane. She texted you to see if you wanted to go out with her, Nina, Lj, and Liu. They are all going to a wine tasting and wanted to see if you'd like to come with. Jane knew what happened between you and Toby, and since Clockwork bailed out to go out with Toby, she thought she'd invite you. 

     You obviously said yes, you need a drink after sobbing for almost two hours. You get ready and pick out a nice outfit. You text Jane you were ready and met up with the group downstairs in the living room. You went out and had an amazing time, ultimately forgetting about Toby and Clockwork. 

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