Hey Brother (Creepypasta x reader)

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Sorry guys, no chapter art today. 

Requested by: no one

Words: 715

Genre: Pretty fluff ngl

Associated song: Hey Brother - Avicii

(A/n: Happy (late) Thanksgiving! If you don't celebrate Thanksgiving, then have a good day!)

"Oh, if the sky comes falling down, for you, there's nothing in this world I wouldn't do."

     Thanksgiving in the mansion is always an...interesting experience. For example, one year, Jeff wouldn't stop picking on BEN, so BEN flung a spoonful of mashed potatoes at Jeff. They kept going until an all out food war was going on. Obviously, you participated. You were ducking behind flipped tables and chucking assorted veggies at whoever crossed your path (mostly Jeff). Needless to say, BEN and Jeff had to clean the mess. From that, they have a silent agreement to never do that again, no matter how fun it was to do. 

        You smile, that memory is one of the best ones you have. You dry your hands and begin to wash potatoes. Everyone chips in and does something to prepare for the Thanksgiving feast. Everything from simply setting the table, to making dishes, everyone has a role to play. Your role this year is to make the mashed potatoes. First, you wash and peel the potatoes. Then, you cut them into big chunks. You put them in already boiling water for twelve to thirteen minutes. Drain the potatoes then add them to a nonstick pan, bake at three hundred degrees Fahrenheit (One hundred seventy six degrees Celsius) for twenty five minutes.

        After putting the potatoes in the oven, you decide to help set the table. Slender's brothers are coming with some of their pastas and proxies as well, so you, Jeff, Sally, and BEN have a lot of room to cover. The table that is set up is basically a huge square. So Jeff jas the front, BEN and Sally have the sides, and hou have the back. 

     You each receive a piece of paper Slender gave to you that shows where each of you have to put the name cards. As you're putting down the name tags, there are a few people you recognize, such as Splendorman, Kate the Chaser, and X-Virus. But, there are a few who you never heard of, such as, Hobo Heart, Suicide Sadie, and Nathan the Nobody.

      Whoever these people were, you're excited and kinda nervous to meet them. You wonder if they've heard of you, after all, you are the newest edition to the entire pasta/proxy family. And honestly, theres no other family you'd rather be in. 

      After that sappy thought, you realized that you ran out of name cards to place, you look around the table, and see that BEN, Jeff, and Sally are done as well. You all group and report back to Slender to give him the papers, since you have no use for them anymore.

     You are told by Slender to do one last thing, set the table. You do as you're told and take a few sets of plates and go around the table. Then, you take the forks, spoons and the knives, and go around the table. Lastly, you take the napkins, then go around the table. After that was done, you relax on the couch for a bit with Sally to watch the Thanksgiving day parade.

    A few minutes later, you hear a knock on the door, and Slender opens the door. A lot of people and four tall figures walk in. Some people run to hug others, and some stay and talk amongst their group. You get up and decide to introduce yourself to Slenders brothers. 

    You're a bit nervous at first, you stand next to Slender, until one of the brothers notices you. "Are they the newest recruit?" The one with glasses asks. "Oh yes! Y/n joined us mere months ago." The brothers nod and start introducing themselves. 

     "Hi! Im Slpendor man! I've heard great things about you!" You shyly shake his hand, the other one comes to greet you. "Hello, I'm Trenderman, I say you have a very good sense of stule darling!" You thank him and shake his hand.
    Some time passes before you all sit down to eat. Everyone was chatting and laughing, there's no place you'd rather be.

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