Memories (Slenderman x Daughter-like!reader)

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The art in this chapter is made by aiatattoo on Instagram 

Requested by: sweetshake-hell (on Tumblr)

Words: 745

Genre: fluff

Associated song: Memories - David Guetta (ft. Kid Cudi)

!Tw! Swearing, a mention of blood

"Those will be the best Memories, I just wanna let it go for tonight." 

      Before we begin, we're gonna need some backstory on you as a Slender roxy. Some of the most important people in the Slender mansion are Slender's proxies. They're the toughest, ruthless people in the mansion. You, Y/n, are a part of this group, currently Slenders favorite proxy (He refuses to tell Hoodie, Masky, and Toby that though). You're like a daughter to him, if anything happened to you, he would probably become a shut in and spiral into a deep depression.

      He's EXTREMELY protective of you, bordering on overprotective. It'll be a cold day in hell if anyone hurts you and gets away with it. The proxies think of you like a sister, they'll go feral if ANYONE lays a finger on you. You and the proxies do essentially everything together, shopping, missions, annyoing Slender, etc. If you get really hurt on a mission, the Proxies and Slebder will be all over you. They'll do just about everything for you, and give you extra love (if that's even possible). 

     You wake up to your alarm screaming at you, you press the off button and get up. You almost forget it's your birthday today! You hurriedly get ready for the day and make your way down to the living area. You get a notification on your phone, it's Slender telling you that you need to come to his office immediately. You panic, not sure if you're in trouble or not, you quickly make your way to his office. Arriving at the huge wooden doors, you hesitantly knock in them. Slender answers your knocks with a "come in".

      Sheepishly, you enter Slender's massive office. You see the tall being with a party hat on, and a wrapped gift set in front of him. "Happy Birthday Y/n!" You hear four voices say to you. Wait...four voices? Toby, Hoodie, and Masky all step out of the shadows, all wearing birthday hats and holding gifts. You're a bit creeped out, but excited nonetheless. "Awww thank you guys! You really didn't have to get me anything!" You say, excitedly bouncing up and down. "Oh no dear, we had to get you gifts, you've been working so hard, also it's rude to perpously not get someone a gift," Slender finishes. 

       Toby, Hoodie, and Masky all hand you their gifts, Slender motions for you to sit down and open your gifts. You open up Toby's first, Its a F/c hoodie! Your favorite one is covered in bloodstains. Next, you open up Hoodie's gift. It was a very nice, sleek looking pocket knife. Then, you open up Masky's gift. Its a pair of Doc Martins. Stylish, and also high quality and good for work. Lastly, you open Slenders, you pick up a gorgeous silver, heart-shaped locket. You open the locket and on one side is a picture of you, Slender, and the proxies, and on the other, is a message transcribed into the locket. 

         "Being a family means you are a part of something very wonderful. It means you will love and be loved for the rest of your life." The message in the locket reads. You feel tears well up in your eyes and you embrace the tall eldritch being. "I love you so much dad," you say, he chuckles.  "I love you too, dear. Now, lets go cut your cake." You perk your head up at that "You got me a cake?!" You say excitedly, Slender and the proxies nod. You excitedly run downstairs to the kitchen and look in the frdge, there, in all of it's glory, sat a f/f (favorite flavor) homemade cake. Your mouth begins to water. 

     Snatching the cake from the fridge, you try to cut into it but Toby stopped you. "Y-you need ca-candles for your birthday cake, d-dummy." He says, handing you a few brightly colored candles. You poke the candles into the cake, and light them with the lighter given to you by Masky. The proxies and Slender sing Happy Birthday and then you blow out the candles. You take a knife and cut a slice out of the cake. Today's a great day to be alive. 

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