505 (Laughing Jack x reader)

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The art in this chapter is made by Alloowen on Instagram
Requested by: no one

Words: 1,176

Genre: Angst

Associated song: 505 - Arctic Monkeys

!Tw! Swearing, asshole mom, arguing, and yelling

(P.s, Sorry this chapter is a bit late, I had to decide what to do for this week.)


"I crumble completely when you cry, it seems like once again you've had to greet me with goodbye."

   You sigh and stand up off of your carpeted floor. You just finished packing the second to last box full of items. You're pretty sad that you have to move away, but you're also happy that your dad found a new job. Its bittersweet. You unfold another box and set it upside down, then, you duck tape the bottom closed. 

   You get up and amble over to your closet. All you have to do now is pack away your clothes. You grab your shirts off of their hangers and fold them. Taking the stack of folded shirts, you plop them in the box. You then take your pants, undergarments, and socks and do the same. You put some shoes in there as well. 

   You grab the duck tape and tape the box closed. You grab a marker and write "clothes" on the box in big, bold letters. You smile at yourself and stand up again. "I didn't think I'd have all of that done by today." You utter to yourself proudly. You have a f/c mini backpack that you put your essentials in. You take the backpack from your bed and toss in your wallet, pocketknife (gotta be protected), earbuds, chap stick, and you were just about to sneak Lj's box in when your mom burst in. 

    You about jump out of your skin, "Y/n! Are you finished- what's that?" She cuts herself off as she points her index finger at the little music box in your hand. You panic, knowing if she found out that Jack was a thing, she'd freak! Your mom is already hella superstitious, you can't tell her about a magic clown that fucking kills kids for fun.

    "I, uh, bought it at the antique shop down the street." You force out with an awkward smile. Your mom gives you a nasty look. "Y/n! What have I said about wasting money on such childish things?" She sneers, snatching the box from your hands to have a look at it. "Don't! It's very delicate!" You say a bit to loudly, your mom snaps her head towards you. She throws the music box at you and you just barely catch it.

   "Y/n, you are NOT" she takes a step towards you, you instinctively take a step back," taking that to our new house, if you try to take that with us I will smash it to pieces!" Your mom takes a deep breath and crosses her arms. "Do you understand?"  You barely nod your head, trying to swallow the lump in your throat. Your mother sighs, "good, now set an alarm for six am tomorrow, we're out of here by seven." She finishes, slamming your door.

   You hear her walk down the stairs and you immediately start sobbing. You gently turn the handle of the music box, sobbing harder as the sincere tune plays, because you know that will be the last time you will hear it. You hum along to the song, its melody becoming melancholy as you hum. Your monochrome boyfriend pops out of the box and lands on your bed without a sound. 

   "Hey love - are you okay?" Jack asks nervously, gently setting his clawed hands on your shoulders. You try to get words out, but everytime you look up at him, you cry harder. Lj gives you a sympathetic look and pulls you into his chest. He rubs your back and whispers sweet nothings into your ear as you sob into his chest. 

    After about an hour, your cries are reduced to hiccups and hitched breathing. You pull away from his chest and look up at him. "My mom told me that I can't take you with me when we move," you take a few deep breaths to calm yourself, "she said she would smash the box if I brought it with me." Lj's eyes widen as he looks down at you, he pulls you into another tight hug. 

   "I'm so sorry I won't be with you darling." He whispers on the verge of tears. You hug him tighter, knowing you have to leave him behind tomorrow. You don't want to abandon him like Isaac did, he doesn't deserve that. He knows you don't want to leave, but for him, its a matter of life and death. You pull away from the hug and look Lj in the eyes. "I'm gonna spend as much time as I possibly can with you today." You state, looking into his misty, grey eyes. 

   As promised, you both spent the rest of your day together. You planed an to pull an all nighter to watch movies, walk around, and share stories. You both watched Nightmare in Elm Street, per Lj's request. Then, you both walked through the forest together, arriving at a small pond and skipping rocks for an hour. Lastly, you both told stories about each each other's lives. 

    You're laying on Lj's chest as he plays with your h/l h/c hair, you're finishing up a funny story about how you got yourself stuck in a dresser drawer. Hearing a beeping sound coming from your bed, you sit up quickly and look at your phone. Your heart drops, as the alarm for you to get up at six am rings continuously. You swipe  tour thumb across the screen to silence the alarm. You drop your phone onto your bed and your arm falls limp. 

   Your eyes begin to well up with tears, Lj notices and turns you around." Love it's okay, go get ready and put your things in the U-Haul, I will wait here for you." You take his hand in yours and you nod. You give him a quick peck on the cheek and go get ready. 

   You showered and put on some new clothes, then, you packed all your things into the U-haul. When you're finally done with that, you glance at your phone screen. Six-fifty am. You sigh and trudge back up the stairs. You open the door and glance at Lj, he gives you a sweet smile.
   You walk over to Lj, and sit next to him. With teary eyes, you look up him. "I'm going to miss you so much." You manage to sigh out. "Me too, my little hummingbird." He cups your cheek and you bring your lips onto his. You kiss for a solid five minutes before your mom yells up to you, its time to go. You give him one last hug and kiss, then you grab your mini backpack, and wave goodbye to Jack.

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