Don't You Dare Forget the Sun (Liu x Reader)

3.4K 56 13

The art in this chapter is made by kace.ce on Instagram

Requested by: no one

Words: 759

Genre: Angst to fluff

Associated song: Don't You Dare Forget the Sun - Get Scared

!Tw! Slight gore and description of someone's injuries.

(Just a quick heads up, the next oneshot is going to be posted Saturday because it's a Halloween special!)

(A/n: Thank you guys so much for 1.3k reads!)


"You're a mess, tangled with your confidence, you think you haven't sinned? Well, you're unstoppable, your walls are impassible, oh."

You lay there, on your couch, worried about your friend. Your friend said he needed to take care of something, and he'd be back at four thirty. It is now seven pm. He said to call or text him if he has been gone for more than an hour. You called him three times and text him ten. You've been watching horror movies for two and a half hours now, bored and worried out of your mind. He has DID and his alter, Sully, gets him into trouble sometimes. Although Sully can be a handful, you love them both the same. His work is pretty dangerous too, he works as a secret agent. He knows you worry and fret over him a lot too, he tells you not to, because he's a professional. You try your best not to, but he's your best friend, he's very valuable to you.

The front door opening knocks you out of your thoughts. Liu stumbles in, limping and bloody. You immediately get up off the couch and help him to the bathroom. You have him sit down, as you rummage through the closet, you ask him what happened. "The guy I was targeting was hard to fight. He was big and beefy, looked like a body builder. I needed to check him out because my boos found some suspicious activities on his computer." Liu explains, you nod in understanding, dampening a wash cloth to use to wipe his bloody nose. You grab some rubbing alcohol, cotton balls, and bandages. Cupping Liu's cheek, you pour some alcohol on a cotton ball, and dad it on one of the three cuts on his face. He winces at the stinging sensation when you press the cotton ball to his cheek. "I know it hurts, but you have to stay still," you mumble, placing a band aid on his cheek.

After you finish up with his cuts, you grab an ice pack out of your freezer for his black eye. You gave Liu the ice pack and took off his coat and scarf. You gasp slightly, bruises litter his neck and arms and a giant gash runs from his elbow to his wrist. "Liu! How did this happen?!" Liu jumps at your tone of anger and concern, "I fell on the asphalt trying to fight him off, he managed to drag me across the ground." Liu confesses, you sigh. You wash the gash with alcohol and grab some gauze from the closet. You place the gauze across the wound then wrap it in the cloth bandages. "I think we're done," you say, standing up from your kneeling position. Liu gets up off the toilet seat and engulfs you with a hug, you blush and hug him back, nuzzling your face into his shoulder. "Thank you, Y/n, I don't know where I would be without you," Liu admits softly. That statement gave you tons of butterflies in your stomach, you hug him tighter. "You're welcome Liu, I'd do anything for you," you confess into his shoulder.

"Do you wanna make some popcorn and watch some scary movies?" you ask, you can feel Liu nod, so you broke away from the embrace to make the popcorn. Liu gathers blankets and pillows from your room and spreads them out on your couch. You pour the fresh popcorn into a big bowl. Since Halloween is right around the corner, You grab your stack of Halloween favorites, including Beetlejuice, Coraline, Hocus Pocus, and every slasher film to ever exist. You chose Beetlejuice first to watch, you slip the DVD into the DVD player and sit on the couch. You lay on your back, your head positioned on the arm rest of your couch, Liu slides up between your legs and lays his head on your chest. His arms wrap around your waist, you lay your left arm on his shoulder blades. You start to play with his hair with your right hand while you're rubbing his back. This night couldn't get any better.

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