Heat Waves (Hobo Heart x Reader)

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The art in this chapter was made by the_living_sorting_hat on Instagram!
Requested by: no one

Words: 741

Genre: Fluff

Associated song: Heat Waves - Glass Animals

"Sometimes all I think about is you, late nights in the middle of June. Heat waves been faking me out, can't make you happier now." 

        Trying to go to sleep during the summer in the mansion is a nightmare. If you don't have an air conditioner, than you'll be hot and sticky. All. Night. Long. Hobo lays on his bed, its almost two am. However, it's not just the sweltering summer heat making him unable to sleep. Hobo keeps thinking about you, the new addition to the mansion. He has been told to show you around the mansion and how things work. You're shadowing him, basically. Ever since your first day at the mansion, he was enamored by you. The way you walk, the way you talk, your style, everything.

        Hobo is scared to have another relationship though. What happened with Cici scarred him, he doesn't want to be hurt like that again. On the other hand, he knows someone as loyal as you wouldn't abandon him like that, would you? All of this back and forth kept him awake all night. before he knew it, his alarm was beeping.

        He begrudgingly turned it off and trudged over to his bathroom to take a shower. After he showered, he did his morning routine and got ready for the day. After that, he checked his mission schedule, he only had a short mission today. He had to stalk a target, Slender was getting suspicious of them. After that, Hobo gathered things he needed and left the mansion for his mission. 

        Yawning, you sit up and stretch in your bed. You get up and proceed with your morning routine. After you're done, you check the mission schedule, you have no missions today. You decide to text Hobo Heart to see if he wants to hang out after his mission.

        Hobo's phone vibrates in his pocket, he pulls it out. His heart speeds up when he sees your text. His heart speeds up more when he reads your text. Of course he says yes, he has wanted to hang out with you so he can tell you how he feels. Feeling more confident, he continues on with his mission. 

        A few hours later you're chilling in your room, you just got done cleaning the mansion's windows with Ej. Having a seven foot (two hundred thirteen centimeter) demon help you with cleaning tall windows is awesome. Last time you had to get on Clockwork's shoulders to clean the entire window. It was pretty fun though. Every time you're scheduled to clean with Clockwork, you always have so much fun. 

        A knock on your door brings you out of your thoughts and back to reality. "Come in," you say to who ever is on the other side. Hobo sheepishly opens your door and shuffles in. "Oh hey Hobo! How was your mission?" "It was good, how's your day going?" Hobo asks, you sit up in your bed and put your book down. "My day has been doing good so far, thank you for asking," You say. You motion for Hobo to sit on your bed with you. 

        Hobo sits down on your bed with you. "So what do you want to do?" "There's this movie I've been wanting to watch with you, I think you'll really like it." You pull out your laptop and pull up the movie Beetlejuice. You know Hobo is a huge fan of cheesy late 90's early 2000's horror movies. You asked him if he's seen it and he said no before. So you think he'll really like this movie. 

        Halfway through the movie, Hobo yawns and smoothly wraps his harm around your shoulders. You pretend not to notice and try not to blush too hard. You both stay focused on the movie from beginning to end. "So, what do you think?" "I actually really liked it. Sorry to change the subject, but I wanted to see you today for another reason." 

     You cocked your head inquisitively, "What did you want to talk to me about?" Hobo rubs the back of his neck sheepishly. "I wanted to ask if you would mind being my significant other?" Hobo finishes, dusty red appears across his cheeks. You smile and nod, then pull Hobo into a loving kiss. 

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