This is Halloween (Creepypasta x Reader)

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The art in this chapter is made by HaniHX on Deviantart

Requested by: no one

Words: 1,178

Genre: I don't really know

Associated song: This is Halloween - The Nightmare Before Christmas

!Tw! Gorey makeup and swearing

"This is Halloween, everybody make a scene. Trick or treat 'till the neighbors die of fright."

        One thing about the Creepypasta family that nobody really knows about is when Halloween rolls around, the creeps decorate a warehouse that Slender bought a while ago. Why you might ask? Because Slender turns that warehouse, into a haunted warehouse. There are five "houses" that all loop together, the creeps get to scare people throughout those houses. The creeps get assigned a house that matches their aesthetic, such as Jason the Toymaker, Laughing Jack, Splendorman, and Candy Pop all reside in the circus house. There is a circus themed one, an asylum themed one, a forest themed one, an abandoned building themed one, and lastly, one themed like the mansion itself.

        In the circus themed one, Laughing jack, Jason the Toymaker, Candypop, and Splendorman. The asylum house contains Jeff the killer, Nurse Ann, Homicidal Liu, Offenderman, and Suicide Mouse. The forest house contains Eyeless Jack, Smile Dog, The Rake, Kate the Chaser, BEN Drowned, and Hobo Heart. The mansion house contains Slender man, Ticci Toby, Hoodie, and Masky. 

         The creeps have been doing this for about 10 years now, the event is called Halloween Horror, it runs through October first, to the thirty first. You may be wondering, how do you do this without the pasta's being recognized by outsiders? Well, most of them wear masks or make their unique appearances, look like makeup. For example, Jeff puts fake scaring around his smile to make it look like makeup. 

        This is were you, Y/n, come into the picture. Since you are a pasta, you get to participate this year! Slender made the decision to assign you to the abandoned building house, because that's where you were found by a proxy and taken back to the mansion for training. Joining you in the abandoned building house will be Clockwork, Jane the Killer, Kagekao, Nina the Killer, Sally, and Trenderman. The abandoned building is based off of Pam's Labyrinth, kind of like a maze, but you know where you're going. There are fake windows spread across the "labyrinth" where creeps scare people, There is also a space behind the walls so people can knock on them. Sally just runs around and verbally scares people. The walls are decorated with chipping grey paint and words and symbols spray painted on the walls in red and black. There's also fake blood and hand prints everywhere.

        Since this is your first time participating this year, you were supposed to be behind the walls, that's where beginners usually start out. But you convinced him to be in the windows, physically scaring people. He was trying to find someone to replace you behind the walls, fortunately, Nina was new to the scare-acting scene. So she agreed to start out behind the walls.
        Stepping out of the car, you take a deep breath in. The smell of food and fallen leaves fill your nose. Slender pays people that pay vendors to come and sell food in front of the warehouse for the scare-actors and attendees. You have to hurry up though, the event starts at seven at night. You have an hour to do your makeup and get into your position in your assigned house. You don't really have to do your makeup, you just need to pour fake blood all over your mask and put on your costume. But, you also get time to have a snack before your next break, which is in about three hours. You make your way to the back of the warehouse, and go through the back door. You open the door and walk down the long hallway of doors before seeing your door and going in to your dressing room. 

        Stepping into your dressing room, you flick on the lights. You sit down at your vanity and grab some fake blood off of the shelf full of makeup. You cover your dominant hand in fake blood, then take off your mask with your non-dominant hand. You put your bloody hand on the right eye hole of your mask. You then pulled a toothbrush you bought out of your pocket and dipped the brush end into the bottle of fake blood. You stick out your index finger and hit the toothbrush on your finger to create a splattering effect on your mask. You walk over to a curtain and pull it back to reveal your bloody costume for tonight. This is a copy of the same outfit you wear on missions that you splattered fake blood on. The costume is a black long sleeve fitted shirt, black cargo pants, Doc Martins, and a cloak with holes in the hood for your antlers.  

        You take off your clothes and slip into the costume and left your dressing room. You pop out near the mansion house at the end of the warehouse with your fake machete, a copy of your real one. You walk past the line of people waiting to go into the first house, some of them ask for pictures, and you agree, after the pictures, you enter the abandoned building house and get into position next to Clockwork. "You excited Newbie?" she questions, peaking her head out of the window diagonal from you.

        "Hell yeah! I'm so excited I'm shaking!" you answer. That wasn't exactly a lie, you are shaking out of excitement, but also anxiety. You are scared to scare people. "Good to hear, now get ready, The guy just let a group in." Clockwork says, sticking her head back in the fake window. You do the same and wait for the group. You hear the screams of terror as the group passes throughout the other houses, more anxiety building up per scream. Finally, you hear footsteps and a scream at the entrance of your house. You see the shadow of a person and gently open your window, as to not make any noise. As the person is passing your window, you yell and stick your hand out the window to grab their wrist, they screech and pull their wrist away. Success. 

        After three hours, you take your break. You wander outside and get some f/f from the vendors and use the bathroom really quick. So far, you've scared all the people you've come in contact with. You're a natural at this! After your break, you head back through, and take a picture with some more people. This is amazing, you never want this to end. Sadly, all good things must come to an end. The last group of people came and went, and now it's time to go home. You car pool with the others in your house back to the mansion. Once you're back at the mansion, you take a quick shower and immediately pass out on your bed.

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