Hit and Run (Hoodie x reader)(Part 2)

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The art in this chapter is made by ashyjxllo on Instagram 

Requested by: No one 

Words: 887

Genre: Kinda angsty

Associated Song: Hit and Run - Lolo

!Tw! Kidnapping, and swearing


"All dressed up for a hit and run. Na na na na na na na. All dressed up for a hit and run."

      Groaning, you crack open your eyes, you panic, as you don't recognize your surroundings. You try to move your arms and legs, but they're secured together. You're tied down to a chair, you try to call for help, but you cant move your mouth. Your mouth is taped shut. 'What the hell happened last night?' You ponder, struggling against your restraints. You glance around the unfamiliar room and see a pale yellow hoodie hanging up on the wall. That's when it hit you, you were followed home by a person in a ski mask and then got knocked out.

       After a few minutes of thrashing and trying to wiggle out of your restraints, someone opened the door. You squint at the light, your eyes not being used to the light. Heavy footsteps make their way around you then to the side of the room. The person flicks on the light, you whip your head at the kidnapper. The man was white with kinda curly light brown hair, grown out quite a bit. He has some facial hair, relatively attractive. He's wearing a plain charcoal colored tee shirt, denim jeans, and Timberland's. The man steps closer to you, and you instinctively flinch back. He gently takes your chin and rips off the tape holding your mouth closed. 

     "Ow dude! What the fuck?!" You hiss at the burning sensation around your mouth. But hey, at least you don't have to get your lady-stache waxed now. "Where the hell am I?" You question, your eyes never leaving the man. The man doesn't answer your question, instead, the man pulls a big hunting knife out of his pocket and puts it to your throat. You're immediately terrified, eyes widening. The man leans in, "Where the fuck is he?" Man, this dude just dragged you onto an emotional roller coaster, first being angry, then terrified, now confused. "...Who?" "You know damn well who." He hisses in your ear, you shiver. "But I don't," you reply. "He comes in your coffee shop almost everyday, how do you knot know him?" Your mind flicks back to your regulars at the coffee shop. You realize you might know who this guy is talking about. "...You mean Tim?" You ask, with a confused look on your face. The man nods, "Yes, Tim." You realize once again why he's asking, Tim never came into the shop today. 

        "Now that you mention it, Tim never came into the shop today," you add. The man nods to himself, thinking about something. "Was he there yesterday?" You try and think back to yesterday, face contorting into one of concentration. "Hmmmm, yes. He walk out of the shop after getting his coffee and took a left. I don't know where he went though," you conclude. The man nods his head, reaching for the chair you're seated in. You flinch, and he grabs the rope that's securing your hands. "Stay still," he demands, you halt all movement. You squeeze your eyes shut out of fear, you tense as you hear the flick of a pocket knife. The man is cutting off your restraints, you relax yourself a bit. Once all of your restraints are cut, you look up at the man, confused. "Why did you cut off my restraints?" "Because You're no use to me now," the man answered. Your heart drops and your blood runs cold. "W-What are you going to do with me?" You ask, taking a step back from the man. "Now, you're going to help me find Tim," you feel a rush of relief. 

        "Oooooh, okay, I thought you were going to kill me," you chuckle, placing a hand on your chest. The man chuckles with you, wiping a tear from his eye from chuckling to hard. "Oh I will, if you tell anyone that you interacted with me that is," he muses, you stop dead. "W-what?" you ask, the man proceeds to circle you. "You see, my dear Y/n, I am part of a special "business", kind of like a mafia, you can't tell anyone about me, or I am required to kill you," the man finishes. You're stuck in the chair, unable to move from fear. "Anyways, you can to help me find Tim, or you die." "I'll help you find Tim," you said, not wanting to die young. The man mumbles 'good' and pulls you up. "Follow me," he says, you tag right be hind him as he leads you to a white van. He gets in the drivers seat and you hop into the passenger's seat. The man pulls out of the cabin driveway, you realize you're in the middle of a forest. "So, what's your name?" you ask, trying to make this less awkward. "I can't tell you, it's classified, but you can call me Hoodie." You nod, agreeing to calling him that. 

        You don't know where you are, or where you're going, but you have a feeling that this will turn into a good experience.

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