Girl That You Love (Slenderman x Female!reader)

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The art in this chapter is made by art.zzone on Instagram 

Requested by: simplykathika

Words: 1,155

Genre: Angst to Fluff

Associated song: Girl That You Love - Panic! At The Disco

!Tw! Swearing, kidnapping, mentions of human trafficking, mentions of murder, murder and gore. 

(A/n: Shameless self promo I recently wrote a oneshot and published it. It's not Creepypasta related but if you like Eddsworld and the fancomic Eddsworld, the Beginning and the Friend, you might like it. Enjoy!) 

"Insistant pretext, so what does that make God? To the girl that you love."

       Today is like any other day. You get up, shower, and proceed with your morning routine. You put on your work uniform and start walking to work. You work at a library a few blocks away from where you live. As you're walking, you sense someone is behind you, following you. Picking up your pace, you begin to speed walk, so does the person behind you. Now running, you try to lose the person chasing you.

     You are a few yards ahead of them, you quickly turn a street corner and duck into an alleyway. You sigh out of relief, ypu finally lost them. Unfortunately, there is a group of three men standing in the alleyway as well "Ah shit." You curse to yourself, you try to run, but one of the men grabs you and presses a cloth to your mouth. You try to scream, but you inhaled the chloroform and passed out. 

      When you come to, you can't move, at all. You look down and see your arms and legs have been tied to a stable looking wooden chair. You try to call for help, but your mouth is duct taped shut. You try your best to make any noise loud enough for someone to notice and rescue you. After about thirty minutes, you gave up.

      You look around you, not being aware or your surroundings. The room you're in has one dingy lightbulb and a pull string hanging from the ceiling. The walls are made of concrete, moss and mold has grown in through cracks in the walls. Unfortunately, the walls were probably sound proof. Not knowing what to do next, you kust kind of sit there. 

      In the middle of you doing absolutely nothing, you hear footsteps coming closer to the door. You freeze out of pure terror. The door slowly unlocks to reveal a guy in a yellow hoodie and a ski mask. He was covered in blood. "Are you Y/n?" The man asks, you nod your head yes. He walks over to you, and he pulls out a knife. You flinch and start trying to scream for help. 

    The guy takes the knife and cuts off your restraints, he also manages to get the tape off of your mouth without hurting you. "Thank you so much." You say, hugging the guy, your eyes filled with tears. He puts a hand on your back and rubs comforting circles into your back. After you're done crying, the man leads you to a big white van. He tells you to hop into the passenger seat, you do so. "So, where are we going?" 

      "You're going to stay with me for a while, and were going to talk to my boss, and see what's going to happens next." The man explains, you nod in understanding. "I didn't catch your name." You look up at the man driving, "Oh, um my name is Y/n, whats yours?" "I'm Brian, it's nice to meet you Y/n, I'd shake your hand, but I'm driving." You slightly chuckle, and keep staring at your lap. 

     The awkward drive seemed to last forever until Brian announced that you're at his place. You look up from your lap to see a giant mansion made of beautiful dark wood. Vines crawl desperately up the side of the mansion. "Wow...this place is gorgeous." You mutter under your breath. "Thank you, now, stick with me when we go in, because it's very hard to navigate on the inside." Brian explains, you nod following right behind him.

     As you walk in, you see three other people. One with a white mask, mustard colored coat, and black hair. One with brown hair, a hoodie with stripes on the sleeves, and orange tinted goggles. The last one wearing a My Chemical Fomance tee-shrit, jet black hair, and two scars that go from the corners of their mouth to their cheeks that point upwards into a smile. Needless to say, you're terrified of the third person.

      "This way," Brian nudges you past the three residents and down a long hallway. Pictures are scattered across the hallway walls. Most of them include a faceless being and who you assume is their family. You smile at the pictures, reminding you of your family and friends back home. "Hey Brian, will I be able to go back to mu friends and family?" You ask, you can't see brians face, but you sense that your question made him feel some way. "We'll have to see what the boss says...most people don't end up going back though." 

       Your face pales at that. 'Most don't end up going back though'? What in the flying fuck does that mean? You were about to ask him what that meant, but before you could, you arrived at two huge wooden doors. You swallow your fear and head into the boss's room with Brian. A big desk sits in the middle of the room and a giants ornate chair has its back turned to you and Brian. The office is coverd in bookshelves, paintings, and family pictures. 

      "You wanted to see us boss?" Brian asks. The chir swivels around to reveal a tall, pure white being with no face, dressed in a business suit. "Yes, Miss Y/n, can you have a seat?" The creature motions to a chair sitting in front of his desk. "Could you excuse us for a moment, Hoodie." Brian nods and leaves the office. Now, it's just you and this tall being. 

     "Now, Miss Y/n, I've gotten wind of your kidnapping because a rival of mine's henchmen were the ones to capture you. We've been after them for a while, and thanks to you, we were able to find them." The being finishes. You nod, hesitant to ask him for his name. "You have two options going forward. You could either stay with us, you would work as my secretary. Or, we would have to exterminate you." His tone shifts from friendly business man to terrifying tyrant in two seconds. 

     Obviously not wanting to die, you chose to work as his secretary. As the months go by, the outside world notices your disappearance, but in the mansion you and Slender have grown closer and closer together. You have become more than just a secretary to him, you're now his lover and his secretary. 

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