Whipped: Niffty X fem/male reader

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"I love you (y/n), more than anything! ".

You felt heat rise up in your cheeks as a very noticeable blush made its appearance. It seemed that no matter how many times she uttered those same sweet words you would always find yourself completely defenless against it.

Like a Teenager who had just given thier first kiss to the crush they'd had since preschool, you found yourself reduced to a puddle of giddy feelings and overwhelming shyness as well as an emotion many had yet to discover.


Yet again like so many times before, you were completely at the mercy of the sweet pixie cyclops you were fortunate enough to call your lover.

Your sweet beautiful Niffty.

"I...I love you to dear!" You managed to squeak out " your bashful nature comming into play with the wavery in your voice and the way you desperately tried to bury your heated face into one of the larger pillows of your shared bed.

You held it like a child would hold a teddy bear.

like a life Line.

and in a way it was.

It was your pice of drift wood in a wild treatrous sea of embarrassment that was Hell bent on drowning you.

But you were just as hell bent on staying afloat. Nothing would ever be able to remove you from that pillow. Not even from your cold dead hands.

A happy bell like laughter met your sensitive ears followed by a kiss to your bare back. You almost fell over by the sheer force of gosse bumps erupting all over your skin.

You took a deep long inhale to calm yourself and your rapidly beating heart.

"Dear..." You muttered softly, your voice slightly muffled by the pillow your face had practically merged with.

You felt her lean on you even if the weight was barley anything on your much larger body. She wrapped her small arms around your waist and rested her cheek on your back. A happy little content sigh leaving her lips.

She was completely at peace.

You always found it strange how such a state of mind even exsisted in Hell to begin with. If the whole "Hell is a place of suffering and suffering alone you naughty sinners!"Was truthful.

Although you didn't really think you could trust the words of a guy nicknamed the Prince of all lies to begin with.

Looking back on it now that whole 'Welcome to Hell' assembly that Lucifer gave you was more like a drug trip than anything.

But you met your godsend Shortly after so you didn't know what to think anymore. But you decided it was best not to dwell of such things.

In the words of the actual love of your life "just roll with it". So that was what you intended to do. Niffty was right most of the time anyway. And in a realm such as this, in a place of misery and torture it was best to simply shut the fuck up and injoy blessings than question them.


You were brought out of your mental rambling by a soft questioning hum.

"So am I correct in my assumption that your satisfied with whatever it is that you were doing with my hair dear?" You turned your head to face her as you asked. Your eyebrow raised in question and a small smile playing on your lips the pillow still caught in your inescapable death grip.

A snort left her, her one eye squinting at you as a teasing smile made its way to her lips.

"Hmmmm nope"

You gave her a tired look. "So dose that mean I'm still not aloud to move yet?..."


You stared at her for a few seconds before letting out a tired huff, God only knows how long you'd been laying there as your energetic sweetheart groomed and styled your hair for hours and hours and more hours..... Before she decided she didn't like what she was doing and redid whole process. Again and again and again...

You bit the inside of your cheek and let out a soft Pur when a small delicate hand began drawing patterns over your back. If you had been given a tail apon plummeting into Hell all those years ago you were certain it'd wagging.

God you were so whipped.

But thankfully for you she was aswell.

In one movement you had thrown her over your back, catching her in your arms and cradling her to your chest, throwing the bed sheets over the both of you.

"Y/n!?" She gasped, still dazed from the sudden action. You let out a low hum and buried your nose in her hair inhaling the sweet scent. You grumbled as you felt her softly puching your chest.

"Y/n what are you doing! Your gonna ruin six hours of work!" She wined, watching helplessly as your hair got more unruly with each movment you made. She wriggled, desperately trying to escape your embrace.

Try as she might however, she could slowly feel herself give in to the alluring comfort of sleep and the warmth and reassurance that your arms wrapped around her gave.

"Sleep" you tiredly slurred cuddling her more like a Teddy bear.

She was your teddy bear.

She let out an anoyed huff and snuggled into your chest. "Ok we'll sleep but you better let me do your hair tomorrow! With no complaints ok!"

A happy chuckle left your lips.

"Of course my love".

--------------------------------------------------------------Hey guys! Happy new year I hope you all had an amazing holiday and let's all prey for 2021 to be better.

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