some birds aren't meant to be caged: Appleradio

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"where did we go wrong"

Alastor felt his grin falter slightly as he watched his beloved husband pace rapidly in the palaces master bedroom.
Lucifers brows were farrowed, a deep frown was on his face and although he tried to hide it Alastor could see the signs of tears beginning to swell in his eyes. He was the walking definition of dejected.
Lucifer stopped, his back to Alastor as he hugged himself. "I-i just don't understand" he wisperd. He turned to Alastor tears running down his face. "Have I failed our daughter have I failed as a father"

Alastor rose from his sitting position on the love sear. Embracing his lover in a warm hug. As the smaller male buried his face in his chest. Alastor cooed softly and rocked back and forth in a effort to sooth the destressed angel. Lucifer shook and sobbed "oh Al what have I done... Our daughter...hates me" he wisperd, struggling to talk at all.  Alastors eyes softened. This had all started when Charlotte had annouced one evening that she wanted to move out and pursue her dream of redemption... and in his terror Lucifer panicked calling her a failure as a demon and daughter. In his mind this being the only way to scare her out of her idea and persuade her to stay in the palace where she could be happy and innocent, shelterd from the horrors that was thier kingdom. Where they could keep thier beloved little fawn safe. It was selfish he knew but he couldn't bring himself to care not when his daughters innocence was on the line. Alastor cupped Lucifer's cheeks, brushing away stray tears from his goureous golden eyes. Eyes so much like there daughters. Charlotte truly was her father's daughter. From the rebellious nature to the way she would crinkle her nose when she was frustrated or how her eyes would light up when she was happy.

She had Alastors smile though.

There girl was the light to thier darkness a being to pure for the world she was born to. Theyed never let hevean take her, never.

"Luci" Alastor began, stroking Lucifer cupped cheeks with his thumbs, his heart swelling with love as the fallen angel leaned into his touch puring, content in his lover's arms. " Charlotte loves you, you know that" Lucifer smiled sadly as he reached his own hand up to rest on the one cupping his cheek. "I'm not so sure Mia amore what I said was unforgivable" "you didnt mean a word of it my love" Alastor bent down and placed a gentle kiss to his kings lips" "it's time we make amends let's forget the things we said you know we were all just stuck" Lucifer sighed "it isn't that easy my dear" Alastor smiled lovingly "I know but it'll never get better if we don't try" " she's a grown woman now darling she can take care of her self" Lucifer kissed his hand and gazed up at him adoringly "i-i know Alastor I just wish she could have stayed in the nest just a little longer"

"I know Luci but some birds aren't meant to be caged"


Sorry for the shorter chapter everyone but I hope it was good. Dose anybody else ship appleradio?

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