my pet snake Tiffiny:lucifer X fem/male reader

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It was a normal day in hell, the turf wars raging the fires blazing and demons crazy. Yep impure utter chaos at its finest. You were currently haistly walking down a sidewalk to the grocery store at the request of your boss and dear friend Charlie having met almost 9 decades ago, you dieing in 1927 to a bullet to the skull. Curtisey of a robber who had broken into your home in search of any food or valubuls to sell in those desperate times. Although, you suppose you deserve it having been a hitman of sorts, killing anyone if the payment was good enough. You were bound to have certainly killed a innocent or two. And really it could have been worse, could have been alot more painful.luckly a bullet to the head doesn't leave alot of time to process the pain before you drop,so indeed you suppose you got off lucky. Although you still had regrets. For one you had left your parents without a goodbye and you doubt that fellow left your body to the police most likely having buried you or thrown you to the Sharks or maybe even melted your body in acid if he was then decided that it was best if you didn't think to much into it. Making it to the shop and trying to decifer the glitter heavy list to the best of your ability for as much as you wanted to believe you were, you weren't completely fluint in charniess. After a hour of getting stuff confident that you got everything the happy little princess desired you began the journey back to the hotel were you currently resided as you were assisting Charlie and vaggie with Thier redemption project. You began humming a little tune now being halfway home when you stopped at the site of a large white snake with curious red marks on its cheeks its eyes a almost neon yellow. You happily squeeld at the sight of such a magnificent creature all your life you loved snakes and your greatest regret was leaving your beloved carpet python Tiffiny whom you raised from a egg. Your pupils exspand you quickly ran over to the snake. It didn't seem to be any type you'd find in the human world and it radiated a demonic energy. The snake flicked its tung at you with a almost smug look on its face. You moved closer, approaching slowly and cautiously, because even though you adored snakes with your heart and soul you knew you could never be to careful around a wild one,you highly doubt that this one wasn't venomous. Quickly picking it up from behind, away from the face for protection you decide you were taking it home. Like hell you were going to leave this creature here to get trampled by uncaring demons . Making it back to the hotel your destination Charlies office to one give her the bag of items that she had requested and to show her your newest member. "Ohhhh charrrrlie! Immmm back!" You said in a sing song voice placing the bag on her desk. Y/N! She said excitedly a happy smile on her face practically floating to you. How'd it go- she paused in shock at the site of the snake rapped around you arm. Shock turning to realisation and finally nervousness and even some anger. Hey y/n why don't you hand that snake over I got a bad feeling about it she said glaring at the snake who looked amused. You gasped dramatically and said in a rushed voice "wait wait wait! I'll train him Tiffiny won't attack anyone unless it's self-defence I promise!. She looked at you for awhile simingly debating with her self,she did this for awhile before sighing softly and nodding "ok y/n you can keep "Tiffiny" as long as your careful, hes not a normal snake she said with gritted teeth a look that was abnormal on her usually carefree face. "Thank you thank you! Charlie your the best!" She softly smiled as you threw your arm around her bringing her into a side hug being more mindful of her apparent dislike of the snake on your other arm. "Well anyway I should probably go get tiff settled see ya Charlie" only you didn't see Charlie narrow here eye and give a "I'm watching you" to the snake who only winked and flicked his tung at her.

It had almost been a year since that day and you could say with certainty that Tiffiny made it a whole lot more interesting. For one all you overlord friends would start to avoid you when Tiffiny was in your presence they would glance around nervously and say that they had things to do before walking away quickly, even Alastor who was one of your closest friends having know him since you were children before your death and his eventual death 6 years later. Still his eyes would turn to that of radio static and would poof away "sorry de-y/n iv just remembered a erand i have to run terribly sorry" is what he would say to your disappointment. You continued to muse on these thoughts when you heard familiar hissing behind you, turning to see to see that Tiffiny had once again disobade and left your room, you picked him up a small smile on your face "really now Tiffiny I know you heard me when i said to stay you could get lost or angel could find you and try and throw you out the window again" you laughed at the apologetic look on the strangely exspressive snake. Carrying him to your room glancing at the clock on your bed side table. 8:00pm it read,you sighed was it really that late already?. You tried placing Tiffiny in his enclosure only for the snake to Riggle in your grip, and drop onto the pillow next to yours, slithering away and flicking his tung if you attempted to remove him. You sighed use to the snakes antics and being to tierd to care at the moment you layed down pulling the covers over you and closing your eyes. Trusting that Tiffiny wouldn't attack you as he had done this before. You swore you felt soft arms rap around you as you drifted off. You were sound asleep your dreams peaceful and sweet a rare occurrence for sinner but you've started to have more and more much to your delight. When you woke starteld at a loud thump in your room. You blinked a few times to properly clear your eyes before glancing at the spot you had last seen your snake only to find him missing. You leand over suspecting that he had simply fallen off the bed. "T-" whatever you were going to say died as your eyes widened and your mouth hanged open in shock. Laying on your bedroom floor was a demon you had never seen before, rubbing his head in what looked to be pain muttering about a "stupid habit of rolling" before freezing and slowly moving to meet your eyes his being a strange shade of yellow with slit pupils. You were going to scream charlies name when the demon pounced on you placing his hand on your mouth. "Shhhhhh hush now dear dont want to wake up everyone....just let me explain" you debated whether or not you should just bite his hand when you sensed the powerful air that surrounded him and figured that pissing him off although he looked like a gay Willy Wonka was not a good idea however you decide to ignore that though. Slowly you nodded and watched as he sighed and happily looked at you, moving his hand away from your mouth. "CHAR-" you  screamed only to be silenced by a mouth On yours, "hmmpf!" You made a noise of suprise at the unexpected kiss. You were frozen in shock your eyes wide and brows furrowed. Slowly he began to lean in more, you blinked a few times to make sure what was happening was indeed real glancing at him to see a faint blush on his cheeks, his eyes closed with a soft smile witch you could feel. You began to shuffle backwards only for your back to hit the wall at the front of the bed.You tried pushing him back but he didn't move to your frustration. Seeing no other option you hesitantly kissed him back very faintly, a blush that burend hotter than the fires of your home growing on your face, Feeling his smile widen. After a minute or so he pulled back sighing dreamily "I'v wanted to do that for quite awhile (y/n). He said placing a finger on his bottom lip."Wait wait wait!" You said waving your hands pointing at him "who are you and how do you know my name? I swear if you've touched my friends or snake in anyway I'll!-. You were once again you were silenced by him mashing his lips on yours placing his hands on your shoulders. You recovered from your shock you shoved him back with back and slapped him with what you was pretty sure the might of Zeus. A loud crack sounded through out the room the strangers hat flying off his head and rolling to the ground. Looking at his dumb stuck face you grabbed his bowtie. "Now tell me who the fuck you are..and what are you doing here...NOW BEFORE I TEAR YOU OPEN AND MAKE YOU PRAY TO THE GOD THAT HAS FORSAKEN YOU" you said growling your face red pulling his tie close enough that  your noses were touching. But to your frustration and fury he only smiled amused and began to laugh. "Oh my I'll make you pray to the God that has forsaken you? That's a new one!" He stopped laughing "oh by the way that's quite the arm you got there dear didn't see it coming! didn't think you had such fire in you" He place a finger under your chin his eyes growing softer "I learn new things about you every day darling" you snarled and flicked his finger away "and if you don't want a reapt you'll tell me who the fuck you are!" He tutted teasingly wearing a smirk waving a finger in your face "such language my sweet y/n is beneath you I my dear have many names morning star,prince of all lies, the great seducer. He winked at you,but you may call lucifer but you know me as "Tiffiny" he said with a lisp flick a snake tung over his teeth at you. You froze thinking that it couldn't be your Tiffiny sure he was a smartass of a snake at times but not to this level,but looking at the similarities between your snake and lucifer you could see they shared the same pale skin, martinet cheeks and even the same eyes shape down to the size of the slits. You took a breath comming'to terms with it "ok...I believe why are you here?" He looked at you before clinking his fingers "oh yes I remember originally i was going to spy on my daughter's hotel and see if it was even worth allowing to exist anymore under the guise of being a snake and watching from the shadows.. however that plan changed after you took me and I figured why try and hide myself Charlies the only one who would recognise me and after a few weeks my mission was complete the hotel may stay however I started to have... feelings for a certain wonderful,loving adorable d/t
And couldn't bear crushing their heart by making them believe that Thier beloved snake had abandoned them" you gaped a look of confusion on your face a eyebrow raised "you..have..... feelings...for me..." That's what I said apple tart! Lucifer cherped happily. "Wha-what are you going to do now are you going to leave?" Lucifer looked affended "leave...LEAVE your humour is improving Darling not even god could make me leave now..why I still have to woo you!" You chocked at his statement and excited face " what! Wo-woo me!". "That's what I said sweet heart now it's time you rest you look tierd and are probably overwhelmed. I start tommorow! Good night darling!" He said pecking your lips before bouncing away and turning back into a snake laying next to you curling up his tail flicking similar to that of a happy dog. You stared up at the ceiling one thought on your mind "what have I gotten myself into"
That was a long ass chapter Jesus Christ anyway hope you enjoyed i don't remember what I was on when i did this. If anyone wants a part two let me know! I Apologize for my terrible grammar. A alternative ending I had to this was Charlie walking in as lucifer kissed  reader and the directed by or to be continued meme plays.

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