was always mine: yandere Valentino X vaggies sister Reader

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You yawned tiredly and fought to keep your eyes open as you dragged yourself up the seemingly never ending flight of stairs, of the not to shabby but not to stable apartment complex.

Your hair was a mess, bits sticking out in all directions, looking as though you had been attacked by an angry swarm of birds. Your outfit that had been prim and proper at the start of the day, was now disheveled and raggard. Your shirt was wrinkled and even had a few tears. Even if you had only just got it yesterday.

A sigh escaped you as you reached your apartment door. Just another day  at the happy hotel. Or was it Hazbin hotel now?. You shrugged. You didn't have the sufficient energy or willpower to ponder the correct name of your soon to be Sister in laws rehabilitation hotel.

Not after the day you'd been put through. Not with the Radio demon making you his primary source of entertainment. Constantly riling you up to see how close he could get you to impaling him with his own staff and god knows you were dangerously close to going through with it. Seriously fuck him with his piss yellow teeth and creepy ass shadows.

You felt your eyebrow twitch in annoyance as you thought of the red obsessed overlord. Somedays you didn't know weather you wanted to strangle Alastor or Kiss him for practically inslaving you at said Hotel.

You often wonder how your fellow abducties felt about the situation.
You snorted and rolled your eyes.
It wouldn't take a genius to know what Husks answer would be.

But at the end of the day you couldn't help but be thankful to him for summoning you out of the blue. Afterall if he hadn't suddenly decided to collect on that favour you owed him, you might have never got the chance to reunite with Vaggie. The sister that you hadn't even known had died.

You got to see her again, in Hell.

You frowned and forrowed your eyebrows. Vaggie had always been a risk taker and a bit unpredictable when it came to her mood. One minute she could be happy and the next ready to go on a killing spree.

But even with her bi-polar nature you still understood her though, better than anyone. Growing up you were her pillar of strength. Her protective big sister and for better or for worse she took after you.

But even with her anger issues she had always been a good kid. Up until you died atleast, after then you wouldn't have a clue. But the fact remained. She was a smart level headed young woman when you were alive and thankfully it seemed that not much at all had changed.

So why was she here?

why was she in Hell?.

You had an itch that she didn't want you to know. That somehow what your kid sister got up to after you kicked the bucket would make you love her any less. If her avoiding the question like it was the plauge was anything to go by.

You felt your eyes darken and your jaw tighten. It couldn't be as fucked as what you did anyway. You eyed the ring on your finger with disgust like it was a stain that wouldn't budge.
A permanent reminder of your mistakes.

You opened the door to your apartment only to feel the blood drain from your face and your heart start to beat rapidly at the sight that greeted you.

Living the life you did and being in Hell for as long as you had, there wasn't a lot of things that could phase you anymore. But still nothing could have prepared you for this.

Hundreds upon hundred of roses littered your apartment. Covering the floor and scattered on the furniture.
A shaky breath escaped you and your hand shook as the door closed behind you. Leaving you in complete darkness.

You trembled as you looked around the apartment.You knew they were from him, that after years he had finally found you.


You squeezed your eyes shut as two pairs of arms wrapped around you tightly, roughly pulling you into a much larger body.

"Oh doll how i'v missed you" a hand ran through your hair slowly, as though it were afraid you would disappear. The scent of cigarettes and cologne was thick. Almost suffocating.

"Your hair's so soft" a deep voice cooed before they leaned down and buried their face into you, inhaling deeply and sighing softly. " And you still smell so hevanly"

You wanted to keep your eyes closed forever wanting to believe  that if you just closed your eyes the monsters would go away.

But this was Hell and demons weren't something you could just pray to disappear.

You slowly opened your eyes and turned around. Dread flowing through you.


The name was uttered softly but caused the demons attention to immediately Snap to you.

Before even a breath could escape you your lips had been attacked. Your eyes widened and you felt disgust spark in you as a tiny part of you wanted to kiss the bastard back.

His hands were cold and uncomfortable as he cupped your cheeks. Being careful not to cut your delicate skin as he deepened the kiss. He purred gently and felt his eyes close.  God he missed you.

You on the other hand were desperately trying to break the kiss. Feeling the oxygen leaving your body.
You clawed at his wrist and threw your fists against his chest. Each punch getting more desperate as second after second past.

As Valentino let you go you gasped desperately and stumbled back, leaning against the wall
Chocking and panting.

"Why" you chocked "are you here"

Valentino smiled his red teeth gleaming in the darkness.

"Well quite frankly baby" he purred as he looked at you. "I missed my wife"

You felt anger course through you. You turned to glare at him having recovered from the intense kiss beforehand. "I'm not your wife" you hiseed years on anger surfacing "not anymore" you said quiter a twig of pain in your heart.

Valentino was completely confused. What did you mean you weren't his wife anymore. He didn't understand why you were lying to him.

"Doll stop lying you know I love you but this is pushing it"

He approached even as your look became more venomous.

"Baby I think we've had to much of a break, your saying things you don't mean"  he opened his arms feeling his body tingle with the need to hold you. "Come here (y/n) let me show you how much I love you"  "you knows there nothing I won't do to prove I love you right" "I searched every where for you" " I-i was so fucking terrified something had happened, b-but your here now we can be together again"

Valentinos grin widened.

"We can start a family and be happy"
He latched out and grabed your hand.  As you started at him in horror. "See!" He gestured to the golden ring on your finger. "If you didn't love me why do you still wear this!"

He felt anger Serg through him.
"Your mine your mine! And your going to know that"

In a flasg he had you on the floor, twisting  your arm behind your back, gritting his teeth. "Your making me do this!" He roared "all you have to do is say it (y/n) say you love me! Tell me that your mine and only mine do it!"

"Va-val" you wimperd in pain as tears streamed down your cheeks.


You were silent for a moment.
"I-i love you Valentino" you spat, the words shaky from your fear.

In an instant Valentinos mood did a 180. His eyes softened as he saw your state. Crying on the floor. He hushed you gentely and cradled you Lovingly on his arms, placing soft kisses to your face, laping up the tears.

"I don't wanna hurt you baby but you just make me so angry sometimes"

He smiled at you and cupped your cheek. " Let's not fight anymore doll a husband and wife arnt meant to fight, howed that look to our children"

He placed a possessive kiss to your lips even as you weakly struggled against him.

"just remember that you are and always were mine"


Sorry if the quality is bad I was really tired when i did this.

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