OC X Arackniss

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This is an oc request. This isn't a reader X character. But despite this I hope you still injoy it and to the person whom this oc belongs to I hope I did it justice.

Life had never been described as simple for Leila in any sense of the word and truthfully she never expected it to be either.

Being born dirt poor during one of, if not the greatest economic collapse man had yet to witness had left her cynical and hardened.

Although if you asked she would likely say that she was just being realistic about her situation.

Even at the tender age of nine years old she was already well aware of the filth and sin that coated the planet in which she lived, like a disease infecting everything it touched.

Unlike others of her age she wasn't shielded by innocent nor had the luxury of ignorance.

So she wasn't at all afraid of death.

Even when she did end up in Hell.

It was ironic in a way, without her 'beloved' father she wouldn't be here. She would have been in Hevean like he always preached he wanted her to.

But after what felt like centuries of being in this realm. A land of 'misery and punishment' as her father often called it she was inclined to disagree.

She had so much more down here than she ever had on earth. Even if this freedom came at a price.

Hevean couldn't hold a candle to it, not even in the slightest.

Not to say that upon her death everything had been sunshine and rainbows. no, no quite the opposite.

The creature she had morphed into upon death was less than pleasing for one.

Or perhaps surprising would be a more accurate term. This body did make her much more, resistant to hells 'unique' climate and inhabitants after all. Even if she was certain she didn't meet the criteria too be this specific type of Demon.

A succubus of all things.

Again it was ironic, a virgin becoming a succubus. Out of all the twisted monsters and eldritch forms she could have taken she had become this, it almost made her laugh to be honest. Almost. If hadn't been so disappointing honestly she thought god was more creative than irony but disappointment was an emotion she was all to familiar with by now. It wasn't too much of a set back afterall she'd have eternity to get used to her body and all of its capabilities.

Hell was still Hell and her own body would be a reminder of  that every time she looked in the mirror. Truly she  thought her appreance would be more akin to what would be exspected of a murderer. But she had been wrong before.

No one got to choose who they were in this world it seemed. Choice had been left behind in life and on earth however far away that was from here.

However perhaps being in Hell would  rid her of her burden, her Achilles heel her fantal flaw that she had been cursed with since birth. The fact that even with all that she had endured in life she  didn't know how to separate the right company from the wrong.

it was what had gotten her killed after all yet she had still enloped with that no good bastard Vox.  He said he loved her yet day after day she would be sent home with an array of new scars and bruises to nurse and cover.

Of course she knew that this abuse was born from a place of fear. A fear of her power and the fear of losing it.  To a being with a desire to rise in the ranks as strong as vox's a demon with her abilities would be considered a irreplaceable asset.

It didn't stop her from wanting to slaughter him or throw him to a pack of exterminators and watch as they tear him to pieces. Hardly. She did not care for his plans of social climbing or the fruitless quest to one up the radio demon, a creature that didn't even seek power yet still managed to defeat him in all thier encounters.

No. To Leila there were only two things that meant more than the world. The latter more so than the first.

Herself and the demon currently on top of her.


the name was a whisper as it fell from her lips yet the tenderness was there.

Goosebumps began to erupt along her arms and shoulders as the smaller demons intense gaze rose to meet her own. Leila bit the inside of her cheek as her heart did a leap.

His pupils were constricted to almost non-existentce in those pink sclera.

It was obvious he was just as nervous about this as she was.

"Leila"  it was a deep rumble and she almost didn't hear it.

She hesintly reached her hands up and placed them on his cheeks, the soft fur and hidden blush giving them a pleasant warmth.

"Whats wrong, what's that look for?"

The spider let out a soft breath at her words leaning down and placing a gentle kiss to one of the more gruesome cuts on the succubuses chest.

"Do They...." He paused for a moment, trailing his hand down from her stomach to grip the larger hand of his lover running soothing patterns over the skin with his thumb.

"Do they hurt" there was a deep sadness in that tone, yet she continued to smile.

"When I'm with you pain becomes non existent" a happy laugh followed soon after.

"Let's not focus on that"  leaning upwards she brought the spider into a passionate yet timid kiss only seperating once the tiny demons shoulders had loosened. 

"Tonight let's just be together for the first time as a couple"

A sly smile etched it's way onto  Aracknisses face.

"I'll make it one to remember"


Oh god I finally finished this. First of all I'm so very sorry that it took this long to finish and that I've been away for such a long time.  But I hope you've enjoyed this. Next is yandere reader X Alastor

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Apr 18, 2021 ⏰

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