breakfast buddies: Lucifer X fem/male reader part 2

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"scratch" What  was that? "Scrach" there it was again, the sound of little feet meeting your bedroom floor. "Scrach Scrach" it was getting closer, and louder. You heard a soft noise of struggle and felt your blanket being pulled down the side of your bed slightly. You groaned and rolled onto your side as you heard the bed creak with each movement of the invader and felt a cold snout repeatedly bumping into your back. A high pitched wine and the sound of frustration met your ears shortly before something small and heavy crawled onto your shoulder,tiny claws digging into your night shirt. You felt a cold scaley snout rubbing you cheek in an attempt to get you up. "Nooooo" you groaned "go away"you huffed in annoyance. Your eyes closed, blindly trying to push the culprit responsible for waking you up away, to no effect. Another high pitched whine ringed in your ears, the nudging more  persistent and desperate. You sighed in defeat and rolled over rubbing your blurry eyes, you'd sleep in tomorrow you lied to yourself in a attempt at reassurance. You hadn't slept in since HE revealed himself to you. It had been a year  approximately since you had discovered a beautiful snake and taken him in, affectionately dubbing him as Tiffiny after your beloved pet python you raised as a human. It had been six months however since you discovered that Tiffiny your mischief, clingy pet was in actuality Lucifer the mischief clingy willy Wonka like king of hell.

And a complete clown

Upon opening your eyes you were met with a happy chirp as a little crocodile like creature grinned at much as a crocodile could anyway.
You stared at it as it affectionately nuzzesled you, trying to get in your arms as it purred.
"Seriously" you said with a deadpan exspression, still grumpy from being woken up. The crocodile wimperd at the look on your face. Backing up on the bed, the tiny crocs body began morphing until you were met with a familiar face. "Sorry deary" Lucifer's usual bubbly tone was apolojetic and disappointed"I was under the impression that you liked reptilian creatures" he said pounting cutely as he bit the inside of his cheek, brows furrowed in thought. Resting on your elbow you frowned at him annoyed "I do but not when they wake me up at 630 in the bloody morning!" He flinched slightly at your harsh tone "but my love how are you to enjoy the meal I have prepared for you if you will not leave the bed!" You were going to correct him once again about calling you such names but couldn't be bothered with how tired you were. 'wait did you just think he was cute?'
"You just sleepy" you reasond. you stared at him for a few seconds, trying to figure out how somemone could be this Fucking happy at 6:40 in the morning on a monday. You  turned away from him and attempted to go back to sleep. key word attempted.
"Y/nnnnnnnnnnnnn" he whined, cuddling up to you. You blushed and buried your face further into the covers as he began kissing your neck and shoulder. Seeing that his touches had no effect on you he crossed his arms and pounted once again, his hat slightly slumped. After a few minutes he gasped and clicked his fingers, his face lighting up in an instant, pearly whites on full display. "That's it!" He cheered and in a flash scurried off to do whatever it was he was doing. you didn't long as it wasn't dangerous. You could hear the distant rattle of pots and pans and the scream of "shut the fuck up!" From a pissed spider. You frowned, speculating weather or not to go down and see what lucifer was up to. Before you could make up your mind however lucifer burst through the door dramatically with a "ta da!" Carrying a tray coverd in all soughts of breakfast beverages. "If you won't go to the breakfast I'll bring the breakfast to you!" He chirped wheeling the fancy tray to your bedside, summoning  plates, cups and cutlery. You sighed as the admittedly heavenly smell invaded your nose. Sitting upright and stretching with a little yawn that Lucifer cooed at. You threw the sheets off of your body, blinking the sleep away. "Smells good clown man" you said with a little smirk and cheeky tone. If Lucifer was bothered he didn't show it, only humming and nodding his head in agreement seemingly pleased. Grabbing a plate and a stack of pancakes Lucifer turned to you. "Maple syrup or Wip cream dearest?" You sat there, thinking for a few seconds tapping your Chin. "Hmmmm how about some good ol maple syrup" you grinned. Nodding energetically and grabbing the maple syrup, Lucifer poured a generous amount on before handing it to you. Pausing you looked at the golden cakes and at Lucifer who was grinning wildly. After a while you took them and looked the angel in the eyes "thank you Lucifer this was very sweet of you" you said, smiling sincerely at Lucifer who looked like he was going to sqeaul. "Thank you for the compliment sweet heart I really tried to make this perfect for you!" He beemed. Nodding you began eating, the flavour truly hevanly, ironic you thought. Getting your thoughts you began to reflect on this mornings events. It made you really happy knowing he did this,that he got up so early just to make you breakfast. It made you feel cared for,it made you feel treasured it made you feel loved.
You hadn't known you were blushing until giggling brought you out of your thoughts. "Ohhhh darling~". Lucifer was rocking on his heels, both cheeks resting on his hands. "Tell mee what's the cause of such a lovely shade of red?" He laughed. Your eyes widened in shock, you hadn't noticed your self blushing. "I should thank him... properly" you thought to yourself. With that you stood up and walked towards Lucifer who gave you a curious look. Reaching him you cupped his cheek, smiling more when a surprised squeak reached your ears. Leaning closer so that you could practically feel his heat on your skin. you brought your lips together in a sweet kiss,the taste of maple and apples intoxicating. You closed your eyes for a second before opening them. You grinned at the sight. Lucifer looking like a deer in headlights, eyes wide and cheeks rivaling the apples he's so fond of. Seperating you looked into his eyes. "Thanks for loving me" with that you gave one more peck to his cheek. "Lucifer began shaking and stuttering "s-swe-et h-heart I-i-i-i..I.....I"
There's was a thump On the floor.
Lucifer had just passed out. You stood there on shock before laughter filled the room. Picking him up and placing him on the bed, you cupped his cheek. Laying down next to him you smiled. You guessed you'd get to sleep in after all. Wrapping your arms around the light male you buried your face in his hair and let yourself drift off.
He was insane, deranged and an absolute clown but he was your clown possibly now and long as he let you sleep in of course.

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