Beware the prey with fangs and claws: Alastor x fem/male rabbit reader

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There were manny speculations and theory's as to how you, a rabbit ended up with such a destructive and powerful being as the radio demon. Some say that you were kidnapped, that you were a pet or simply a poor sinner who had to repay a deal.

The looks of pity from other denizen's disgusted you. They looked at you as though you were a poor defenseless creature that had unfortunately become the radio demons prey. The fools underestimated you and your abilities. That was the curse of being a rabbit, that you would forever be understmated. But sometimes our curses are our greatest strengths.

After all how else could you have tamed such a beast?.

"Your ears are softer than the rarest of silks my darling"

you sighed quietly, letting your eyes flutter close and your shoulders slump. Content as a lingering kiss was pressed to your lopped ears, the simple tender act sending a wave of  endorphins throughout your body.

After what seemed like decades of savouring the sweetness of the moment your eyes opened slowly. you gazed up at the much taller demon with piercings eyes and a small composed smile. "Watch your claws dearest, if I find even a hint of scratch I won't hesitate to pour cement into those deaf ears of yours"

A soft amused chuckle made your ears twitch. Alastor peered down at you with a challenging smirk, his golden teeth and Ruby eyes perfectly visible even in the dimlit room the two of you were currently lounging in.
"Oh silly little (y/n" he tuttued in a sing song voice, head tilted to the side, his eyes slightly squinted. "Don't you know that there's nothing you could ever do to get rid of me?" He moved forward, trailing his hands down from your ears to lovingly cradle your face. "I'm am yours and you are mine, from the moment you said yes on that alter you have been mine and nothing is going to take you away from me"

(E/C) eyes blinked in suprise and stared for a moment, but they softened gradually, showing nothing but Pure unconditional adoration for the deer Infront of you.

Your husband.

You snorted, a faint blush on your cheeks. You reached up to place your hand atop Alastors, entangling his fingers with yours.

"Really now dear I didn't think you were the type to lose your senses over a pretty little demon" you mumbled softly. Your tone was teasing yet non could deny how a blush spread like wildfire over cheeks and your eyes shifted over the room, avoiding Alastors face.

"Nethier did I my sweet little rabbit, nethier did I" he uttered softly, leaning to capture your lips which you eagerly returned, your tail wagging wildly behind you although you would never admit it.

His hands trailed down to wrap around your waist in a protective hold while you tangled yours in his hair, deepening the kiss as much as you could.

"Mm Alastor" you muttered breathlessly against his cold and slightly chapped lips. You squeaked in suprise when you felt his claws brush against your thighs.

How bold you thought.

Biting down on his lip you had to suppress a smirk when a deep throaty growl met your ears. Separating you pressed your forehead against Alastors. Looking down at him in the darkness, the red glow from his eyes illuminating you in a sinful light. 

"Now now sweetheart good pets don't growl at thier masters do they? Bad little pets get punished" you tutted, cheekily tapping Alastors nose. The increase in growling doing nothing to sway you from your risky movements.

"Or perhaps" you purred leaning down to his ear "you want to be punished" you latched onto his ear, nibbling and sucking relentlessly. You pushed the overlord onto his back grining in excitement at the site beneath you.
He looked so helpless under you, twitching and gazing at you with the most pleading look you had ever seen. You couldn't help but almost take pity on him, almost.

"(Y/n)" a desperate voice whimpered.
"Don't tease me darling, please". You raised an elegant eyebrow with a small smirk on your face.  Oh how entertaining itbwould be to have him squirm and beg beneath you but alas you'd show him some mercy.

You leaned to capture his lips, putting as much passion and love into as you could muster, cradling your husband's face tenderly, his moncel feeling pleasant against your hot skin. Separating you looked into his eyes, your heart swelling at the look of love and adoration in them.

"Al, are you ok with this?" You asked hesitantly, awaiting a reply.

"Darling, what did I tell you?, there's nothing you could ever do to get rid of me"

Your eyes narrowed as a seductive smile made it way on to your face.

"We'll then what are you waiting for,

Ahem...... Soooooooo how was it?.

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