Radio killed the video star: yandere vox X Alastor part 2

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How long had it been?, days,weeks, months,years? Vox didnt have a damn clue and truthly he didnt care. His plan had worked!, Granted not in the way he had expected but nonetheless his wish had come true, he had his prize and couldn't be happier. Finally his deer was his and even better returned his feelings!.  It felt like everything was finally right in the world. Nothing could ever come between them now, Vox wouldn't allow it not even the celestial pricks in the sky with thier tutus and halos could seperate them.

And Vox would do his absolute fucking dammdest to show his deer that.

Now if only Al would let him out of these chains.

"Oh darling~ I'm back!"

Vox perked up at the sound of a door slamming and the pitter patter of feet rapidly comming down the stairs. A sweet sing song voice greeting him excitedly. The iron chains around his arms legs and stomach jangeld with his frantic movments as he struggled and pulled. Growling at each failed attempt to release himself from his bindings. Desperately wanting to get to his beloved, a look of deep longing in his hypnotic neon blue and crimson eyes.

Alastors grin widened with glee as he observed his darling prisoners movments. He tilted his head in thought, his deer like ears bouncing with the action. It was ironic in a way he supposed the way they were acting. Like two dogs egarly awaiting to greet thier masters at the door. This was especially true since it was a know fact that Alastor loathed dogs not matter how big or how small. This one however he found, was quite cute and oh so perfect, and he wasn't ashamed to admit it. Not that he'd have anyone to boast to as he had taken very careful measures to insure that to the denizens of hell the feared tv demon was no more. Alastor felt a sly smirk come onto his face as he lightly chuckled. It was absolutely hilarious watching the fools go about their misbrable little after lives, thinking that they were somehow safer now that the big bad tv demon had bit the dust. Alastors teeth grew shaper. Absolute fools. "Darling you've been so good for me" voxs eyes widen and his body vibrated as he watched  as Alastor kneel down in front of him, is a hands twitching with the need to touch him. Of course though these blasted chains were in the FUCKI- vox stopped himself with a quick breath, rembering how Al had told him how unbecoming it was to say suck filthy things and how it would make him very pleased if Vox would atleast attempt to stop cussing like a sailor. Vox had immediately began working on his vulgar habit. It in his eyes being a sign of how dedicated he was to the dapper dresser of an overlord. He never wanted to see that frown on his soft ashen face again. Alastor reached his hands out to caress the demons face, gently stroking the screen with his gloved hands, cooing at the adorable sounds of content escaping from his sweethearts mouth. He wached as vox closed his eyes in bliss and just for a moment allowed himself to cease the thrashing and go limp in the radio demons gentel hold.

Voxs eyes flug open in suprise as Alastor clicked his fingers and watched as how in a simple instant the chains binding him shattered, leaving behind nothing but rusted dust.

Vox waisted no time immediately upon discovering his freedom, launched himself into the taller demon. Vox sniffed deeply, his pupils because slits and his eyes lidded as he took in the scent of strawberries and grass in the rain time. It was such a strange combination but non the less appealing. He held Alastor tightly basking in the fact he could finally touch his soulmate without stupid bindings. Alastor purred softly, content in his lover's warmth, gently nuzzling and effectively marking him. They were both possessive creature after all.

"I love you Alastor you get that? You better remember it because I'm the only ond who gets to say that to you from now on got it?" Vox growled in the deers ear. Watching with delight as Alastors ear twitched and his body shiverd at his breath made contact with his sensitive skin, holding him possessivly.

Alastor responded with eagerness, holding Vox just as possivly. "If course my love" Alastor dug his claws into Voxs back, crimson liquid erupting from the wounds. "As long as you belong only to mean and me alone"

"Of course I know that! You think I'm fucking stupid-"

"Fantastic!" Alastor cut him off, leaping to his feet effectively pulling the bewildered smaller demon with him, dragging him up a flight of stairs out if the darkness.

They reached a large door when Alastor turned to vox, a tender look in his eyes as he adjusted his monecl, a habit from his human days.

"Welcome to our your new home deary" he said with a tenderness unknown to most demons.

Vox tightly gripped his hand as a large smile made its way to his face.

"You mean our home"
With that Alastor opened the door. The starting point of Thier eternity together.


Man it's like 12 and im in my third tea writing this. Anyway thought what did you guys think?. Next is yandere overlords part 3 then yandere Luci and Lilith.

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