A spoon full of sugar makes the posion go down: Yandere Rosie X fem/male reader

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Rosie was quite mad. She'd say she was furious,livid absolutely outraged. But still no words could truly describe how vexed she was with you. How could you be so dim witted! so crass!,so, so foolish!. Running off in the middle of a bloody extermination of all things! She'd started to think you suicidal. She gritted her teeth at that last thought, a scowl making its way onto her pale skeletal face. She didn't want to be cross with you, quite the opposite. however you were making it oh so difficult with how recless you've been these past few months. First trying to jump out a window. Then continuosly provoking various overlords whom you knew had a short fuse, the amount of times she's had to restrain that vulgar brute vox alone was staggering. This however took the crown for the "most irresponsible, foolish psychotic thing (y/n) has ever done" by a landslide for sure. Dare she say it by God you practically jumped on those exterminators, waving your hands like some lunatic screaming "look at me a alone defenceless dirty no good sinner! You guys love those things right!" She was brought out of her thoughts when she reached a large oak door, the entrance to the room to where you were currently residing. She reached and grabbed a long silver key from her dress pocket. A large adoring smile stretching across her face as she opend the door slowly. "Oh sweartheart~" she singed merrily poping her head into the room, her smile growing impossibly large. The feather in her hat bouncing with her every movement. You were sitting on a cushioned office chair by the wall sized window, your head resenting on your hand, lazily leaning on the window sil as you gazed with evny at the sinners below. Oh how you hated them with thier "freewill" how they could do as they wish without consequence or conscience, not thinking just acting,just being. Thier ignorance sickened you, freedom was a privilege in life and a illusion in death. No one was truly free here,not even Rosie with all her control and power not even lucifer who was believed to be leagues above you all. No you were all equal in the eyes of the ,"devine" god all just sinners to be crushed into dust and forgotten in the wind. Freedom could only ever be truly obtained in the final death, when you weren't "alive" with a conscience of your own to be manipulated and shifted to the will of some higher being. Yes only then could you be truly free and then you might remember what being happy was. You didn't react when two slim arms wrapped around your shoulders tightly and a face buried in your hair,she didn't deserve a reaction.
"(Y/n)..." Your eyes narrowed and a deep frown set on your face, the shadows around your eyes seemingly darkening by the second. "Dear don't ignore me...we don't want a repeat of last time do we?" Your anger flared instantly, so she was threatening you now, well that didn't take long "What do you want" you spat, venom in each word growling lowly, clenching your jaw. You heard a annoyed sigh before a hand cupped your cheek, forcing you to face the women you loathed so much. " Now now dear don't use that tone with me" her smile became sharp and her posh voice deepening, her grip on your cheek harderning. You scowled as she brought her face closer "now love listen well because I'm only going to ask this once and I espect truth and nothing but truth..do you understand" your jailers tone betrayed her smile, she wasn't asking she was demanding. "Now dear tell me why did you do something so utterly foolish and idiotic as getting yourself stuck in a extermination zone last week?" You scoffed before smirking cruly at the "gentelwomen" although there was nothing gentle about this demoness, her facade didn't work on you,not anymore. "Oh but my sweet darling Rosie isn't it obvious" sarcasm was thick in your honeyed words. you placed a delicate hand on the skeletal creatures cheek, gazing at her with false loving eyes. You leaned closer until your noses were just barely touching and you could feel her breath on your lips. " The reason I did this, why I do all of this, provoking overlords, jumping of buildings why I'd even throw my self to those "pure" pricks" you leaned closer "is to get as far away from you as possible you filthy, controlling,crazy, bag of rancid bitc!-" your sentence was cut off by a loud crack. You stumble back and spat, specks of blood flew onto the polished floor, you felt warm liquid run down you nostrils to your lips, a matalic taste filling your mouth, you chuckled, she slapped you, she had accually slapped you. "Well" you weezed leaning against the window sill smirking mischievously wiping the blood that was running down your lips onto your sleeve"so much for "prim and proper gentelwomen" am I right?" Rosie was frozen her hand still in the air, her eyes were wide in shock and mouth was hanging open trying to process what she had just done, done to you, her beloved darling" "oh-oh my s-sweatheart I-i didn't mean- I didn't want to" she stuttered desperately, walking over to you. You hissed in pain when she cupped your red cheek with her cold hand, her hand fitting perfectly with the imprint, further cementing her guilt. She held you tightly pressing soft kisses to your hair and face. "Sweetheart I didn't want to do that but when you say such vulgar things to me it makes me very upset" you glared furiously "makes you upset!? Makes you Upset!?" Your teeth grew as did your claws entering the early stages of your demonic form "you don't get to be upset" your voice was distorted, changing in tone and volume like a broken microphone. You gripped her arms tightly, leaving rips on her clothes and bloody claw marks in her skin more and more blood flowing out as you dugg in. You snarled in her face, your demonic form giving you a few feet over her. Upon smelling the blood a large gleefully malicious smile grew on your face displaying all your fangs " look at what I am.....what iv become....gaze upon the monster that you created when you put that gun to that bloys head! and made me pull the trigger! Because that makes me pretty fucking upset!" Rosie raised a eyebrow at your language but she'd ignore it for now, at the moment she had to deal with another one of your episodes. You went to swip at her with all your might roaring, only for you to suddenly stop. You couldn't move a muscle, your claws a few inches from your target. Your slit pupils shrunk when you heard tutting "wha?" you screamed as you tumbled to the ground a conjured collar appearing around your neck electrocuting you. Your head was raised when Rosie leaned down and pulled the leash, spots appearing in your vision. "I know it hurts love but you wanted this when you attempted to attack me" she frowed at you for the first time before continuing "don't worry however... soon this will all be a pleasant dream" the last thing you rember was the demoness malicious grin before blacking out from the pain.

Rosie tutted down at you shaking her head before sitting down on the floor were you had collapsed. She rested your head in her lap and moved the hair out of your face, your more demonic features dissapering. She smiled softly and stroked your cheek, truly you were the most gorgeous creature in creation, especially when you were like this, peaceful and calm, that disgusting scowl gone, replaced with a small smile witch she adored so much. It also seemed that the "medice" was effective. She brought a small veil out of her dress pocket it's contents being a dark purple. In truth this wasn't the first time you gave had a tantrum and wouldn't be the last, not for a while, but this medice was going to fix that it made you forgot every fight you've ever had. You thought about what you said she didn't regret making you kill that boy in life, not one bit for that was the reason you were here, that you are hers a possibility that she knew would never have happened had she left you to your self,you were just to pure. She poped the lid off the veil and poured the dark liquid into her mouth before kissing you deeply and devotedly. Or perhaps not devotedly more posessivly, allowing the medice to pour into your mouth. Now usually she'd mix sugur with it as it was bitter and unappealing as most medices were however after you had drawn her blood she decided you needed punishment. After all of the liquid had gone down your throat she reluctantly seperated with you. Although this didn't sadden her as much as she would have been previously, because she knew with each little drop of medice you were closer to being hers completely forever. She smile, yes then and only then would she truly be in hevean.

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