not a punishment!.... just a lesson:yandere Lilith X (fem/male reader

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Lil-Lilith! You begged terror and anxiety flowing through you as familiar as blood, your head heavy and your heart pounding. You stared with wide eyes, pupils expanding and contracting. Your chest rising and falling rapidly with each desperate breath, as though each one may be your last. "Please! you screamed sobbing and thrashing against the shackles that bound you, being a reminder of how you were prey in an inescapable trap, forever chained to the women looming over you. P-please you whimpered your voice but a whisper. "I-im sorry Lilith s-orry, you cried your head hanging low tears running down your cheeks dripping onto the crimson bed sheets. "Oh, my sweet (y/n)! What do we say about lying?" you felt Liliths clawed hand cup your cheek, tilting your head up and forcing your gaze upon her, her tall figure blurry in your tear-filled eyes. She looked down at you. A deceitful sweet smile on her face, admiring you with loving hooded eyes. She dug her nails into your cheek leaning forward so that your noses were almost touching. "You're not sorry..but you will be" she chuckled in a sing-song voice, tapping your nose playfully, her smile becoming predatory her pearlash teeth on full display, malicious glee beginning to swirl in her Smokey eyes. You began to shake harder, your anxiety increasing tenfold, being fully aware of the range of the horrors as well as both mental and physical torture that she could inflict. You shook your head wildly, your mind replaying past events to when you were in very familiar circumstances. The stings of the whip and burns from the flames leaving temporary scars on your body and permanent ones on your mind, breaking your will and soul bit by bit. You cried harder, the realisation that there truly was no escape, that Lilith could do whatever she wanted to you and no one could or would stop her. Lilith trailed the hand that was digging painfully into your cheek downwards. Weather in an attempt to be loving or cruel you couldn't decipher, leaving five deep trails as her fingers moved, blood pooling into them like holes on a storming day. She poped each bloody finger into her mouth sighing happily as the heavenly flavour engulfed her taste buds. Savouring the rich liquid as though it were an exotic and rare wine. She leaned down into your neck, taking your scent in deeply "My sweet darling (y/n)" she purred" " you taste absolutely divine if I dare say sweet and so" she sighed happily "mine". You gasped as you felt her razor-like teeth sink into your neck, shivering as warm blood poured down your shoulder and throat staining the sheets a darker shade of crimson. You hated this, oh how you loathed it with every fiber of your being, you hated how you wanted to pass out from fear,you hated how you couldn't do anything to stop her, you hated how she would beat you a inch from death then tell you how much she adores you,how she couldn't live without you how she wanted to scream she loved you until her throat bled, but what you hated most of all, what made you sick to your stumeck and want to claw your eyes out.

Was how you knew that despite everything a little tiny part of your twisted soul enjoyed this.
You'd say your going to hell for liking this...but...well it was a little to late now, and she was all to blame for it. She's the reason you had to become a machocist of sorts after all, just to cope with the daily torture she inflected on your mind, body and soul. You couldn't say no to her, your mouth was simply incapable of forming that little word when it came to Lilith. She taught you very early on that any defiance or rebellious acts would not be tolerated and that "I'd better in grave that in my skull if I didn't want to take another "lesson". You wouldn't forget when she had first broke you, when you first relized just how fucked you were, that there was truly no escape and no hope of making Lilith not want you, that you were hers now and forever until the end of time.


It had been a few months since you had arrived in the "great" and "glorious" pentagram city. Were there was no such thing getting out of hand.
Or on more simpler terms hell, you'd arrived in hell. Smack face into it to be precise. It was what you expected hell to be, loud,hot and bat shit crazy. Just yesterday some random with a chainsaw tried to take your liver for his cooking show. Yeahhhh the locals weren't exactly what you would call a "civilized" bunch. "These guys are alright though" you thought as you set up a microphone on a rather fancy stage. Red silk curtains, black marble floor perfect lighting, yep a stage worthy of the most prestigious performers. You raised your eyebrow and sighed as you watched your manager and friend Charlotte or charlie as she preferred pace for the thousandth time Infront of you. Her eyes wide in worry, nibbling on her nails. Occasionally clasping her hands in what seemed to be a praying motion and wispering comforting words of encouragement to her self. "Charlie" you said a frown on your face and your tone flat, eyes drooping slightly from tiredness. Having been shaken from your slumber by a wide eyed jittery princess at the ungodly hour of 6:34 in the morning. you rememberd staring blankly blinking slowly as she frantically babbeld about having to get the hotel set up for a special guest, witch she had continuosly evdad telling you anything about. "Huh!? Yes? what?. Charlie gasped and jumped slightly in suprize being brought out of her musings before facing you with a beaming smile that you were sure could blind the sun. "Char you've been pacing like that for..... You looked to the antique clock on the wall seeing the hour hand pointing to the 11. "Five hours...." You trailed off suprized at how fast time had gone by.
"Are you..... alright?" You said slowly. At this Charlie waved her hands in her face and laughed nervously. "I'm fine, it's fine...'s alllll good. She gave you gave you a hesitant toothy smile and a Shakey thumbs up. You were going to press further when she gasped and wildly threw her head side to side "WAIT DID YOU SAY 11! You sighed quietly as she began to rapidly pace again. Suddenly there was a firm knock at the front door followed by Charlie barreling past you to open it. You swear you could see tears in the corner of Charlies eyes at site of the visitor in the doorway. You watched as she got pulled into a bone crushing hug witch she happily returned with just as much force, burying her face into the chest of the tallest demon you had ever seen. Far surpassing that of Alastor or even Angel dust with his 9ft. You shifted akwardly on your feet, bitting your lip and turning your eyes away, unsure if you should leave the two alone in thier obviously tender and long over due reunion. Looking closer at the new demon in the room you relized that this must be Lilith, famed singer, queen of hell and Charlies mother. You had seen various family portraits around the hotel some more faded than others as the years passed by. Charlie had pointed out her mother in most of them, reminiscing on sweet memories. The one thing you remembered about the paintings was that Charlie always seemed very happy with her mother. You hopped off the stage having finished your task of setting it up, with the full intention of leaving the two to thier reunion. You were walking to the door that led to the kitchen when you heard Charlies voice. "Oh mum this is my friend! let me introduce you" you turned on your heel to see a bouncing Charlie dragging her mother by her hand smiling cheerfuly and giggling. Said mother was gazing down at her child with love and adoration in her eyes a gentel smile adorning her gorgeous face, allowing the smaller demon to drag her towards you. "Mum (y/n), (y/n) Mum! er I mean you probably wouldn't call her mum that be wierd hmmmm I guess you call her your highness? Or um-" Charlie ranted clearly still a bit shaken from her mother accually visiting her. "Lilith" the answer was smooth and firm, spoken clearly from a silvery voice. You looked up at the absurdly tall demoness, her eyes burning into you with a unknown emotion, a soft smile on her lips. "Please just call me Lilith your highness is such a.... tiersome formality" you stared at her outstretched hand, hesitantly reaching out your own and gripping hers softly as to not appear aggressive. " (Y/n)...(y/n) (l/n) that's who I am" you said clearly but lowly, slowly shaking her hand. keeping your eyes trained to the ground, a clear sign of submission knowing that looking a demon directly in the eyes could be taken as a challenge, that was a battle you knew you could never win. "Well alright mum (y/n) I'll just...oh my lord the others! wait oh and the tea! I completely forgot" you flinched at the sound of a slap and instantly knew Charlie had slapped her forhead "I'll be right back!" Your eye widen still staring at the floor when you heard Charlie zoom out of the lobby and up the stairs, you could hear her shouting Vaggies name in the distance" You took a low shakey breath, the realisation that you were alone with such a powerful creature made your shoulders tense and your heart speed up, your fight or flight instincts flaring up. You heard a amused chuckle a felt a single finger lift your Chin. You took a sharp breath as you came face to face with Lilith. Said demoness having leand down to make eye contact with you. you froze, unsure of what to do. However having a opportunity to better take her in you relized that Lilith was quite breathtaking. The way her simingly alive hair framed her sculpted face, full lips that were painted black like her daughters. Weather it was simply lipstick or permanent you did not know,pale skin without a flaw insite to ruin her perfection, thick eyelashes that looked like they could impale a man (and probably have)(Adam ahem), large curled horns that added a extra foot to her already outrageous hight. However the most notable part about her without question were the opals that made her eyes. They were cold and matalic rivaling a polished suit of armour, intense like the ashes of a raging fire yet as luminous and mysterious as the moon, looking deeper you could see the iris was made up of different shades of greys and silvers creating a spiralling storm in which no human,demon or angel could escape it's pull. However for some strange reason you felt as though you had seen them before but frustratingly you just couldn't remember were from, they were just so familiar yet you couldn't tell were from. You were brought out of your thoughts when you felt a breath on your mouth, you blushed furiously and jumped back when you noticed your lips only inches apart. You frantically waved your hands infront of you, the blush on your face dakerning by the second. "I-i o-oh god! I-i'm so so sorry!" You squeaked backing away from the amused demoness. You turned your head away, placing a hand over your mouth in embarrassment and shame. What the actual fuck was wrong with you, thinking about your friends married mother like that. You turned your head back to her and nearly fainted as she walked towards you in long elegant strides. A knowing smirk on her face and a smug look in her eyes, looking at you with a raised eyebrow. "Now now my dear (y/n)" she purred seductively her voice lowering "have no fear... I simply wasn't finished looking at you" you backed up more as she walked towards your only for you to panic when your back hit the cold smooth wallpaper of the hotel wall. You were trapped. You froze when you felt her hands start to roam through your hair and trace patterns on your cheeks all the while humming a happy tune, her eyes becoming lidded. You almost chocked when she began moving her full lips towards yours. You squeezed your eyes shut and clenched your nervous shaking fist, your breathes becoming long and deep. "Alright I'm back- (y/n) what are you doing over there?" Charlie bursted in before looking at you with confused exspression and a raised eyebrow, followed by Vaggie holding a platter with a expensive looking China tea set as well as biscuits and other sweets, a soft smile on her face as she gazed at her lover, her mood brighten by her enthusiasm and upbeat energy. You peaked an eye open, only to find the demoness that had trapped you to the wall was missing. A confused exspression made its way onto your face. You slowly looked around in bewilderment, questioning if this whole thing had been a illusion only to see Lilith back were she had been previously, inspecting her nails as though there could ever be any imperfections. You looked up feeling your gaze on her and gave you a flirtatious smirk and a wink wiggling her fingers at you in a mocking wave.
"N-nothing Charlie I was just.... nothing" you said unfocused your narrowed gaze never leaving Lilith. "Oookayyyy" Charlie said slowly giving you a concerd side eye, her tone clearly indecating that she didn't believe a word of what you said. However she wouldn't push. You already looked uncomfortable and she appreciated all the effort you had put in to helping her, despite how much she knew you wanted to crawl back into your bed and yet you didn't, instead comforting her and helping setup the hotel for her mothers vist. You doing this more than proved that you were a good friend, that you cared and wanted to make her happy. All this truly touched her heart and in return she would do her absolut best to be a good friend to you. To make you happy, as happy as you can be in hell . Until you went to hevean that is, truthfully she knew that out of all the hotels residents that you were the most likely to be redeemed.
The day countinued normally, well as normal as it could be with a princess that was more hyper than usual and one of the most well known and powerful beings in hell being your guest. Other than that it was a completely ordinary day at the happy- Hazbin hotel you quickly reminded yourself that Alastor had changed the sign. You went on your way cleaning the hallways and rooms some more aged and worn than others. Honestly it was a bloody mystery to you how this place hadn't crumbled to the ground after whatever amount of centuries it had been standing for. Yesterday you had stumbled upon a old door seemingly painted over by accident as it's design was that of the hotels wallpaper. However looking inside it wouldn't surprise you if this was a pharoahs tomb. The walls being stone and wall torches lighting up the small space, reveling hanging moss on the ceiling and ancient wall art covering the walls. Depicting what you assumed were gods. It was as if you had discovered a portal to the human world, witch just happened to lead into a pyramid. That was indication enough that this place had been around much longer than you had originally thought and had gone through alot of change throughout the centuries. If you had to guess you'd say that the hotel was being held together by magic or some really good foundations, probably the former though. You stopped, suddenly brought out of your thoughts by a blurring in your eyes . You yawed, black dots begining to appear in your vision. Your head becoming heavier with each step you took. You thought about climbing into your snug bed and letting the sandman take you away to dreamland. The idea was incredibly tempting, a lazy smile growing on your face. Surely charlie wouldn't mind,you had afterall helped set up everything for her guest whom she was happily singing with now. If there were any issues Alastor was there and was more than qualified to help than you were with his "Voodoo".
With that thought you had reached your room, collapsing onto you large bed. Climbing under the covers filling you with warmth and comfort. The sound of your gentle snores echoing off the walls as you drifted to sleep.
You awoke to the sound of soft humming and the feeling of a hand gentely running through your hair. You tried not to tense, as to alert the intruder to your conscious state. You were on your side facing away from the them, you eyes were closed. Confusion coursed through your blurry mind and although you hated to admit it you were afraid, even if thier tochues were gentel you couldn't just trust them not to harm you. Your head was no longer resting on a large fluffy pillow but instead what seemed to be a warm clothed lap. You pretend to be asleep clenching your eyes shut trying to form a plan, hoping that you were fooling the other demon in the room. However a sudden pause in humming and a soft sigh told you that you weren't in the slightest. You shiverd when you felt a finger trail down your tail bone and a low familiar voice purred out. "Dearest I know your awake" you froze your mind snapping out of its dozzy state instantaneously. This isn't my room. Was the first thing that popped into your head upon hesitantly opening your eyes. The walls were decorated with various patterns and the bed you were on was incredibly soft the covers being a deep crimson with multiple pillows ranging in size and shape surrounding you. You made a noise when you felt a hand tilt you head up and you found yourself looking into the silver eyes of Lilith.
"It's rude not to look at your queen my sweet" she said trailing a finger down the side of your face before smiling and playfully tapping your nose "but I'll forgive you this time...only because I love you so much" you chocked not at all especting those words. You wonderd if this was just a strange dream, if so you were ready to wake up now. "L-love" you stuttered bewildered it seems you had finally lost you damm mind. You looked around once more "wait...were am I" you asked leaning up on your hands. "Why in our home of course! I truly do wish you love it" Lilith beemed excitedly at you. You looked at her as if she had lost her mind, desperately trying to move off the bed. "W-while i-im quite..... flattered that you feel that way about.... me I have to decline your a-affections" you stuttered slowly backing away from the bed, your gaze never leaving Lilith, watching her every move with a intensity that could burn through walls, like a lamb waiting for the lion to pounce. Lilith smiled tilting her head to the side confused before sliding of the bed and walking towards you with all the elegance of a swan. " Are you rejecting my love dearest... are you rejecting me" although it was said with a calm tone there was something else there, something dangerous. "We-well y-yes" you gulped and looked back when your back hit the door. You jumped when Lilith slamed her hands on the wall of each side of your head causing splinters to go flying. Her eyes were narrowed and her mouth was set in a straight line. She leaned down to be face to face with you, her eyes a glowing pink, the colour of lust in witch she was the embodiment of. Her next words were spoken with a sickening sweetness "aww it's simply adorable! how you think you have a choice" She laughed gentely all the while her nails dugg into the wall causing you to flinch. She grabbed your chin and before you could say anything kissed you with a force that could have made you pass out, forcing her tung into your mouth and exsploring her territory. When she pulled away she looked into your eyes and held you close "your mine love and my alone forever I love you and I know you'll love me that you do love me" she paused for a second before gripping you tightly, the sweetness gone from her voice replaced with a vicious growl placing her mouth at your ear "and for your sake I hope you don't forget that escape attempts no denail of my you understand" you could only nodd helplessly as you began biting down towards your neck.
----------------------flashback end----------------
This all lead to where you were now, tide down on the same bed bloody and terrified, a monster in the skin of a beautiful creature leaning above you with a loving smile and crule eyes. All this because of a failed attempt at leaving, you weren't escaping you were going to come back, you swore it on god but she didn't listen, she didn't need to listen. In her mind you had tried to leave to leave her even after all her selfish loving deeds. How could you forgot that you belonged to her and her alone, were the marks that litterd your body not enough. This was ok though because to night she was going to make sure you remember and that you would never be able to forget.

"L-lilith please" you begged again "I wasn't leaving you I was going to come back I-i just wanted to check on the others... please i....I belong to know that" you said your last attempt at making her believe you. She smiled that terrifying sweet smile once again "oh sweetheart I know you belong to me....but do you" she said the last part glaring at you for but a second before continuing that disarming smile " but thats okay because your never going to forget again...not after tonight". You began shaking and thrashing more as you watched her pull a pure metal knife out of the drawer your breathing becoming more and more raggard. Normal blade wounds would heal however angel blades were fatal, being created to kill demons any injuries would be permanent. She cupped your cheek and hushed you trying to calm you as though she didn't have a knife right now. "Shhhh..shhh it's ok darling just relax this isn't a punishment.....just a lesson.
With that she began carving into your skin, your tortured screams would echo throughout hell all night into the morning.
Wow did not espect it to be that long but I kept getting new ideas and it grew. Anyway hope you enjoyed that sorry it took awhile. Maybe I should do a yandere angel lucifer or a angel X charlie Mafia au. We shall see won't we

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