A date at Lu Lu World: Lucifer X male/fem reader part 3

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"Hurry (y/n) the show is about to start!" 

You looked down amused, with a soft smile and raised eyebrow. As the supposedly king of Hell dragged you with the same giddyness of a child towards the largest stage in the park. Quite literally bouncing like an old Disney character.

It was cute, really it was. It took all your willpower and self-control combined to not snatch him up and cuddle him.

Especially when he was dressed so ridiculously like that.

He wore an apple themed hat, the googly eyes shaking with every movment he made.

Instead of the typical coat and vest. Today he wore a candy pink coloured shirt that had what looked to be the parks mascot depicted on it. It's arms wide open holding up a sign that said (HAVE A LU LU TIME) in bold buble font.

In his left hand he held a cone of fairy floss flavoured cotton candy that was almost if not as big as he was. There was evidence of several large bites having been taken due to the chunks missing in the massive cone and the obvious bits of the delicious candy that stuck to the park owners mouth and face. Standing out like a sore thumb.

Of course he didn't seem to be botherd by this or perhaps he just hadn't noticed it, being far too occupied with showing you absolutely everything the park had to offer even to the littlest detail.

He hadn't even noticed the rather noticeable bits of the cotton candy that had some how got stuck in his hair.

You weren't even sure how it got there.

Suddenly the memory of Lucifer eagerly stuffing his face in to the sticky treat immediately apoun receiving it while an array of confused park goers watched came to you.

A laugh bubled from your throat as you shook your head slowly from side to side.

Never mind.

"Ooo whats so funny dear?"

"Your face Luci"


Turning on his heel he met your gaze, giving you the most adorably confused look you'd ever seen on the man before.

You felt your left hand twitch by your side and your right hands grip tighten on his own. The sudden action caused and arched brow to raise at you and him to slightly tilt his head. The apple themed hat now indanger of falling of.

You let out a low breath calming yourself down enough not to coo and smother him mercilessly.

You cupped his cheeks softly, your heart swelling with happyniess when you felt the skin heat up under your touch in what you could tell was a deep blush.

You felt him frezze as you leaned forward. Being merely inches from his lips, his breath felt cool against your face. 
"(Y/n)?" You let out a soft Pur as a small confused wisper met your ears. A stutter more like. 

You watched as he closed his eyes with a growing sense of anticipation.

You planted a soft kiss on the side of his mouth, licking some of the remaining cotton candy up. A soft giggle escaped you when a high pitched noise of shock and suprise met your ears. You planted Several more kisses on his porcelain face, licking up the remaining bits of the soft candy.

When you were satisfied with your work you pressed a soft kiss to his nose.

Stepping back you held a hand to your mouth in a fruitless attempt to stuffel your Chuckling  at his annoyed expression. His arms were crossed with a rapidly tapping foot, looking closer you could se that he was bitting the inside of his cheek.

"There Luci Lu all clean!" You cheered being completely aware of cause of his annoyance.

You griped his hand softly, running your thumb over his knuckles.

"Now let's go watch this show your so egar about-"


Your eyes widen as you were pulled down and a pair of lips met with yours, molding almost instantly. You closed your eyes slowly. Allowing yourself to sink into the kiss more and more. A blush coated your cheeks as Lucifer's hands cupped them, you in return reached your owns hands up to rest upon his own.

After what seemed like centuries the two of you finally parted, resting your foreheads against each other.

"Now that was far more enjoyable, wouldn't you agree dear?"

You made a little noise of approval. Averting your gaze shyly from his own. The smugness was almost as thick in his voice as the cotton candy was in his hair.

"Good~, now! Lets us go we've got to get the best seats or the band won't see us waving!"

You let him run, dragging you along with him as happy laughter fell from your lips.

You didn't notice Lucifer look back you even if it was for just a second. He really wanted you to injoy your time here in a place that he had created. It was just a glimpse of what he could give you. He could only hope that if today went well than that tonight would go just as swimmingly.

Hesitantly he reached into his pocket, running a finger over the small box concealed within.

Hevans knew he needed all the help he could get.


I feel like that ways bit rushed. What do you guys think?.

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