because I love you to much:yandere Charlie X (fem/male) reader

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Charlie remember when you first met
Oh lord did she remember, branded into her mind for enternity. She remember the way you smiled so. shyly so kindly so... Sweetly at her your big bright (E/C) eyes shifting and a faint blush on your cheeks as you stuttered so cutely. The year was 1871 a typical Saturday morning, chaos in the streets and the scent on blood and fire was thick as sinners went about their day doing as they please,as was the intention of hell.. to be free with no limits and no moral bars to act without consequence... to sin. "Hell is not a prison and we are not wardens" her father had told her "rather it is a play pen and we are the ovseers and as the ovseers we make sure they stay in line remember Charlie dear, they aren't your friends and you must never take shit from any of them...never show weakness or they'll eat you alive". Charlie repeated her father's words in her mind as she walked down the street "there nothing but cruel,greedy and selfish and won't hesitate to drag you down to reach thier own goals" he had told her. Charlie frowed and shook her head that couldn't be true atleast not completely there had to be atleast one demon no person in hell that was as kind,sweet, gentle and thoughtful that was dare she say it...innocent the frown she had apon her face vanished replaced by a cheerful and hopeful smile as she continued on her way to her apartment having recently moved out of her parents Castle much to her mother's pride at her growing up and her father's dismay at seeing his beloved daughter leave the nest to leave him. She was deciding on what to make for dinner when she heard screaming. Her exspression became confused and panicked as she rapidly looked around only to gasp in shock her eyes widening at the site of a small (d/t) falling near by. She rushed towards the rapidly descending figure arms outstretched catching them just before they hit the ground. "Are you ok-" her concerd exspression went blank and her mouth hung open. The demon that she was currently holding in her arms was the most gorgeous creature she had ever seen far surpassing that of her ex her mother and even her father with his angelic features similar to that of a poreclin doll flawless and perfect. She watched your confused exspression turn to fear on the verge of crying at the shock and unfamiliarity. She tightened her arms around you at the fearful exspression on your face her heart aching. "What's your name?" She asked you gently as to not spook you, placing a hand on your shoulder for comfort. She swore her heart stopped at the sight of you blushing looking down at your feet your hands shifting nervously "y-y/n miss my name's y/n thank you very much for catching me you said slowly looking back up at her. Charlie felt a heavy blush adorn her cheeks and her mind freeze,for looking into your eyes she could see something so out of place so strange and other worldly here in hell...for looking into your eyes she saw pure untainted innocence. It was then she realised just how greatful she was to fate to have been the one to catch you because it was then she decided that now she had caught you she was NEVER going to let you go.

Charlie sighed happily at the memory it being her favourite for now. Her most favourite memory will be when you to marry binding yourselves together forever.She hummed happily and smiled sweetly down at you on her bed in the hotel,cuffs binding your hands to her bedpost. She layed down next you placing her nose into your neck and giggled "y/nnnnn" she said in a sing song voice. Emidently your head snapped to attention a nervous smile on your face mentally shaking. "Ye-yes char-sweetheart?" You answered quickly correcting yourself at the last moment knowing that Charlie gets upset when you didn't use pet names. She smiled larger at your use of her pet name gently placing a kiss to your neck and inhaling your scent "I just remembered when we first met...y/n my little fallen angle" "really? ah that..that was quite a time ago wasn't it" indeed it was she thought the year now being 2020 you two meeting in 1871 her taking you home and eventually making you fall in love with her as she was so helplessly in love with you, dating you, showering you with gifts and love at every chance,you meeting her parents,it went well they liked you and were kind she made sure of it,her deciding to make this hotel to help sinners finding redemption you being prove that innocent demons did in fact exist,the hotel being a success to everyones suprise she injoyed proving her father wrong and sticking it to that bitch Kati. However originally she made the hotel to mainly help you she realised incredibly quickly that she couldn't live without you anymore she tried she truly did to let you go only for her to snap and kill the angel escorts. She smiled at that because now no one could take you from her. Her y/n her sweet angel and world whom she'd kill anyone for. Roughly placing a kiss to your lips hungrily she relized that this was all because she simply LOVED YOU TO MUCH.

Anyway hope you guys liked that i would love feedback. I think ill do a lucifer X reader next if there's no requests because there's not Manny of them.

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